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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

First of all,RIP to the victims of this heinous attack.

Secondly,I have witnessed lot of hypocrisy on this thread. When someone commits a terror act in the name of Islam,you all come to say they do not represent Islam and muslims,they are a minority,while at the same time many post only to try to find justifications of their acts.

However here you have many people literally labelling all christians and white people as far right extremists terrorists,racists and what not,puting everyone in the same bag... Think about it.
just go through the comments at this 4chan thread

also read the comments from white men at this facebook post they are making jokes about death from their original handles

First of all,RIP to the victims of this heinous attack.

Secondly,I have witnessed lot of hypocrisy on this thread. When someone commits a terror act in the name of Islam,you all come to say they do not represent Islam and muslims,they are a minority,while at the same time many post only to try to find justifications of their acts.

However here you have many people literally labelling all christians and white people as far right extremists terrorists,racists and what not,puting everyone in the same bag... Think about it.
just go through the comments at this 4chan thread

also read the comments from white men at this facebook post they are making jokes about death from their original handles
2 Pakistanis were killed by an Australian terrorist should we judge all Ozzie's by the act of that person?

First of all,RIP to the victims of this heinous attack.

Secondly,I have witnessed lot of hypocrisy on this thread. When someone commits a terror act in the name of Islam,you all come to say they do not represent Islam and muslims,they are a minority,while at the same time many post only to try to find justifications of their acts.

However here you have many people literally labelling all christians and white people as far right extremists terrorists,racists and what not,puting everyone in the same bag... Think about it.
Getting judged by actions of violent people who share your nationality or religion you don't support hmm can't relate
We must exclude these from the west -

  • Gays
  • Lesbians
  • blasphemers
  • heretics
  • alcohol drinkers
  • undecently dressed women including uncovered heads
  • interest
  • Jewish bankers [please @Azadkashmir]
  • mixed sex schools
  • sex education
And then apply partly or fully

  • Sharia law including
  • declaring sovereignty in Allah.
  • rule by a just Muslim leader as calipha
This would be a true Islamic caliphate in the west.
What happened to you? :enjoy:
A thousand times better then the namak harm sitting in their government

You are made of the same cloth he is. Anyone that follows your movements on PDF know that fact very well. May God deal with your kind in a way to which you become an example of destruction for the rest of the world.

lol at God religion is the cause of all the suffering in the world, Muslims and Christians are the worst of the lot, religion in all its forms is brutal if you believe in fairy tales that's your business, just don't try and enforce it on the rest of us.
lol at God religion is the cause of all the suffering in the world, Muslims and Christians are the worst of the lot, religion in all its forms is brutal if you believe in fairy tales that's your business, just don't try and enforce it on the rest of us.


Let's think of it another way

Scientists developed nukes that killed thousands in Japan. Educated, secular, white scientists. They knew full well what they were doing.

What religion was Hitler?

Christians far worse than anything Muslim have done...let's be honest with this one.

Slave trade
Massacred native Americans (north and south)
Massacred aboriginal
Massacred Africans
Massacred Indians

Mostly under empire....British...French...Spanish...Dutch.

America has been at a state of constant war for decades.

Yes Truth the only defene.

Let's think of it another way

Scientists developed nukes that killed thousands in Japan. Educated, secular, white scientists. They knew full well what they were doing.

What religion was Hitler?

Christians far worse than anything Muslim have done...let's be honest with this one.

Slave trade
Massacred native Americans (north and south)
Massacred aboriginal
Massacred Africans
Massacred Indians

Mostly under empire....British...French...Spanish...Dutch.

America has been at a state of constant war for decades.

Yes Truth the only defene.

Bro come on Japan was pretty brutal man in ww2 look what they did they make Isis even this far right terrorist look like a school child.

Hiroshima cant be justified but Japan has to be one of the most brutal nations in ww2 there is no words to describe their atrocities.
First of all,RIP to the victims of this heinous attack.

Secondly,I have witnessed lot of hypocrisy on this thread. When someone commits a terror act in the name of Islam,you all come to say they do not represent Islam and muslims,they are a minority,while at the same time many post only to try to find justifications of their acts.

However here you have many people literally labelling all christians and white people as far right extremists terrorists,racists and what not,puting everyone in the same bag... Think about it.

Exactly, Whats scary is few seemingly closeted extremists are even covertly advocating retaliatory action in these very pages.. Hate begets hate.. I know emotions are running high but i Hope the Moderators are keeping a close watch

@waz @The Eagle @WebMaster

This is because you guys are protecting the attackers by not calling them terrorists

Like ??

Every political leader with an iota of decency from across the globe have condemned this dastardly act as terrorism and openly called the perpetrator a Terrorist.. I think you just validated what @Vergennes just highlighted
just go through the comments at this 4chan thread

also read the comments from white men at this facebook post they are making jokes about death from their original handles

just go through the comments at this 4chan thread

also read the comments from white men at this facebook post they are making jokes about death from their original handles

It has begun folks.
Well said. We must keep in mind that these type of monsters want us to see the world along white/brown/yellow/black divisions. As a big fcuk you to these people we must react by seeing all of us as humans. There is good and bad everywhere. People like this shooter want us to look at the world through this divide prism. We must not given in to them. Where I live I have white neighbours and I know I can depend on them for my safety.

Well said.. I'm quoting

Terrorists come in all colors, religions and race, The biggest mistake we make is not calling it Terrorism until it affect's us
lol at God religion is the cause of all the suffering in the world, Muslims and Christians are the worst of the lot, religion in all its forms is brutal if you believe in fairy tales that's your business, just don't try and enforce it on the rest of us.

Going to mosque for Friday prayers is not enforcing Islam onto you. Those worshippers were minding their own business.

I am sick and fvcking tired of this fallacy argument. No one is imposing anything on anyone.

All you have to do now is go to social media and see how the killers are celebrating the deaths of innocent children, women and men. It is everywhere on the internet.

Stop blaming religion. White supremacy has nothing to do with religion.
While I can agree with your point. The media is presenting a face unseen....

"How did this blonde boy go from fun loving to mass killer?"

"Lost his way after his father passed...'

Media will always try and make it sensationalist as possible, Find stories to sell.. Especially the so called Western liberal media.. But they dont represent the vast majority of the people around the world nor their govts
Media will always try and make it sensationalist as possible, Find stories to sell.. Especially the so called Western liberal media.. But they dont represent the vast majority of the people around the world nor their govts

You don’t need the majority to kill innocent women and children. The minority will suffice.
You don’t need the majority to kill innocent women and children. The minority will suffice.

Well yes it's a truth of both sides of the equation when it comes to extremists.. And that exactly what @Vergennes post is all about generalizing whole communities for the act of a few, This thread has a more than few posts doing just that
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