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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

July 22, 2011: Norweigan neo-nazi Anders Breivik murders 77 people in Oslo and Utøya.

September 18, 2013: Greek anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas is murdered by members of far-right political party Golden Dawn.

June 27, 2015: White supremacist Dylann Roof murders 9 and injures 1 in a black church in Charleston, SC, hoping to start a race war.

January 28, 2017: Man sets fire to a mosque in Victoria, Texas.

January 29, 2017: Man opens fire in Mosque in Quebec City, killing 6 and wounding 19. The killer expressed anti-immigrant views and was obsessed with right wing figures such as Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham.

February 2017: Man from Conway, SC, inspired by Dylann Roof, purchases guns after telling an FBI agent he wanted to buy one to carry out anti-Muslim, antisemetic, and racist acts of violence.

February 22, 2017: Olathe, KS man murders one Indian man and injures another after telling them to "Get out of my country."

March 20, 2017: Man stabs a black man to death after traveling to New York City to hunt down and kill black men for "eroding the white race" by race-mixing, carrying out the murder in hopes to scare black men from engaging in interracial relationships with white women.

May 20, 2017: White University of Maryland student murders a black student for seemingly no reason. He was known to post Neo-Nazi material on Facebook.

May 22, 2017: Man in Portland, Oregon, murders two men by stabbing and injures another for stepping in after harassing two Muslim women on a train, telling them to "go back to their country"

May 2017: A member of Atomwaffen Division, a neo-nazi group, arrested for possession of multiple bombs.

August 11-12, 2017: Various far right wing groups meet in Charlottesville, Virginia in protest of removal of a Lee statue. 14 people injured during attacks by these right-wingers, multiple chants about murdering minorities, including "Black Lives Splatter" and "Gas the K*kes", all culminating in the infamous vehicle attack killing Heather Heyer and injuring 19 others.

August 12, 2017: Sayre, OK man arrested for attempting to detonate a car bomb in Oklahoma City. He supported the III% ideology, virulently anti-Muslim.

September 2017: White supremacist murders a black man in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

December 4, 2017: Man is arrested for planning to carry out a mass shooting at the Islamic Center of Northeast Florida.

December 17, 2017: Man disguises himself as a high school student in New Mexico to kill two students in a hallway before taking his own life. He was active on Daily Stormer and had a swastika drawn on his body.

December 22, 2017: Atomwaffen member murders his girlfriend's parents for not wanting her to date him over the fact that he's a neo-nazi.

January 2, 2018: Another Atomwaffen Division member murders a gay Jewish college student.

February 14, 2018: 17 people are murdered and 17 injured in a Parkland, FL high school by a man with swastikas carved into his gun magazines. It was also later discovered that he had expressed far-right, antisemetic, xenophobic and homophobic views in an Instagram group chat.

April 19, 2018: Orange County, CA man arrested for violently threatening Jews; searches of his home uncovered antisemetic literature, kill lists, ammunition, and a document titled "How to Kill My First Jew."

July 4, 2018: 91-year-old Mexican man attacked with brick in Los Angeles, told to "Go back to your own country"

July 14, 2018: KKK and Aryan Nation member in Shawnee, Kansas, who regularly donned Confederate flag apparel and had a swastika tattoo, murders a 43-year-old black woman.

October 22-November 1, 2018: Man dubbed "MAGABomber" in Fort Lauderdale, FL, attempts to murder multiple politicians by mailing sixteen pipe bombs to their homes.

October 24, 2018: Man murders two black people in a grocery store in Kentucky after attempting to enter a predominantly black church, presumably to carry out a mass murder.

October 27, 2018: White supremacist neo-nazi murders 11 Jews and injures an additional 7 in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA, after many online posts about wanting to do it.

November 2, 2018: Right-winger murders 2 and injures 4 in a yoga studio in Tallahassee, FL

February 20, 2019: Coast Guard Lieutenant from Maryland arrested for plotting to kill multiple politicians.

March 15, 2019: White supremacist live streams himself murdering as many people as possible in a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. Numbers still unknown.

Remind me again who the real terrorists are???

People (and I hesitate to use that word) like @TruthTheOnlyDefense (also an auzzie white supremacist) are the real enemies of humanity.

all the culprits in the above incidents are bad. call them white christian terrorists

count the death toll from taliban terrorist attacks in afghanistan
count the death toll from ISIS war in Iraq or Syria
Alhamdullillah my family is safe in NZ , but one of my friends dad who was imam and came from Fiji died.

NZ is one of least racist nation in world. however bad people are everywhere in world.

:( Really sorry to hear about your friends father. It's good your family is safe.

I like to think our country is not racist, it's not perfect but its generally an open minded and tolerant nation. Which is why this Tarrant guy chose to conduct his attack here I suppose.
I always liked New Zealand and found it one of the most tolerate countries in the world where majority of population is pro human. This is a very bad act and probably designed to damage the image and destroy the tolerant social fabric of the country. I hope they get control of the situation and justice prevails. I know there is no place in New Zealand for such terrorist and they will make sure of it.

Multiple explosives have also been defused in the area.

It's the result of western media's around the clock Islamphobia coverage by the day, brainwashed guys do extreme acts. Why China never ever had religion oriented hate crimes? Cause Chinese media never tries to demonize any religions and always promotes harmony and peaceful coexistence.
Last edited:
all the culprits in the above incidents are bad. call them white christian terrorists

count the death toll from taliban terrorist attacks in afghanistan
count the death toll from ISIS war in Iraq or Syria

The taliban and isis are products of the white mind; created and trained by the same people.
all the culprits in the above incidents are bad. call them white christian terrorists

count the death toll from taliban terrorist attacks in afghanistan
count the death toll from ISIS war in Iraq or Syria

Those Terrorist groups are a shame on upon Islam and Humanity same with these right wing wack jobs who are a shame upon white people and humanity.
Ir'a the result of western media's around the clock Islamphobia coverage by the day, brainwashed guys do extreme acts. Why China never ever had religion oriented hate crimes? Cause Chinese media never tries to demonize any religions and always promotes harmony and peaceful coexistence.

I don't think this effect of media. You can get a lone wolf attack because of media. The situation in New Zealand seems more coordinate as it involves more shooters and weapons and explosives. Such resources are hard to aquire by media brain washed people only. This seems foreign intervention. Many countries hate New Zealand because they are pro Palestine and raised voice on Kashmir issue. Plus they have positive refugee policy.
WhatsApp Image 2019-03-15 at 10.31.58.jpeg
Not Specific
But Every country specially developed countries should Expending their intelligence source system. Because every year such attacks killed many people's around the world.
Quality & Quantity both are efficient formulas in security system.
My condolences to effected families. [emoji22]
40 people killed, more than 20 injured in shootings at 2 New Zealand mosques
AFP | APUpdated March 15, 2019
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Police attempt to clear people from outside a mosque in central Christchurch, New Zealand, Friday, March 15, 2019. — AP

Forty people have been killed and 27 injured in mass shootings at two mosques full of worshippers attending Friday prayers, said New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, calling it one of the country's "darkest days”.

This can "only be described as a terrorist attack", she said in a second press conference following the shootings, adding that the national security level has been changed from low to "high".

  • Man who claimed responsibility is a 28-year-old Australian
  • 4 people, including a woman, taken into custody
  • Multiple explosives found and defused
  • Bangladesh cricket team flee site, 3rd Test cancelled
  • Video of shootings reportedly recorded by attacker shared on social media
Authorities detained four people and defused explosive devices in what appeared to be a carefully planned attack.

Police took three men and a woman into custody after the shootings, which shocked people across the nation of 5 million people. Authorities have not elaborated on who they detained. But a man who claimed responsibility for the shootings left a 74-page anti-immigrant manifesto in which he explained who he was and his reasoning for his actions.

The man who claimed responsibility for the shooting said he was 28-year-old white Australian who came to New Zealand only to plan and train for the attack. He said he was not a member of any organisation, but had donated to and interacted with many nationalist groups, though he acted alone and no group ordered the attack.

He said that the mosques in Christchurch and Linwood would be the targets, as would a third mosque in the town of Ashburton if he could make it there. He said he chose New Zealand because of its location, to show that even the most remote parts of the world were not free of "mass immigration". New Zealand is generally considered to be a welcoming country for immigrants and refugees.

Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed that an Australian citizen had been arrested in connection with New Zealand's mosque shootings.

Police urge citizens to stay indoors
The mosques — Masjid al Noor in central Christchurch and the other one in suburban Linwood — were packed with worshippers, and members of the Bangladesh cricket team were arriving when the shooter opened fire.

Police urged people to stay indoors and not to visit mosques "anywhere in New Zealand" as they tried to determine if more than one gunman was involved.

A Palestinian man in the mosque, who did not want to give his name, said he saw a man shot in the head.

"I heard three quick shots then after about 10 seconds it started again it must have been an automatic no one could pull a trigger that quick," he told AFP.

"Then people started running out. Some were covered in blood."

Police Commissioner Mike Bush said he could not confirm how many casualties have taken place but the local media placed the death toll at 27.

New Zealand police said four people, including one woman, were taken into custody in connection to shootings at the two mosques.

Multiple improvised explosive devices, that were found on vehicles after the shootings, were defused, police said.

Bush did not confirm if authorities were treating the shooting as a terror attack but said that: "It does not get more serious than this."

He refused to provide any details regarding the situation but warned against assuming that the danger had passed.

"We are not aware of other people, but we cannot assume there are not others at large," he told the press.

The South Island city was placed in lockdown as police hunted for an “active shooter".

Unconfirmed reports said the shooter was wearing military-style clothing. According to the BBC, an unverified video has emerged on social media that was reportedly recorded by the attacker during the shooting.

'Unprecedented act of violence'

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern addresses a press conference after the shooting. — Photo courtesy: BBC screengrab

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the incident as an "unprecedented act of violence".

"I would describe it as an unprecedented act of violence. An act that has absolutely no place in New Zealand. This is not who we are," she said in a press conference.

"It I can tell you now this is and will be one of New Zealand's darkest days."

Ardern confirmed that one person had been taken under custody. She alluded to anti-immigrant sentiment as the possible motive, saying that while many people affected by the shootings may be migrants or refugees “they have chosen to make New Zealand their home, and it is their home. They are us. The person who has perpetuated this violence against us is not”.

'Blood everywhere'
One witness told stuff.co.nz he was praying in the Deans Ave mosque when he heard shooting and saw his wife lying dead on the footpath outside when he fled. Another man said he saw children being shot.


People stand across the road from a mosque in central Christchurch. — AP

“There were bodies all over me,” he said.

Local media said another mosque had been evacuated.

An eyewitness told Radio New Zealand he heard shots fired and four people were lying on the ground, with “blood everywhere”.

Police commissioner Mike Bush said all schools in the city had been placed in lockdown in response to “a serious ongoing firearms incident”.

“Police urge anyone in central Christchurch to stay off the streets and report any suspicious behaviour,” he said in a statement.

Central city buildings, including the Civic Offices and Central Library, were also locked down.

The city council offered a helpline for parents looking for kids attending a mass climate change rally nearby.

“Please do not try and come and collect your children until police say it is safe for people to come into the central city,” they said.

In the aftermath of the shooting, the Test match between New Zealand and Bangladesh that was due to take place tomorrow in Christchurch was cancelled.

Mass shootings are rare in New Zealand, which tightened its gun laws to restrict access to semi-automatic rifles in 1992, two years after a mentally disturbed man shot dead 13 people in the South Island town of Aramoana.

However, anyone over 16 can apply for a standard firearms licence after doing a safety course, which allows them to purchase and use a shotgun unsupervised.

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