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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

What a sad day for Muslim community.

It's a sad day for humanity.. What a hateful world we live in.. RIP all the innocent soul's affected.. NZ is a wonderful place with wonderful people, It's just that this b@stard chose a soft target

Kia Kaha !! Kiwi people
all the culprits in the above incidents are bad. call them white christian terrorists

count the death toll from taliban terrorist attacks in afghanistan
count the death toll from ISIS war in Iraq or Syria

Would be negligible when compared to the death toll from US invasions of Iraq alone, won't even have to add Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and many many other countries of the world. But the biggest, the real terrorist cannot really be called terrorist because nobody wants to give it the opportunity to terrorize them.
so what is the religion of terrorist ??? why no one is questioning this time ????????????
"Bush did not confirm if authorities were treating the shooting as a terror attack but said that: "It does not get more serious than this."

Bigotry at its best!
The attacker's name must be "Ahmed", "Abdullah" so that a smallest of knife's attack be classified as "terror attack". And the incident remains in news for at least a week or so.

But if attackers name is "Christoph", "Anand", "Thomas" and dozens of people die, who happen to be Muslims or may be Russians, then it is, oh well, just some "shootings" and after a day or two the guy disappears from the news because he had some mental problems.

We need strong media to fight this bigotry and propaganda war!!!
Six Indonesians inside attacked New Zealand mosque: Foreign Ministry
  • Agnes Anya
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Fri, March 15, 2019 / 12:54 pm
An injured person is loaded into an ambulance following a shooting at the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Friday. (REUTERS/SNPA/Martin Hunter )
Six Indonesians were praying at Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, when a gunman opened fire on worshipers on Friday, the Foreign Ministry has said.

Dozens are believed dead, according to news reports.

Three Indonesian men were able to escape the shooting, but the whereabouts of the other three remain unknown, Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi said in Jakarta on Friday.

The minister has been coordinating with Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand Tantowi Yahya to monitor the situation.

"A team from the embassy has been dispatched to Christchurch to seek information on our people who happened to be in the mosque, particularly the three who still cannot be contacted, " she said.

She added that the shooting occurred at 13:40 local time when Muslim men were performing Friday prayers at the mosque.

"In the meantime, we have yet to receive any information on the identity of the perpetrators, as well as their motives," she said.

According to Retno, there are 330 Indonesians living in Christchurch, 130 of whom are students.

An attack on two crowded mosques during Friday prayers left multiple people dead, police said as quoted by AFP, on what Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described as "one of New Zealand's darkest days".

Witnesses spoke of seeing bloodied bodies, with children also believed to be among the dead, and police warned of "extremely distressing footage" of the incident circulating on the internet.

Police said four people – three men and a woman – had been taken into custody, and that they had found and neutralized a number of improved explosive devices (IEDs).

but kahin websites pr 40 killed araha hai
Have you ever heard of the phrase " Shah se zayda shah ke wafadar " ? That's who he is ..if Muslim kill Non Muslims he blame Muslims, if Muslims kill other Muslims he blame Muslims, if non Muslims kill Muslims he blame Muslims , if non Muslims kill Non Muslims he blame Muslims .
He wants refuge...

Not just "Shootings".

The Western controlled media will try its level best to play down this heinous act of terrorism as mere "shootings", but we must not let it die down as such.

Terrorism is terrorism, no matter who carries the attack.
This is a racist thread. There are many White muslims too. I am sure they will get hurt when you judge them due to skin colour only.
We shouldn’t call out him because of his skin color. It is just racist.

Many NZ people are giving support to all the Muslims in this hard time. I am sure there will be protests soon in the region with thousands staging support against Islamaphobic Extremism.
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