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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

A good start would be to stop being racists as we all know aussies are racists of the highest order. The shooter here was an aussie . Not surprised.

Oh and another suggestion stop invading other countries so that you dont get refugees.
All Asian need to colonized Australia and turn white into the minority. Asia for Asian, no place for any white men in Asia.
This is terrorism committed by a white man, but unfortunately, a lot of people around the world have seen what Muslims do to others.

They come to the West and try and impose their laws, they betray the countries that give them everything, these Jihadi brides who support terrorist groups, but then want to return to Australia when things are bad.

This is going to happen more and more and if Muslims can't see this then it will be very bad, to all Muslims do not come to the West go and live happily in your wonderful, rich, clean, safe countries the West is no longer safe.

Basically, you and other rednecks have been mind fucked into believing that maiming and killing millions of men, women and children from the air using advanced Jets, Bombers and missiles is very peaceful but a man blowing himself up is very very cruel.

You and other rednecks have been brain raped into believing that your countries go to war in Muslim countries for the aid of Americans where Americans kill millions upon millions and wreak havoc in entire countries, decimating what little infrastructure those backwards countries have just so that American interests in Oil and Minerals are protected and that somehow all that is justified. You ******** are led to believe that it is ok to kill innocent civilians as long as they are Muslims because some Muslims are fighting your invading forces in their countries!!!

I too am an Australian and I am pissed that my Government decided to participate in American wars where we had nothing to gain and everything to lose and because of that evil decision, Australians do not feel safe. My fellow countrymen gave sacrifices for the ill intention of a few in Government.

And that's a good thing, we don't want it.

I too am a Citizen by grant, I was conferred Citizenship not just because I wanted it but also because Australia WANTED ME!! Australia needs trained resources from all over the world and that is what makes her such a lovely, tolerant place. But I guess bigots like you are the reason why even Australia is not safe any more.
The guy is a racist and a terrorist, but don't tell me Muslims haven't done the same thing, I don't see why you guys come to the West and then talk shit about the West and want your own laws etc. Just stay in your countries, where it's safe and wonderful.

Well I will write it again for you. Stop invading their lands. Nobody talks shit about the west. Its a good thing you have immigrants in Australia otherwise majority of you are high school drop outs with very low IQ. Your country runs on skilled immigrants.
This stuff that he parroted is the same thing that isis and al qaeda parrot too by saying we need to punish westerners and christians because of the crusades and colonialism.

This is dangerous stuff if we are justifying this stuff due to what has happened 500 years or 100 years ago for the sins of our fathers is not good at all man.

African enslavement by Europeans ypu even some ultra radical black nationalists who say that even white babies should be killed because of the slavery they done to us im looking at the new black panther party in the usa.

he is complaining about ongoing migration of muslims into europe and australia

All Asian need to colonized Australia and turn white into the minority. Asia for Asian, no place for any white men in Asia.
australia isn't asia
Alhamdullillah my family is safe in NZ , but one of my friends dad who was imam and came from Fiji died.

NZ is one of least racist nation in world. however bad people are everywhere in world.
The guy is a racist and a terrorist, but don't tell me Muslims haven't done the same thing, I don't see why you guys come to the West and then talk shit about the West and want your own laws etc. Just stay in your countries, where it's safe and wonderful.

1.) Most people here aren't from the West
2.) Many of Muslims in the West are born there
3.) Many of those Muslims do not dislike where they were born
4.) You are responsible for your immigration policy
5.) There are billions of people in this world, you will run into many different opinions. It's not black and white. And most opinions don't harm you.
July 22, 2011: Norweigan neo-nazi Anders Breivik murders 77 people in Oslo and Utøya.

September 18, 2013: Greek anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas is murdered by members of far-right political party Golden Dawn.

June 27, 2015: White supremacist Dylann Roof murders 9 and injures 1 in a black church in Charleston, SC, hoping to start a race war.

January 28, 2017: Man sets fire to a mosque in Victoria, Texas.

January 29, 2017: Man opens fire in Mosque in Quebec City, killing 6 and wounding 19. The killer expressed anti-immigrant views and was obsessed with right wing figures such as Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham.

February 2017: Man from Conway, SC, inspired by Dylann Roof, purchases guns after telling an FBI agent he wanted to buy one to carry out anti-Muslim, antisemetic, and racist acts of violence.

February 22, 2017: Olathe, KS man murders one Indian man and injures another after telling them to "Get out of my country."

March 20, 2017: Man stabs a black man to death after traveling to New York City to hunt down and kill black men for "eroding the white race" by race-mixing, carrying out the murder in hopes to scare black men from engaging in interracial relationships with white women.

May 20, 2017: White University of Maryland student murders a black student for seemingly no reason. He was known to post Neo-Nazi material on Facebook.

May 22, 2017: Man in Portland, Oregon, murders two men by stabbing and injures another for stepping in after harassing two Muslim women on a train, telling them to "go back to their country"

May 2017: A member of Atomwaffen Division, a neo-nazi group, arrested for possession of multiple bombs.

August 11-12, 2017: Various far right wing groups meet in Charlottesville, Virginia in protest of removal of a Lee statue. 14 people injured during attacks by these right-wingers, multiple chants about murdering minorities, including "Black Lives Splatter" and "Gas the K*kes", all culminating in the infamous vehicle attack killing Heather Heyer and injuring 19 others.

August 12, 2017: Sayre, OK man arrested for attempting to detonate a car bomb in Oklahoma City. He supported the III% ideology, virulently anti-Muslim.

September 2017: White supremacist murders a black man in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

December 4, 2017: Man is arrested for planning to carry out a mass shooting at the Islamic Center of Northeast Florida.

December 17, 2017: Man disguises himself as a high school student in New Mexico to kill two students in a hallway before taking his own life. He was active on Daily Stormer and had a swastika drawn on his body.

December 22, 2017: Atomwaffen member murders his girlfriend's parents for not wanting her to date him over the fact that he's a neo-nazi.

January 2, 2018: Another Atomwaffen Division member murders a gay Jewish college student.

February 14, 2018: 17 people are murdered and 17 injured in a Parkland, FL high school by a man with swastikas carved into his gun magazines. It was also later discovered that he had expressed far-right, antisemetic, xenophobic and homophobic views in an Instagram group chat.

April 19, 2018: Orange County, CA man arrested for violently threatening Jews; searches of his home uncovered antisemetic literature, kill lists, ammunition, and a document titled "How to Kill My First Jew."

July 4, 2018: 91-year-old Mexican man attacked with brick in Los Angeles, told to "Go back to your own country"

July 14, 2018: KKK and Aryan Nation member in Shawnee, Kansas, who regularly donned Confederate flag apparel and had a swastika tattoo, murders a 43-year-old black woman.

October 22-November 1, 2018: Man dubbed "MAGABomber" in Fort Lauderdale, FL, attempts to murder multiple politicians by mailing sixteen pipe bombs to their homes.

October 24, 2018: Man murders two black people in a grocery store in Kentucky after attempting to enter a predominantly black church, presumably to carry out a mass murder.

October 27, 2018: White supremacist neo-nazi murders 11 Jews and injures an additional 7 in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA, after many online posts about wanting to do it.

November 2, 2018: Right-winger murders 2 and injures 4 in a yoga studio in Tallahassee, FL

February 20, 2019: Coast Guard Lieutenant from Maryland arrested for plotting to kill multiple politicians.

March 15, 2019: White supremacist live streams himself murdering as many people as possible in a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. Numbers still unknown.

Remind me again who the real terrorists are???

People (and I hesitate to use that word) like @TruthTheOnlyDefense (also an auzzie white supremacist) are the real enemies of humanity.
That's what happens when you suck balls of western peoples. White peoples are worst creatures when it comes to killing just take a look on history.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Condolences to all families, may ALLAH S.W.T. accept the shahadat of all our brothers and reward them with the highest reward in Jannah as it happened during Friday prayer and provide strength to their families to bear the precious
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