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cringe master

Aug 28, 2018
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there are many types

Indus warriors:
Indus warriors are now moving away from religion and try to find national spirit in Indus Bond that runs across Pakistan, it might be histrionically flawed or over simplified but every narrative is tempered in certain way to suit agendas. And agenda in this case is a indus Pakistan.
punjab , sindh, pashtun and baloch culture and language is quite different but are integrated with great indus civilization. Indus warriors are trying to unit them based on the historical indus region instead of religion.
Indus warriors are racist toward Gangu warriors

Gangu warriors:
These are saffron fanatics of India with countless fake ids and usually follow a racist ideology called hindutva and claim from bangladesh to afghanistan is hindu land
‘Ancient Italy was a Hindu country and the Pope, was a Hindu priest.’

‘English is a dialect of Sanskrit.’

Ancient England too was ‘a Hindu country.’

pajeet warriors:
These are usually harmless indian memebrs and often try to act as unbiased but in most cases they are just buying time before typical gangu outburst and getting banned.

Iranians and central asian Warriors:
these are our own typical **** warriors and most cringe of all. They claim they are Iranian, arabs and central asian and have nothing to do with south asia. They will make big claims about them or their ancestors. Some start claiming to be the heirs of great and highly regarded dynasties and famous persons. They will hate it when some one will compare them to indians and are usually punjabis and sindhis.

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Pdf members character study

there are many types

Indus warriors:
Indus warriors are now moving away from religion and try to find national spirit in Indus Bond that runs across Pakistan, it might be histrionically flawed or over simplified but every narrative is tempered in certain way to suit agendas. And agenda in this case is a indus Pakistan.
punjab , sindh, pashtun and baloch culture and language is quite different but are integrated with great indus civilization. Indus warriors are trying to unit them based on the historical indus region instead of religion.
Indus warriors are racist toward Gangu warriors

Gangu warriors:
These are saffron fanatics of India with countless fake ids and usually follow a racist ideology called hindutva and claim from bangladesh to afghanistan is hindu land
‘Ancient Italy was a Hindu country and the Pope, was a Hindu priest.’

‘English is a dialect of Sanskrit.’

Ancient England too was ‘a Hindu country.’

pajeet warriors:
These are usually harmless indian memebrs and often try to act as unbiased but in most cases they are just buying time before typical gangu outburst and getting banned.

Iranians and central asian Warriors:
these are our own typical **** warriors and most cringe of all. They claim they are Iranian, arabs and central asian and have nothing to do with south asia. They will make big claims about them or their ancestors. Some start claiming to be the heirs of great and highly regarded dynasties and famous persons. They will hate it when some one will compare them to indians and are usually punjabis and sindhis.

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Oho!! a documentary on PDF David Attenborough style:woot:.
Might I suggest one:

The eternal warriors:

These are the hidden heroes, the sons of soil(not necessarily in the country they rabidly defend) always fighting for the percieved defence and glory of their motherland. Internet is a wide ranging battlefield, and they are ever vigilant. No hardships such as rhyme, reason or even coherence can deter them for they will only stop at nothing less than total victory(on the internet ofcourse) and then promptly start infighting amongst themselves over who's vision is more correct.
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I am the best warrior on this website. Period!

My favorite type 'We Wuz Arab, Persian, Moghul and Turks' warriors who ruled over Hindus for 1200 years.

Descendants of native converts who bore the most brunt of invasions now claim to be the rulers and their descendants.

We Wuz.... Warriors can be both Indus and Gangu Muslim warriors
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I am the best warrior on this website. Period!

My favorite type 'We Wuz Arab, Persian, Moghul and Turks' warriors who ruled over Hindus for 1200 years.

Descendants of native converts who bore the most brunt of invasions now claim to be the rulers and their descendants.

We Wuz.... Warriors can be both Indus and Gangu Muslims.

Beat Corona first then talk.
Descendants of native converts who

Large portions of the armies of those dynasties were native converts, and many of those dynasties themselves were native.

My favourite warriors are the Chinese free speech suppressionists that obtain open backing from the mods.
Pdf members character study

there are many types

Indus warriors:
Indus warriors are now moving away from religion and try to find national spirit in Indus Bond that runs across Pakistan, it might be histrionically flawed or over simplified but every narrative is tempered in certain way to suit agendas. And agenda in this case is a indus Pakistan.
punjab , sindh, pashtun and baloch culture and language is quite different but are integrated with great indus civilization. Indus warriors are trying to unit them based on the historical indus region instead of religion.
Indus warriors are racist toward Gangu warriors

Gangu warriors:
These are saffron fanatics of India with countless fake ids and usually follow a racist ideology called hindutva and claim from bangladesh to afghanistan is hindu land
‘Ancient Italy was a Hindu country and the Pope, was a Hindu priest.’

‘English is a dialect of Sanskrit.’

Ancient England too was ‘a Hindu country.’

pajeet warriors:
These are usually harmless indian memebrs and often try to act as unbiased but in most cases they are just buying time before typical gangu outburst and getting banned.

Iranians and central asian Warriors:
these are our own typical **** warriors and most cringe of all. They claim they are Iranian, arabs and central asian and have nothing to do with south asia. They will make big claims about them or their ancestors. Some start claiming to be the heirs of great and highly regarded dynasties and famous persons. They will hate it when some one will compare them to indians and are usually punjabis and sindhis.

Know more warriors?

Tell me more about them

you forgot gujju (parataha empire) warriors
Desi Badu Warriors
These are mostly from Pakistan,
These are Inspired from Saudi Ideology,
Their trolling start on every post which link to Iran and Shia,
They are follower of Yazid and well known as Wahhabi and also love Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najdi from Najd currently known as Riadh..
Sadly we have 2 varieties.

Badus and khumaneis. Both scum...
They converted to Islam after 1979. Rahbar is treating them like condom but they are so chootiya they love it. If you say anything against Iran they feel religiously obliged to defend it because French imported revolution is holy.
Always run their mouth whenever they see anything Arab but have no problem living in their countries like true namak harams.
Why exclude Desi Liberal Warriors and Secular Warriors?

This is discrimination against Mera Jism Mer Marzi lot.

I wonder when they are going to start mass protests against COVID-19 since the virus doesn't give a fcuk about their jism and their Marzi ...
They converted to Islam after 1979. Rahbar is treating them like condom but they are so chootiya they love it. If you say anything against Iran they feel religiously obliged to defend it because French imported revolution is holy.
I don't give a flying fcuk for the Iranian clergy and neither do I give toss about Shiasm. I despise the whole set up but beyond Iran is great country and one of greatest nations on earth. I only wish we could go back to before the animals took over in 1979.

On the other hand I despise Saudia. It has given the world nothing. There is nothing to mitigate this scar on the Muslim world. It has wrought destruction on Pakistan more tha India or Hindu's could ever do. Indeed the Hindu's are benign compared to the horror that is Saudia. This is a country that stands for backwardness. Hell they only allowed women to drive last year. And their politics can be seen best exemplified by the strangulation of Jamal Kashoggi. Ask the Turks what they think of Saudia a spawn of the Anglo-Jews which today is surrogate of US imperial reach in the Muslim world.

living in their countries like true namak harams.
Find the greater numbers of this class of 'harams' living in USA, Canada, UK, France, Australia, Europe who daily diss the world they live in.
They converted to Islam after 1979. Rahbar is treating them like condom but they are so chootiya they love it. If you say anything against Iran they feel religiously obliged to defend it because French imported revolution is holy.
Always run their mouth whenever they see anything Arab but have no problem living in their countries like true namak harams.
Desi Badu Warriors
These are mostly from Pakistan,
These are Inspired from Saudi Ideology,
Their trolling start on every post which link to Iran and Shia,
They are follower of Yazid and well known as Wahhabi and also love Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najdi from Najd currently known as Riadh..

well i avoid religious sectarian talk as its very harmful

Why exclude Desi Liberal Warriors and Secular Warriors?

This is discrimination against Mera Jism Mer Marzi lot.

I wonder when they are going to start mass protests against COVID-19 since the virus doesn't give a fcuk about their jism and their Marzi ...

we are talking about pdf forum members (never found a proper desi liberal on pdf).
My favorite BHAYYA WARRIORS:---
Very brave,ghairatmand n martial,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,on internet.
Not so much in real life,neither contemporarily nor historically.
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