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"Chini Hindi Bhai Bhai"

That was 1962.. lot of changed.. during these years..

Germany who fought all became friends with them. US who nuked Japan became allies.. lots of examples are there..

Anyway the community has moved unlike some and we hear news like friendship year and cultural exchnges now and then. there are significant amount of chinese businessman and business here and the number is ever growing.

Here are some positive news.

India-China Friendship Association Karnataka Chapter Held the Commemoration Meeting of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Proclamation of Panchsheel

Long live India-China friendship: ICFA official - People's Daily Online

60th Anniversary observed by India China Friendship Association

I can get u more.

Yes things are good now, but that wasn't what the article he originally cited is talking about. What it was talking about, is how the current Chinese Indian diaspora feels the Indian government need to apologized to them. Both for the systematic persecution and the forced deportation, handed out to Chinese Indians as some kind of perverse retribution for their own 1962 defeat.

Calcutta witnessed the biggest crackdown as it had the largest Chinatown with about 50,000 residents in those days. Now there are barely 4,000 left!

It was wrong to punish Chinese Indians all the way in Calcutta for an Indian military defeat.
Yes things are good now, but that wasn't what the article he originally cited is talking about. What it was talking about, is how the current Chinese Indian diaspora feels the Indian government need to apologized to them. Both for the systematic persecution and the forced deportation, handed out to Chinese Indians as some kind of perverse retribution for their own 1962 defeat.

It was wrong to punish Chinese Indians all the way in Calcutta for an Indian military defeat.

I cant answer on things I dont know.. I was just answering him on an offtopic title which was originally ,very positive news . He was just trying to put it such a way that satisfies his ego.

Anyway the games are looking fascinating. praying for some medals to come here too..
So hafizzzzzzz if we Indians start an online petition or something to let a Chinese guy sing in India will that make u happy???? I don't understand what u r trying to achieve here... and can u explain the title too..
fellow indians
whatever u say u should admire hafizz's ability to put a header and footer noway related to the article presented and his extrordinary skill to give it a smoking hot thread name inviting all the flame posts.
We need to admire atleast that ability of his , shouldnt we??
I don't think anyone here can doubt that the Chinese community was persecuted after India's defeat in 1962.

Persecution is a heavy word.

Also if they were persecuted they it would have brought international attention or atleast China's attention.

They were certainly harassed,deported and treated like refugees within the country.They certainly deserve an apology from the Govt.

however that might be possible in the next generation leadership.
I'm from Calcutta, I can assure you one thing, no community has been looked down upon here by the majority let alone prosecuting. There might be some arresting after 62, but after so many years the city walking the extra mile and apologising for something far worse than which has happened in all over the world; tells you something about the city and her people.

The reason for less number of Chinese here is the economic emergence of China and decline in the same of Calcutta, most of them migrated to China to leverage the economic benefits.
unlike china , india has democracy and a free press...

Freedom of press remains denied in India held-Kashmir
Pakistan Times | Kashmir: Freedom of press remains denied in India held-Kashmir

Freedom of Speech and Press
India Human Rights Report - Freedom of Speech and Press

U.S. Religious Freedom Commission Denied Visas to India

Freedom of press in India
Freedom of press in India

Transparency and Poverty in India
Aruna Roy - Freedom of Information - India - Worldpress.org

indian feel proud and happy when bobby jindle became governer in US ..

off topic
@hafizz ... as per latest report, pakistan stands at 141

Pakistanis like this Hafizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz fellow are something special. Only very special people will keep pointing out those flaws in India, which are magnified several times in Pakistan, or are at least as bad there. Forget about pot calling kettle black, here we have a situation of coal mine calling the kettle black!
The thread starter Hafizz is the most stupid person who starts threads with fake title just to troll and flame.

Waste of time for us and space of PDF.
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