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Chinese version of Russian jet endangers bilateral relations

Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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Chinese version of Russian jet endangers bilateral relations

21 April, 2010, 08:00

Despite holding the position as one of the world’s biggest economies, China seems unwilling to shed its reputation for producing cheap replicas.

And one of their more ambitious copycat efforts may put a strain on Russia-China relations.

“This Chinese plane is simply a Russian design stuffed with local electronics,” says Maksim Pyadushkin from the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology about the Chinese J11B jet’s resemblance to the Russian Su-27. “It's a knock-off.”

Last year, Russian aircraft sales internationally topped $3 billion – second only to the US. But others too want a slice of the aviation pie.

Vadim Kozyulin, program director for conventional arms from the Russian Center for Policy Studies, says that fake Su-27s are widely offered in the world arms market. “Sooner or later, Russian arms traders will face competition from the Chinese colleagues,” he told RT.

China was given the design plans for the Russian fighter jet in 1995, when it promised to buy 200 kits and assemble them domestically. After building 100 planes, the Chinese said the Russian plane did not meet specifications, only for a copycat version soon to appear – "Made in China" – without copyright.

The threat from China is real, and it will be difficult for the Russian aviation industry to maintain its lofty position, and soar further unless it manages to better protect its intellectual rights and also find new ways of co-operating with its eastern neighbor.

Although it made its maiden flight over 30 years ago, the Su-27 remains the bedrock of the Russian air force, and is highly popular abroad.

“I don't think anyone who's flown on the SU-27 can ask for a different plane, unless we are talking about a new generation jet,” believes Lt. Colonel Andrey Alekseyev, Air Force Pilot. “It's maneuverable and has a huge range.”

Some are calling for calm over the controversy. While the similarities between the two planes are clear, experts say the Chinese J11B does not have the latest Russian high-tech features and will be no match for it on the international market.

The best way to fight copyright violations is to be technologically ahead of your rivals, claims Maksim Pyadushkin from the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology. “The biggest problem for Russia is that it has been living off the legacy of the Soviet Union, and soon its technology may no longer be the world leader,” he asserts.

Rather than a continuing dogfight over the copycat plane, it is possible that Russia and China may yet settle the matter amicably – at the highest political level.

But in the shady world of international weapons copyright, similar cases are sure to follow.

Chinese version of Russian jet endangers bilateral relations - RT Top Stories
Chinese version of Russian jet endangers bilateral relations

21 April, 2010, 08:00

Despite holding the position as one of the world’s biggest economies, China seems unwilling to shed its reputation for producing cheap replicas.

And one of their more ambitious copycat efforts may put a strain on Russia-China relations.

“This Chinese plane is simply a Russian design stuffed with local electronics,” says Maksim Pyadushkin from the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology about the Chinese J11B jet’s resemblance to the Russian Su-27. “It's a knock-off.”

Last year, Russian aircraft sales internationally topped $3 billion – second only to the US. But others too want a slice of the aviation pie.

Vadim Kozyulin, program director for conventional arms from the Russian Center for Policy Studies, says that fake Su-27s are widely offered in the world arms market. “Sooner or later, Russian arms traders will face competition from the Chinese colleagues,” he told RT.

China was given the design plans for the Russian fighter jet in 1995, when it promised to buy 200 kits and assemble them domestically. After building 100 planes, the Chinese said the Russian plane did not meet specifications, only for a copycat version soon to appear – "Made in China" – without copyright.

The threat from China is real, and it will be difficult for the Russian aviation industry to maintain its lofty position, and soar further unless it manages to better protect its intellectual rights and also find new ways of co-operating with its eastern neighbor.

Although it made its maiden flight over 30 years ago, the Su-27 remains the bedrock of the Russian air force, and is highly popular abroad.

“I don't think anyone who's flown on the SU-27 can ask for a different plane, unless we are talking about a new generation jet,” believes Lt. Colonel Andrey Alekseyev, Air Force Pilot. “It's maneuverable and has a huge range.”

Some are calling for calm over the controversy. While the similarities between the two planes are clear, experts say the Chinese J11B does not have the latest Russian high-tech features and will be no match for it on the international market.

The best way to fight copyright violations is to be technologically ahead of your rivals, claims Maksim Pyadushkin from the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology. “The biggest problem for Russia is that it has been living off the legacy of the Soviet Union, and soon its technology may no longer be the world leader,” he asserts.

Rather than a continuing dogfight over the copycat plane, it is possible that Russia and China may yet settle the matter amicably – at the highest political level.

But in the shady world of international weapons copyright, similar cases are sure to follow.

Chinese version of Russian jet endangers bilateral relations - RT Top Stories

This was bound to happen, The J-11 is a pure copy the Su-27 and so are many other Chinese jets. The Russian were bound to get annoyed specially when the Chinese start exporting the J-11.
Russia is in a bad economic state and despite the risks involved in exporting equipment to China, it is doing so to support its economic status.

Russia would stop trade with China provided another customer is available for its equipment. India comes into picture here. Russia knows that selling to China is suicide for Russia's export business. China started with all the help from Russia. Now its already selling JF-17. Soon it will be J10, J11 and what not.

Russia would certainly look towards India from now on. India does not have the intention of copying and selling stuff and moreover, India Russia ties go far beyond a buyer seller relationship.
it will work in india's favour since - china and russian relation go sour.

and i take no technological help from russia .

although - j-11b is nowhere near - su-30 and most country would rather spend a couple more million and get reliable su-30.

lets see how the series of event unfolds
“This Chinese plane is simply a Russian design stuffed with local electronics,” says Maksim Pyadushkin from the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology about the Chinese J11B jet’s resemblance to the Russian Su-27. “It's a knock-off.”
I'v been saying that from 3 years now. LOL

They call chinese the bootleggers for a reason.

experts say the Chinese J11B does not have the latest Russian high-tech features and will be no match for it on the international market.

"It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds."
Some are calling for calm over the controversy. While the similarities between the two planes are clear, experts say the Chinese J11B does not have the latest Russian high-tech features and will be no match for it on the international market.

This part is interesting to us but obvious china is way behind all major powers in Aeronauticals and still a long long way to go.
This part is interesting to us but obvious china is way behind all major powers in Aeronauticals and still a long long way to go.

You're right. India is also way behind China but India has co-operation with some major aeronautical powerhouses. They trust India with their technology and India does not intend to "steal" them.

India's public defense industries are very slow but in the end they make quality products as good as any in the world.

India has immense potential and if India realizes even a portion of it India can be a force to reckon with.

"God forbid that India should ever take to industrialism after the manner of the West . . . It would strip the world bare like locusts." - M.K.Gandhi
the J-11B looks like a Su-27 in that they are airplanes with 2 engines.

otherwise the inside is totally different, so different in fact that it is almost as different from the Su-27 as the F-15 or Typhoon is. The airframe isn't even identical, the weight has been reduced by over 700 kg and the RCS reduced by 80%.
the J-11B looks like a Su-27 in that they are airplanes with 2 engines.

otherwise the inside is totally different, so different in fact that it is almost as different from the Su-27 as the F-15 or Typhoon is. The airframe isn't even identical, the weight has been reduced by over 700 kg and the RCS reduced by 80%.

Russia Admits China Illegally Copied Its Fighter - Defense News

Read this. The director of Sukhoi tells how J11 is made from kits bought from Russia.

It is an assembled plane, which now China has copied. He also tells that the fake copy of the plane is not better than the original.
China Rocks!:china:
China happens to be major arms importer of Russian equipment, Pakistan's case is different as Russian's are greedy and Pakistan has not got much money to feed the Russians, however China's case is obvious, so i really doubt if Russia will ever fall for the propaganda tactics employed by countries:devil: who cant see China making headway.
^^^^Its RT(russia today) their news channel

and its their own engineers who are making these claims not any other country

so yeah u r right tey are makin propaganda for themselves
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Russia would certainly look towards India from now on. India does not have the intention of copying and selling stuff and moreover, India Russia ties go far beyond a buyer seller relationship.

If Indian economy is growing with trade with West, won't west expect India to buy made in USA now? like F-16I or F-18s , forcing Russia to sell China too as in India it face competition from west and Israel now.

Or India will do business with west and buy Russian with that money.;)
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If Indian economy is growing with trade with West, won't west expect India to buy made in USA now? like F-16I or F-18s , forcing Russia to sell China too as in India it face competition from west and Israel now.

Or India will do business with west and buy Russian with that money.;)

India's trade with west is more economic related. IT, low cost goods, handicraft, tourism etc. But India's trade with Russia is primarily defense equipment. There is nothing in common.

US is happy with the nuke deal which will earn them 100s of billions of dollars. Defense deal is not worth so much today, although they would love to have it too.
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