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first, chinese people know well the world is not less than any country people.ccp restrict some kinds of informations that is very limited;they restrict the informations that is seditious in politics and coprological.dont tell me the west do not limit these informations.I dont believe west world can connive at abruption nation. any country is the same in sovereignty.must be uncompromising.I never go to Australia and I dont know if Australia is some problems in sovereignty .maybe you Australia is the best in the west.I have been to 8 Europe countries and lived there in several years .I think they are also developed countries just like Australia and they are not worse than Australia in economy.most of them are west Europe countries ;like france,belgium,Luxemburg,Holland ,Germany and so on;but very sorry,I never see the freedom like you said. of cause there is not informations restricted. but it is just on the surface. I lived brussels in 4years the chinese splendid informations are almost nothing .sometimes I talked about china with west persons ;they showed me their ignorance.they even believed china is just like the nation in 1900;everyone keep their braids.so stupid. I visited their exhibit for promoting Belgians to invest at china ,interesting things are those disseminative informations are so new;the closest time is stopped 06 04 in 1989;I cannt imagine people can invest to china beacause of these. what is this ? yes maybe they limit net less than china ;people are more freedom .but how is the fact? these people really know well china ? chinese still keep the braid ? just wake up ,do you believe that?

In this point I really admire west mediums;ccp should study from them.ccp use the way is limit but west mediums use induct;these are really different. west people see and read the chinese informations that always be darkness .so west people do believe china is real evil country and laggard country.I dont know who really live in dark.

after I went to these countries ;I really feeled who are ignorance.in the way that people know world developing countries is better than developed countries.
developed countries people have too much priggism and disparage developing countries ;like these people how can they see the truth;haughty let their eyes blindness.however;developing countries are different.they want to develop ;so they study advanced experiences technology.do you think the fast increase reason is pray of god? that is workhards of many many people wisdoms. if we live in darkness how to create economy wonder .we are not theism.no god give us benison.

maybe sometime;I must go to Australia in the future.however ;I also hope you can come to china .we all need to know our countries each other possibly.better live some time .I believe we all can get some harvest.

let me tell you other things.I know it on german BBS.some one that has been to china ask why he know china so different from germany and china .a german that lived in china tell him beacause china report west good news and west report china bad news;the result is that chinese is friendly to west persons;west persons are hostile to chinese. interesting

and CCP is not appearance like your mediums disseminate.now I am in china.I am reading your unti -chinese free press,I never be afraid of be retaliated.just like that friend said.you really shuold study some chinese and go to chinese BBS.there are so many censure for ccp .trust me ;so many things are still being even though you never see that.

at last ;you really believe your system is unlimited ?you have basic human right.
I only know any mediums are all the important part of nation machine .all the counties mediums are all the most important part of nation stratagem;the one who can take it will command consensus direction.this is a part of information war ;you really believe your mediums is unlimited by you government? haha
okey;keep your persuasion;I wish the dream keeping forever.wow;I only tell you these contents that we have talked are known by chinese ;I cannt say 100PERchinese ;but 9oper chinese all know the contents;Inchina they are not secret .everyone can talk about these everyday;ccp also listen respectfully people sounds.that is reason chinese follow them.of cause you would not like to believe the fact.no problem.that is belief.the earth is still turning without anyone.who cares.DO well ourselves is the most important.look at the world;
finance crisis looks like being .go to bed and take nice dream;I will do my works tomorrow;I dont have fee time to impact another nation system;I am just a Jack-a-Lent;not giant.

haha you keep on


Thanks for your response mate, just know that the criticism labeled is not at the Chinese people but with the CCP. There is a percception around the world that the chinese people deserve better than what they are getting at the moment. Im thinking its is because China is still trying to find its feet in the international community after a long hibernation.
All this emotional anti China and uneducated opinions are just written by children or people with an agenda.
But it still all comes down to one thing. Restricting freedom is wrong. Its that simple.

mmmmm think I might have a Jackie Chan DVD night tonight with a big bowl of prawn crackers. Go China:china:
Thanks for your response mate, just know that the criticism labeled is not at the Chinese people but with the CCP. There is a percception around the world that the chinese people deserve better than what they are getting at the moment. Im thinking its is because China is still trying to find its feet in the international community after a long hibernation.
All this emotional anti China and uneducated opinions are just written by children or people with an agenda.
But it still all comes down to one thing. Restricting freedom is wrong. Its that simple.

mmmmm think I might have a Jackie Chan DVD night tonight with a big bowl of prawn crackers. Go China:china:

first of all, thank u for ur goodwill toward Chinese people.
i too dont like internet censorship. i'm not going to argue that all gov of this world all do some sort of censorship on internet, the simple fact is the Chinese gov is among the worst in terms of censorship. However, i, like many of other my chinese fellows can live with it. The censorship didn't stop China from progressing in the past decades and i dont see why it will harm China big in the next decade. Chinese gov did and are doing a lot of bad things but they are also doing a lot more good things. Nobody can deny China is rising rapidly, so far CCP is doing a brilliant job to improve Chinese people's life day by day, majority people witness their overall life getting better with their own eyes day by day. Dont underestimate 1.3B people's wisdoms, afterall, it's our very own life who else would care it more?
As a old Chinese saying goes, a guy is enjoying his noodle, people around him keep commenting: oh the noodle is too hot to eat...

i'm waiting for the days to come that no internet censorhip in China, patiently.
Thanks for your response mate, just know that the criticism labeled is not at the Chinese people but with the CCP. There is a percception around the world that the chinese people deserve better than what they are getting at the moment. Im thinking its is because China is still trying to find its feet in the international community after a long hibernation.
All this emotional anti China and uneducated opinions are just written by children or people with an agenda.
But it still all comes down to one thing. Restricting freedom is wrong. Its that simple.

mmmmm think I might have a Jackie Chan DVD night tonight with a big bowl of prawn crackers. Go China:china:

HAHA enjoy;but those movies are produced for taste of americans,you still can not see the real china .that is just business

you really should come to china and feel .chinese are very friendly.In fact ,chinese are better to foreign person than ourselves. in china foreign person is attended more than chinese people.I think that is the reason of culture and custom.the person that is from place far away is called guest;in history chinese very respect guest;of cause they should be friend guest.

attach importance to good-fellowship is chinese trddition.that is why china and chinese treasure Pakistani friendship;because Pakistan is the same to treasure friendship.In history china can antagonize USA for our friends in korea and Vietnam ;because of these we pay out expensive price.but there are not the most to hurt us .because of politics Vietnam fire to us .china is wrath ;chastisement is necessary.and today Vietnam is still zany role;there is no trust for him ;we misprize the nation like Vietnam.but Pakistan is completely different .we feel the warm from here .I have read so many reports about Pakistan.sometimes I was moved to tears like seism of sichuan.that is real friendship to overtop culture and belief .we are real brothers.that is why we provide help what we can do for Pakistan.if just money ;Pakistan can not give us more. but we know distinctly that real friendship is more valuable;they are treasure.we will keep it earnestly.china must be together with you Pakistan.

haha come back

I just think that there is no real freedom in the world.freedom must be relative .real freedom means confusion because the people minds cannt be consolidated.this can not be settled.maybe in natural science there is consolidate standard;but in social science the consolidate standard is not being .like spirit; different nations have different gods Jesus Christus ,Sakyamuni(I am so sorry;I dont know how to spell god of Muslim.it is ANLA in chinese;but I knew it is not right;friends help me) and so on.however;who can say I am real god.that is funny to overtop others beliefs.all beliefs are au pair.
so your freedom is from your cultures and belief;that is right to you.but for us we dont think it is complete right .chinese still belive divide nation and obscenity informations are deleterious;should be limited.that is allowable.in here all the salubrious informations are accepted .I think this is more important.because of these our native will more united to build our country better.let our people more happiness and get more welfares.is that not nice ?

I cannt say your standard is right.let us suppose that yours should be right.but we change to need time.we are not super man;we cannt change perfection in all the ways. just like your system is perfect ? I dont think so .I think we all need to study and keeping modesty.

I even believe you west freedom just be a joke.I dont believe medium pilot people minds to the direction that they want in politics is real freedom.all the medium are all the tools of nation intelligence department.in Usa ;look at how many managers at medium are CIA .and like these intelligence departments are part of nation security departments.you can believe you are freedom;haha;interesting;

yes ;our ways look like more rude;limit toughly. however what about yours;abduct snugly.different ways but same results. dont tell me which one is right or not in politics.in the world all the politics are same just by different ways .people never care which system is better ;system let them more happy will be supported.we are changing fastly.and speed like this is not given by your system.why we will choose your system.give me a compellent excuse.

really;in china now;we dont believe ideology.we only trust the fact;the fact is there are lots of difficultys to develop .we only have one way that is overcome difficulties ;then we will be more happy. very simply.

I think if we can more comprehend and respect each other.the world will not be like this now.the thruth is not just one standard .I consider the our opposability because of incomprehension.main is language.we understand you better just because the persons studing english are more than you studing chinese.add west haughty is trddition.if we can improve these conditions the world will be getting better and better.

like west axiology;all of the world couldnt be consolidated.even if china can change the world will be not ,too.the world of Muslim is huge ,too .it is a dream of west world;just a joke

@ Freeman
what movie you going to watch mate?
. .
Thanks for your response mate, just know that the criticism labeled is not at the Chinese people but with the CCP. There is a percception around the world that the chinese people deserve better than what they are getting at the moment. Im thinking its is because China is still trying to find its feet in the international community after a long hibernation.
All this emotional anti China and uneducated opinions are just written by children or people with an agenda.
But it still all comes down to one thing. Restricting freedom is wrong. Its that simple.

mmmmm think I might have a Jackie Chan DVD night tonight with a big bowl of prawn crackers. Go China:china:

who is going to PROVIDE the better? currently the CCP has a better track record than any chinese government since the Ming Dynasty in terms of accomplishments. political freedom is useless if you live under the foreigner's gun: iraq is "politically free" but how free does an iraqi citizen feel? it is equally useless if you are starving to death. a communist government is a logical step to modernity from a feudal monarchy like china had for thousands of years. Do note that the CCP has more members than France has people and anyone can join, yes, literally anyone (my cousin is a member, but our grandfather was imprisoned during the cultural revolution; i am not a member). it is very representative of china as a whole.

unlike in the days of Mao, where he ruled much like the Emperors did as a single person, ever since Deng, it was truly rule by the PARTY and not rule by a PERSON. the specific chairman is not important anymore; China's policy will continue more or less in hte same direction regardless of who is the chairman as evidenced by Jiang and Hu - 2 very different personalities, who resulted in nearly identical policies.

i feel very free here; i would not feel as free in the US where i cannot walk outside in downtown L.A. at night due to fear of being shot by gangsters.

The tyranny of Mafioso "Big Brother" vs the tyranny of anarchy and treachery indeed!

Everyday we pick our poison and choose the "evil" to live with. Tomorrow's choice will be different from today's ...
who is going to PROVIDE the better? currently the CCP has a better track record than any chinese government since the Ming Dynasty in terms of accomplishments. political freedom is useless if you live under the foreigner's gun: iraq is "politically free" but how free does an iraqi citizen feel? it is equally useless if you are starving to death. a communist government is a logical step to modernity from a feudal monarchy like china had for thousands of years. Do note that the CCP has more members than France has people and anyone can join, yes, literally anyone (my cousin is a member, but our grandfather was imprisoned during the cultural revolution; i am not a member). it is very representative of china as a whole.

unlike in the days of Mao, where he ruled much like the Emperors did as a single person, ever since Deng, it was truly rule by the PARTY and not rule by a PERSON. the specific chairman is not important anymore; China's policy will continue more or less in hte same direction regardless of who is the chairman as evidenced by Jiang and Hu - 2 very different personalities, who resulted in nearly identical policies.

i feel very free here; i would not feel as free in the US where i cannot walk outside in downtown L.A. at night due to fear of being shot by gangsters.

This is indeed very true.

USA is now even more segregated. The black neighborhoods are not safe for non-blacks, and the white neighborhoods not safe for non-whites. It wasn't so bad before, but now people don't feel as safe. And it's getting worse!
This is indeed very true.

USA is now even more segregated. The black neighborhoods are not safe for non-blacks, and the white neighborhoods not safe for non-whites. It wasn't so bad before, but now people don't feel as safe. And it's getting worse!

have you even been to the U.S.?
who is going to PROVIDE the better? currently the CCP has a better track record than any chinese government since the Ming Dynasty in terms of accomplishments. political freedom is useless if you live under the foreigner's gun: iraq is "politically free" but how free does an iraqi citizen feel? it is equally useless if you are starving to death. a communist government is a logical step to modernity from a feudal monarchy like china had for thousands of years. Do note that the CCP has more members than France has people and anyone can join, yes, literally anyone (my cousin is a member, but our grandfather was imprisoned during the cultural revolution; i am not a member). it is very representative of china as a whole.

unlike in the days of Mao, where he ruled much like the Emperors did as a single person, ever since Deng, it was truly rule by the PARTY and not rule by a PERSON. the specific chairman is not important anymore; China's policy will continue more or less in hte same direction regardless of who is the chairman as evidenced by Jiang and Hu - 2 very different personalities, who resulted in nearly identical policies.

i feel very free here; i would not feel as free in the US where i cannot walk outside in downtown L.A. at night due to fear of being shot by gangsters.

you wouldn't happen to be one of the 280k or so people the CCP employs to post good things about them are you?

Researcher: China pays 280K people to boost its Web image - CNN.com

"In 2008 the Hong Kong-based researcher David Bandurski determined that at least 280,000 people had been hired at various levels of government to work as "online commentators." Known derisively as the "fifty cent party," these people are paid to write postings that show their employers in a favorable light in online chat rooms, social networking services, blogs, and comments sections of news Web sites. "
you wouldn't happen to be one of the 280k or so people the CCP employs to post good things about them are you?

Researcher: China pays 280K people to boost its Web image - CNN.com

"In 2008 the Hong Kong-based researcher David Bandurski determined that at least 280,000 people had been hired at various levels of government to work as "online commentators." Known derisively as the "fifty cent party," these people are paid to write postings that show their employers in a favorable light in online chat rooms, social networking services, blogs, and comments sections of news Web sites. "

Yes, 50 cent party are growing day by day.

So instead of just trying to prevent people from having their say, the government is also attempting to change they way they think.

To do this, they use specially trained - and ideologically sound - internet commentators.

There are also reports that special centres have been set up to train China's new army of internet spin doctors.

They have been dubbed the "50-cent party" because of how much they are reputed to be paid for each positive posting (50 Chinese cents; $0.07; £0.05).

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China's internet 'spin doctors'
Yes, 50 cent party are growing day by day.

So instead of just trying to prevent people from having their say, the government is also attempting to change they way they think.

To do this, they use specially trained - and ideologically sound - internet commentators.

There are also reports that special centres have been set up to train China's new army of internet spin doctors.

They have been dubbed the "50-cent party" because of how much they are reputed to be paid for each positive posting (50 Chinese cents; $0.07; £0.05).

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China's internet 'spin doctors'

Good job for indian people who are under the poverty line. BTW: Can they even write?
. .
U don't reply to a American but tries to argue with me??

Why have u posted a troll just to earn 50 cent more?

What wrong with you, dont use indian logic to consider chinese, I dont reply to that guy is bcoz your post is the last post, and I just read yours.:lol:
60% of chinese use the best search engine on planet


After failing to win the market share in China , Google decided to run from the Chinese market and to make sure their shares do not plunge they made up story about the whole chinese hackers

May be Google should just accept they cannot beat Baidu.com the best chinese search engine in market

I just gone through Baido.com and the look and feel are almost smilar to google but bit faster.
Did they copy it from google server hosted in China.. :)
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