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More picture of Golden-Eagle 500, it can carry 8 anti-surface/anti-tank missiles, nice for army's close-range air support, note that the maunfacturer Norinco, which is an equipment supplier for PLA army:






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The tweeted info is sourced from below:

Distinguished academician to participate!
The Army Aviation Academy holds an academic forum on "Research on Army Unmanned Combat Systems"

What is the development trend of UAV in the future?
How to apply UAV to combat?
November 24th to 25th

Army Aviation Academy

The first academic forum on "Research on army unmanned combat system"
Deepen the cooperation between the college and the government, army and scientific research institutes
Enhance communication in various fields of UAV "production, teaching, research, training and management"
Promoting the training of new type military personnel with high quality and specialization


Leaders of army organs, academicians and well-known experts in UAV field, representatives of combat forces, military, local scientific research institutes and other units participated.

The forum set up the opening ceremony, special lectures, discussion and exchange, closing ceremony and other main links, focusing on the army UAV force construction, equipment system construction, army combat training and other aspects of discussion and exchange, focusing on the army UAV power utilization, UAV / helicopter coordinated operation of key and difficult issues.

It aims to improve the academic level of the army UAV professional teaching and research personnel, enhance the research ability of UAV theory and key technology, enrich the teaching content of UAV specialty, and improve the quality of personnel training.

Provide guidance and service for UAV combat department (sub unit) in terms of theory, technology and equipment application.

It is the first time to establish a "Trinity" collaborative innovation mechanism and platform for military academies and institutes to demonstrate requirements, research and production of factories and institutes, and combat application of troops. It has realized in-depth discussion on the whole life cycle of equipment.

This paper discusses the ground and air unmanned equipment, combat capability requirements and equipment technology, equipment operational application and training support, etc., which is a great collision of ideas about the construction and development of army UAV equipment system in the field of UAV, and has significant military benefits.

严守宣传纪律 自觉谨言慎行

主办 | 陆军航空兵学院
来源 | 低空利剑
刊期 | 第46期
Host: Army Aviation Academy
Source: Low Altitude Sharp Sword (Lijian 利剑)
Issue: The 46th
More picture of Golden-Eagle 500, it can carry 8 anti-surface/anti-tank missiles, nice for army's close-range air support, note that the maunfacturer Norinco, which is an equipment supplier for PLA army:

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From Henri Kenhmann at East Pendulum on 2020.11.27:

The drone NORINCO CR500 "Golden Eagle" has successfully passed its delivery certification. This helicopter drone with a counter-rotating rotor is intended for export as well as for the Chinese army.


海洋强国路超话【AR-500B舰载型无人直升机成功首飞】11月27日,航空工业研制的AR-500B舰载型无人直升机在鄱阳试飞基地首飞成功,该型号的成功研制填补了我国轻小型舰载无人直升机领域的空白。AR-500B舰载型无人直升机最大起飞重量500kg,任务载荷 70kg,最大续航时间4h;控制半径100km,最大平飞速度140km/h,巡航速度120km/h,使用升限4000m,可以广泛用于执行海面广域监视与识别任务。​

China Ocean Shipping Magazine
11 minutes ago from Haiqiangguo Road Chaohua

[AR-500B ship-based unmanned helicopter successfully made its first flight]

On November 27, the AR-500B carrier-based unmanned helicopter developed by the AVIC successfully flew for the first time at the Poyang test flight base. The successful development of this model has filled the gap in the field of light and small ship-borne unmanned helicopters in China. AR-500B ship-based unmanned helicopter has a maximum take-off weight of 500kg, a mission load of 70kg, and a maximum endurance of 4h; a control radius of 100km, a maximum level flight speed of 140km/h, a cruising speed of 120km/h, and a service ceiling of 4000m. It can be widely used to perform wide-area surveillance and identification tasks at sea.

In order to adapt to difficult factors such as small parking space of the shipborne and harsh working environment, the high risk of take-off and landing, and the complicated electromagnetic environment, the helicopter design team replaced the original prototype with heavy oil engine and design adaptive modification on the fuel, structure, electrical and flight control system.

In response to the needs of unmanned helicopters at sea, the design team of the Helicopter Institute has carried out the design and development of small electrical landing assistance devices, landing guidance systems and control rules for automatic landing. Specifically against the maritime environment, the "Three Preventions" (anti-humidity, anti-mold, anti-salt spray) environmental test has been carried out, such that the AR-500B ship-based unmanned helicopter could basically adapt to the marine and shipborne environment.
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中国FH 98无人运输机交付首架首飞成功:能短距起降,适合边远地区运输
Jul 7, 2020
jun wang

7月5日,FH-98无人运输机降落在西北某机场跑道,标志着该型无人机合同交付首架首飞取得成功。 FH-98无人运输机以运-5B为基础平台,具有短距、简易跑道起降能力,可以满足边远城市、山区、海岛等物流配送运输需求。

On July 5, the FH-98 unmanned aerial vehicle landed on the runway of an airport in northwest China, marking the success of the first flight of this type of UAV contract delivery.

The FH-98 unmanned transport aircraft uses Yun-5B as the basic platform, has simple, short-distance runway take-off and landing capabilities, and can meet the needs of logistics transportation in remote cities, mountainous areas, and islands.
Cargo drone delivers mutton from Inner Mongolia to Ningxia
2020-12-10 09:19:43 Ecns.cn Editor : Li Yuxin

(ECNS) -- A large cargo drone carrying 1.5 tons of grassland mutton successfully completed its trial operation Tuesday.

The drone FH-98 flew from Otog Front Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

It took the drone 1 hour to arrive at its destination, much shorter than overland transport time of 2.5 hours.

This is the first time the drone FH-98 has participated in such a venture, increasing the average transportation efficiency by 60 percent.

Cargo drone delivers mutton from Inner Mongolia to Ningxia
2020-12-10 09:19:43 Ecns.cn Editor : Li Yuxin

(ECNS) -- A large cargo drone carrying 1.5 tons of grassland mutton successfully completed its trial operation Tuesday.

The drone FH-98 flew from Otog Front Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

It took the drone 1 hour to arrive at its destination, much shorter than overland transport time of 2.5 hours.

This is the first time the drone FH-98 has participated in such a venture, increasing the average transportation efficiency by 60 percent.

I hope they air transport the Mongolian sheep gifts as well.
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