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Chinese troops incursions in Indian controlled territories - News updates and Discussions

Pakistan did NOT give any inch of territory to China what Pak holds no matter how many times you keep parroting the lies. Pakistan just accepted the Chinese claims of Shaksgam valley which was always in Chinese custody. In return Pak gets hundreds of sq miles of land from Chinese custody.

You lost Aksi Chin to China. Then you keep losing territories to China by Salami Slicing tactics. China comes across LAC, pitch tens and then make it no mans land be it Daulat Beg, Galwan River valley, Pangong Tso lake.

We were the ones who ruled from Kabul to Bengal for 1000 years.

You don't have anything significant in your history in which you can find solace. Out of utter humiliation, you glorify small achievements and when these small achievements are not available then you create them by yourself. 26/27 Feb is a living proof i.e. 300 terrorist killed, launching pads destroyed, F16 shot down etc. while the whole world saw who was humiliated.
It seems you don’t understand or don’t want to understand that the real conquerors were the Arabs and central Asians, and you were the one they conquered. If you think that Arabs will accept you as one of their own then you are deeply mistaken.
We don’t accept any Chinese claim in Kashmir like Pakistan, under no circumstances will we forgo our claim in Kashmir. Aksai chin is a protrusion of territory into the Tibetan plateau, it was very recently conquered by raja gulab Singh of the Sikh empire.
Even though aksai chin was held by Tibet for so many centuries it can still be claimed by India due to the Sikh empire.
If you still don’t get it then please read Wikipedia.
It seems you don’t understand or don’t want to understand that the real conquerors were the Arabs and central Asians, and you were the one they conquered. If you think that Arabs will accept you as one of their own then you are deeply mistaken.
We don’t accept any Chinese claim in Kashmir like Pakistan, under no circumstances will we forgo our claim in Kashmir. Aksai chin is a protrusion of territory into the Tibetan plateau, it was very recently conquered by raja gulab Singh of the Sikh empire.
Even though aksai chin was held by Tibet for so many centuries it can still be claimed by India due to the Sikh empire.
If you still don’t get it then please read Wikipedia.
Wait, what? Why Pakistan needs to be accepted by Arabs? We have our own identity and we are proud of it , we do share common religion and that itself allow us to maintain warm diplomatic relations with them but who told you that the nuclear powered Pakistan needs acceptance from any other race?
WTF man! What are you talking about? I have nothing to do in this thread, but your above comment is pretty ill informed and low IQ stuff.

Arabs never conquered Bengal/Bangladesh. Just open the world map and see where Bangladesh is located. They cant do it without conquering most of india, which they didnt.

You should research about Islamisation of Bengal, then try to open your mouth in an international forum.
Don’t want to continue about Bangladesh but khiljis were definitely not from Pakistan. Shah Jalal was also not Pakistani.
So I don’t buy lies such as people from Pakistan conquered Indian subcontinent.

Wait, what? Why Pakistan needs to be accepted by Arabs? We have our own identity and we are proud of it , we do share common religion and that itself allow us to maintain warm diplomatic relations with them but who told you that the nuclear powered Pakistan needs acceptance from any other race?
Yes this is exactly what I am saying, Pakistan has a unique identity different from Arabs and central Asians. Arab/Afghan/central Asians conquests cannot be called as Pakistani conquests just because both are same religion.
It is one of the biggest lie that Pakistanis conquered Indian subcontinent.
I was opposing that particular posters statement that , ‘We (Pakistanis)conquered and subjugated You (Indians)’.
Don’t want to continue about Bangladesh but khiljis were definitely not from Pakistan. Shah Jalal was also not Pakistani.
True. But, that is not what you've claimed earlier about Bangladesh!
So I don’t buy lies such as people from Pakistan conquered Indian subcontinent.
Lots of Pakistani Tribes were recruited by dynasties who conquered and ruled india. That all I know...
Don’t want to continue about Bangladesh but khiljis were definitely not from Pakistan. Shah Jalal was also not Pakistani.
So I don’t buy lies such as people from Pakistan conquered Indian subcontinent.

Yes this is exactly what I am saying, Pakistan has a unique identity different from Arabs and central Asians. Arab/Afghan/central Asians conquests cannot be called as Pakistani conquests just because both are same religion.
It is one of the biggest lie that Pakistanis conquered Indian subcontinent.
I was opposing that particular posters statement that , ‘We (Pakistanis)conquered and subjugated You (Indians)’.
Suri , khilji , lodhi , mughals and others were not just rulers , they were tribes had armies and settled here after invasions and wars. We don't claim to be arab or turks or persians and we are proud to be Pakistan but their is simple fact you need to understand that this region is multiethnic and multitribal and the armies that fought for delhi did not disappeared , they stayed and settled. I don't wanna indulge in dna history and other debate here but facts are facts.
You still go to Netflix and Amazon prime? They have shitty outdated movies. I'd rather watch movies on Popcorn time or Streamlord.com

Hey thanks man for those links.

China is producing J-20 in numbers while India is attempting to build Tejas for the last 20 to 30 odd years and that is the difference between China and India, it will be a massacre and the bhagts damn well are aware of it.
To some barking dogs.... CCP doesn't have courage to INTRUDE/Occupy HONG KONG their own small island attached to mighty China.

nd here some dreaming CCP have guts to collide with 3 powerful nation in the world/ will occupy Ladakh. :lol:

Are you kidding or what? The reason why they aren't taking Hong Kong is not because of their might but because of Hong Kong's economy. They don't want to collapse it. It is perhaps one of the biggest economical city of the world.

Secondly, India won't get any help from Russia and USA. USA always sees its own interests first. Have you guys gained anything by pouring in billions of your dollar in Afghanistan on advice of your number one friend? They didn't even allow you to participate in the peace process alone. As far as Russia matters, it will side with China rather than with you. Russia is acting as a balancing force after its failure in cold war. They will never side with you. It's only foul dreaming.
global times and xinua burning midnights to issue new warnings...

this is dealt firmly during the Doklam... chinese loser warning agencies goes into overdrive during such standoffs.

shrug them off with utter disdain.
Let me burst your myth..!
In 1962, India fought till the last man in many areas, even with bare hands when ammunition run out. We did not surrender like cowards.
Why didnt India push Chinese out since they were so committed on defending their bharat?
Casualty was 1:5 in Indian favour as Chinese were using human wave attacks.
So China lost more men in this skirmish then Pakistan has in any war with india?
China vacated and retreated from entire Arunachal Pradesh after ceasefire as they knew could not hold on to it if India committed to the war fully.Aksai chin is very much disputable as it was captured by Sikh army from the Tibetans, although we will not relinquish the claim.
So India was not fully committed to a war with China when China invades your territory like in 1962 and 2020.?

As for Kashmir, the entire region would have been Pakistan if it had shown patience, it was already Muslim majority to begin with.
Pakistani militias had reached the outskirts of Srinagar when India decided to invade Kashmir, they were pushed back all the way from the valley to the mountains before ceasefire was declared.
If Kashmir had been solved amicably then Pakistan would not have been dismembered and would have been a major south Asian power at present.
You do know that Militias were outgunned and numbered by India forces who had just came out of WWII and were much better trained and equipped. So basically you lost half of Kashmir by irregular military. lol
The IndianArmy decided that it would now send its brave soldiers to fight the Chinese army on the LadakhBorder.These soldiers have defeated the Pakistani army many of time in Indian Movies.

2020-05-26 00_21_05-Facebook.png

If the Chinese think they can act smart with us then they are mistaken.
We are not like others who give territory to China to please it, we are not cowards.

We are not like other asean countries that China can bully.
looooooool, delusions.

The IndianArmy decided that it would now send its brave soldiers to fight the Chinese army on the LadakhBorder.These soldiers have defeated the Pakistani army many of time in Indian Movies.

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truly pathetic. no one and even you dont know any pakistani movie stars..... and you are laughing at others.

chines xinua nd global times are the real soldiers... they fire bullets. chini solders get free dental.

if you understand sun tzu and his philosophy then its not too hard to understand the global times propaganda. they own lots of press and they spread their word from such mouths....

another Doklam where chini loose their pride.
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