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Chinese troops have erected tents 19km inside Indian territory: Govt

故用兵之法,十則圍之,五則攻之,倍則分之, 敵則能戰之,少則能守之,不若則能避之

Is inde evading?

Zhè shì jīngshén. !!!

Zhe shi yi liao zhi zhong. Wo bu gan dao yi wai.

This happens all the time, what else can you expect?

故用兵之法,十則圍之,五則攻之,倍則分之, 敵則能戰之,少則能守之,不若則能避之

You've read Sun Tzu? :woot:
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Zhe shi yi liao zhi nei. Wo bu gan dao yi wai.

This happens all the time, what else can you expect?

You've read Sun Tzu? :woot:

hahah we know your secret book chinois man but seriously as far as great reads for military colleges, it is a must read for future officers eh!

I think this quote applies in inde's case as I see them evading somewhat and if the news are true then 19 clicks inside territorie tells you something about them ;)
@Chinese-Dragon, I understand the difference in perceptions. But thats how its been for many decades now and both countries have been patrolling the area.

What was the need to build a camp and change the status quo?

Also do not worry, and don't get blown away by the forum and immature posters, many from insignificant smaller nations wanting to have some fun, indian govt policy is not influenced by our media. If so, then as per your own example, manmohan would not have carried on with his peace moves with pakistan after the beheading incident.

@liontk, take this officially from me, india is not a confrontational regime. Interpret the way you want to.
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Why does the Indian PM have to do anything??

It is china which should go back to status quo, for its own good.

Off course if it doesn't, there could be consequences of any sort.. they are anyone's guess as of now, it is naive to think that the only thing which will be affected is a tented shanty.

And it is also naive to think that the impact will be seen only in a few days. The location and timing of response need not be what china calculated (if it was a calculated move). They are already breath taken by the measured and mature approach of the Indian govt.

Doesn't bother me. There isn't going to be any war in the Himalayas, the terrain makes extended supply routes impossible to maintain.

It's all hot air on all sides.

@Chinese-Dragon, I understand the difference in perceptions. But thats how its been for many decades now and both countries have been patrolling the area.

What was the need to build a camp and change the status quo?

Also do not worry, and don't get blown away by the forum and immature posters, many from insignificant smaller nations wanting to have some fun, indian govt policy is not influenced by our media. If so, then as per your own example, manmohan would not have carried on with his peace moves with pakistan after the beheading incident.

Depends on who you believe. According to my government, we haven't changed the status quo at all, in fact it was India that set up an airfield and started aggressive patrolling first.

Since it's all classified, we'll never know. And since a war over the Himalayas is so incredibly unlikely, I am not particularly bothered by the situation.
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There are differences in perceptions of the LAC. According to the Indian defence minister, both sides cross over all the time.

So it's not our fault if the Indian media wants to whip up hysteria every time there is a difference of perception. :wave:

The only thing media hysteria achieves, is that it makes it a lot harder to back down without losing face. And makes it much easier for commentators to start warmongering over something that happens all the time due to a border that is not properly demarcated.

Indian perception includes Tibet as part of India... so we are going into Tibet..

u come in 19 Kms.. .we will enter 1900 Kms inside Tibet...
As the stand-off between India and China in eastern Ladakh continues to strain relations, the Chinese government said on Friday it believed both countries had the “capacity and wisdom” to defuse the row.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told reporters both countries had maintained “close communication” over issues regarding the boundary, adding that China believed problems could be solved through “friendly consultation”.

Separately on Friday, State media quoted a South Asia scholar at the elite Peking University as saying the recent tensions “may cast a shadow” on the expected visit of new Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to New Delhi next month – likely to be his first overseas trip after he took over in March.

Han Hua, a South Asia scholar at Peking University, told the Party-run Global Times that “choosing India as the first stop of the premier’s visit shows China’s will to improve ties, but that the current standoff may cast a shadow on the visit”.

“Reports about Chinese troops’ cross-border patrols are not rare in Indian media. However, the latest hyping came at an inappropriate time before the premier's visit, and it was also inappropriate to summon the [Chinese] ambassador [in New Delhi],” Professor Han told the newspaper.

She said “there had been speculation that New Delhi may hope to ‘fish in troubled waters’ as Beijing is caught in an island dispute with Tokyo.”

'India, China have wisdom to defuse row' - The Hindu
If there are different perceptions about LAC,things will be sorted out in an amicable manner through mutual dialogues according to the agreements signed by two countries in 1990s. Media (and politicians) should act responsibly and present actual facts instead of fighting for TRP ratings.Reading some threads on pdf gives an impression that both countries are going for war any time.Give it a break,guys.

Indian perception includes Tibet as part of India... so we are going into Tibet..

u come in 19 Kms.. .we will enter 1900 Kms inside Tibet...

When did this thing happen?
Indian perception includes Tibet as part of India... so we are going into Tibet..

u come in 19 Kms.. .we will enter 1900 Kms inside Tibet...

You think you are so powerful that you can attack UPWARDS into the highest mountain range on the planet, the Himalayas? :lol:

You know we have the high ground on the Tibetan plateau right?

Stop boasting and start doing it then. :rofl:
hahah we know your secret book chinois man but seriously as far as great reads for military colleges, it is a must read for future officers eh!

I think this quote applies in inde's case as I see them evading somewhat and if the news are true then 19 clicks inside territorie tells you something about them ;)

Did you know what Sun Tzu's Art of War was written with the same Chinese characters that we are using today? Even after 2500 years we can read his work without translation. :P

The Art of War was used by our enemies against us though, sometimes with catastrophic consequences for us.
Doesn't bother me. There isn't going to be any war in the Himalayas, the terrain makes extended supply routes impossible to maintain.

It's all hot air on all sides.

Depends on who you believe. According to my government, we haven't changed the status quo at all, in fact it was India that set up an airfield and started aggressive patrolling first.

Since it's all classified, we'll never know. And since a war over the Himalayas is so incredibly unlikely, I am not particularly bothered by the situation.

I agree war not happening. Also it can not be repeated enough that indian media is not indian govt.

My only beef here is such unnecessary status quo change (in that area, wherever it is, china never built a camp in the past) will only add to anxiety amongst smaller chinese neighbors and that opens the gates more and more for USA. It sems rather pointless from Chinese side, no?
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