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Chinese troops enter 25 km deep into Indian territory: Sources

Read the article in Post #1 of this very thread :laugh:

you didnt expect us to be shedding tears or losing a wink of sleep over it did you?

more like a benign tumour.....but you people are still butt-hurt over 1947, as if to claim that there was a modicum of legitimacy in your akhand bharat soap opera dreams

No mention of this
'move back, destroying observation posts and trenches, dismantling and destroying indian surveillance equipment'.There were reports of them destroying some tin sheds,destroying some old bunkers & painting on some rock 'CHINA' is true but nothing more than that & seriously Akhand Bharat only Pakistanis think of that :rofl:

Well India rejected the excessively generous offer of a mutual swap, and chose the military Forward Policy instead, against a China in the middle of the worst famine in our history.

BBC News - India climbdown may help China border dispute

By Subir Bhaumik
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
17 April 2012

India has been reluctant to part with any portion of the disputed territory since the 1950s.

It rejected a swap offer made by China's former Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in 1960, asking India to recognise China's control of Aksai Chin in the west as a quid pro quo for China's recognition of the McMahon line.

After rejecting that offer, India initiated a "forward policy" to control the disputed territories in the Himalayas.


We are here anytime if India wants to reconsider, but like Nehru they refuse to compromise in any way.

Well times have changed now & with a good leadership in delhi we hope to solve this problem once & for all
Well India rejected the excessively generous offer of a mutual swap, and chose the military Forward Policy instead, against a China in the middle of the worst famine in our history.

BBC News - India climbdown may help China border dispute

By Subir Bhaumik
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
17 April 2012

India has been reluctant to part with any portion of the disputed territory since the 1950s.

It rejected a swap offer made by China's former Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in 1960, asking India to recognise China's control of Aksai Chin in the west as a quid pro quo for China's recognition of the McMahon line.

After rejecting that offer, India initiated a "forward policy" to control the disputed territories in the Himalayas.


We are here anytime if India wants to reconsider, but like Nehru they refuse to compromise in any way.

I can't and won't toe the line of Nehru the Great. When I become PM, you shall have the Aksai area and we shall have Arunachal. :D As a Kashmiri let me assure you, but for a breif expedition to Aksai Chin, no Dogra ruler ever ruled the place.
Such simplistic interpretation of history is responsible for the baseless aggression among many Chinese. I will give you a detailed reply after some hours.

You know we defeated India in 1962, and took all of AP right? And India couldn't do anything to stop it. You were completely defeated on both fronts.

The only reason you have it today, was because Zhou Enlai wanted you to reconsider his previous (excessively generous) offer to swap recognition of AP for Aksai Chin, the offer made in 1960.

But India of course did not, and now AP is a sword hanging over your heads. We took it when we were weaker than you in 1962 (and in the middle of a famine too), next time you try the Forward policy, make sure you don't lose the entirety of NE India after the Chicken's neck gets cut. :P

Such simplistic interpretation of history is responsible for the baseless aggression among many Chinese. I will give you a detailed reply after some hours.

You know we defeated India in 1962, and took all of AP right? And India couldn't do anything to stop it. You were completely defeated on both fronts.

The only reason you have it today, was because Zhou Enlai wanted you to reconsider his previous (excessively generous) offer to swap recognition of AP for Aksai Chin, the offer made in 1960.

But India of course did not, and now AP is a sword hanging over your heads. We took it when we were weaker than you in 1962 (and in the middle of a famine too), next time you try the Forward policy, make sure you don't lose the entirety of NE India after the Chicken's neck gets cut. :P
Where are India's MKIs, Mirages, those Special Forces and Arjun tank?

If you can't defend your soverignity, keep those toys in a museum.

:p:We will patent our gun shots for Pakistan.......

Army has not yet acknowledged about this incident but if such incursion happened we will try to plug our gaps to stop such incursion...... Its nothing like Indians has to wage a war with fancy toys......
Though its off topic but i do understand your pleasure in taking cheap shots here coz you have entire history of being Raped walk over Pakistan soil....
lol PAK post was bombed after kargil , Most of PAK don't even know / don't want to acknowledge that their 25 soldiers burnt by mirages-2000
67,87 minor skirmishes..I don't see the chinese in trauma because of it.But IA somehow magically forgets how to fight when faced with chinese.
I agreed for skirmishes but IA has no trauma about 1962 defeat but certainly desperate to stop a situation like 1961... China has upperhand militarily but they are also responsible n mature country .....
Big talks with small walks where are the big mouths of india now aka modi , what happened now can't he respond to this act by China :P
Big talks with small walks where are the big mouths of india now aka modi , what happened now can't he respond to this act by China :P

of course they cant.....they have no leverage and they cant afford to cause any military-inspired antagonizing
of course they cant.....they have no leverage and they cant afford to cause any military-inspired antagonizing

Both sides have shown maturity and withdrawn. In case of Pakistan your allies kill your own citizens inside your border and you have been talking about leverage.
Why border stand-offs between India and China are increasing

According to the Indian Home Ministry, there have been 334 "transgressions" by Chinese troops over the Indian border in the first 216 days of this year.

Departing from their past practice, however, Indian security forces are now more aggressive with daily patrolling along certain areas on the border and ready to forbid Chinese troops along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de-facto border.

This is partly responsible for the increase in stand-offs between the two sides in recent years, but there is a bigger story too.

Serious dimension

Border incursions have been repeatedly used by China to keep India on the defensive. Before every major bilateral visit, such incursions tend to take a serious dimension.

In May 2013, Indian officials accused Chinese troops of straying into Indian territory and putting up tents in the Depsang valley in Ladakh, just before Prime Minister Li Keqiang's visit to India. The matter was resolved days before the visit started.

But the latest stand-off coincided with a visit to India by Chinese President Xi Jinping, resulting in embarrassing media headlines.

It is possible that after feting Mr Modi's landslide election victory, Beijing was annoyed by his government's foreign policy moves, in particular with Mr Modi condemning "18th century expansionist mindset: encroaching on other countries, intruding in other's waters, invading other countries and capturing territory" during his recent trip to Japan and India, giving a boost to its ties with Japan and Vietnam days before Mr Xi's visit.

The Chinese forces might also be probing Indian defences along the disputed border and testing India's willpower to stay the course.

The Chinese have invested in border infrastructure much more efficiently than India, where border management continues to suffer from serious deficiencies.

With its repeated transgressions, Beijing has underscored Indian vulnerabilities and the potential costs of challenging China. And with every intrusion, China changes the ground realities at the border, gaining ever more territory in the process and redrawing the map in its favour.

However, it is not readily evident if such an approach would benefit China strategically.

Damp squib

Many believe China has failed to use the opportunity that Mr Modi coming to power gave to Beijing to re-examine the assumptions of its bilateral ties with India.

Mr Xi's visit was widely viewed in India as a damp squib. Even on the economic front, the visit was a disappointment.

There were media reports in India of China pledging $100bn (£61bn) of investment in India. However, only $20bn-worth of deals could be finalised over the next five years.

Officially, Beijing has maintained that Mr Xi's visit to India helped in removing "some suspicions" between the two nations, pushed the ties to a "new age", and that an "important consensus" was reached on politically resolving the border issue through friendly consultation.

But on the eve of his visit to the US, Mr Modi is challenging Beijing by asserting that India cannot close its eyes to problems underscoring that "we are not living in the 18th Century".

Given the turmoil it faces on its eastern flank, it is in China's interest to ensure that India does not join the US-led balancing coalition in Asia.

But with its hard line on the border issue, Beijing might just push New Delhi into a tighter embrace of Japan and the US.

Harsh V Pant is Professor of International Relations at King's College, London.

BBC News - Why border stand-offs between India and China are increasing

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