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Chinese to be introduced in CBSE, says Kapil Sibal Read more: Chinese to be introduc

Good move. Asia is the future. If we want to be equal or better Chinese then at first we need to know them!
Who is in your avatar. Is He Bidyasagor?
its our beloved Netaji.

on the topic.. its a gud step to bring two ancient civilizations closer and to increase people to people contact. especially when both of them are surging ahead with renewed confidence. it might help to understand each other much better and reduce any trust deficit.:cheers:
Kapil Sibal sure has got a great act going. It is a wonderful development. Wish more Indian kids learn Chinese. They will be sure to benefit.
These are called good steps, good move Sibal, MMS told him???:)
Very good move !! To learn about people thoroughly, the first step is to learn their language.

I just moved to a new house with a chinese girl and she's trying to learn hindi and me chinese. She is way better than me in learning language though :P
I thought india was rising superpower??
When are chinese inducting hindi??

Yes, you 'thought' right, India is a rising superpower. But Pakistanis will never be able to understand that India has more than a thousand languages, and more than a dozen official languages. If you could understand and imbibe this simple fact perhaps your Punjabi-dominated regime would not be hated so much by the Balochis, even to the extent of pulling Punjabis out of cars on highways and killing them during the worst floods in your history.

Remember, trolling will only get you more trolling in return.

And understand this: English is also an official language in India and is spoken by 300 million people with various degrees of fluency, and this number is increasing everyday. So, it is sufficient if the Chinese learn English. Ten years down the line they will be able to communicate with Indians, Americans, Canadians, Australians, Britishers, and soooo many other people with equal ease.
We had a Desi Chinese restaurant near my grad school. The owner was Chinese and had grown up in Calcutta and he spoke impeccable Hindi, albeit with an accent.

The Chinese of Kolkata in West Bengal, India, are a community of immigrants and their descendants that emigrated from China starting in the late 18th century to work at the Calcutta port. Unofficial estimates put the number of Chinese in Kolkata anywhere from 5,000 to 200,000, most of whom live in or near Chinatown in Tangra.
Coz evry graduate in India know english..so wen buisness come we can speak in english??
but Hindi is only in india

Yes, I know that Indian people have FAR better English-language skills than we do here in China.

In China it's very rare to hear people speaking in English, even in major cities.

The reason why Chinese people are learning Hindi, is to increase cultural relations between the two countries. Also, there are a lot of Chinese people who are fascinated with Indian culture and history, and are interested in learning how to speak Hindi and other Indian languages.
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