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Chinese think India backward

In child death capital India 5,000 die every day

India has unofficially become the world's child death capital, with a study claiming that over 5,000 children die in the country every day of "totally preventable causes".

According to the study, Child Health Now, by the NGO World Vision, India accounts for the highest number of child deaths (under five years of age) in the world at 1.95 million per year.

The study revealed that the majority of the deaths occur in the child's first year itself. The causes included diarrhoea, pneumonia and neo-natal problems.

Simple life-saving measures such as oral rehydration solutions, basic vaccinations, breastfeeding and using mosquito nets could bring down the dismal number by more than twothirds, the report said.

Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo follow India in the list. Together, the three nations account for 40 per cent of the total child deaths in the world.

It was also found that the three countries allocated the least share of funding - less than three per cent - to maternal and child heath in the health sector allocation.

Reni Jacob, the advocacy director for World Vision India, said, "When hundreds die in a disaster, it is considered an emergency. But when 5,000 children die every day, it is not considered one. This is the biggest human rights and child rights violation of all times."

The fact that simple interventions can go a long way in preventing child deaths is evident from the disparities that exist within India itself. While states like Orissa have a high infant mortality rate of 10 per cent, in others like Kerala, the rate is just a little over 1 per cent. And that is primarily because of initiatives in child care and maternal health services.

Indeed, the report found that children in states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are more vulnerable than those in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

In Bihar, less than one-third infants are breast-fed and 50 per cent of children are stunted because of malnutrition. The state has a high infant mortality rate of 85 deaths per 1,000 live births.

World Vision has launched a five-year campaign in India to address the alarming situation.

It has also urged the government to revamp the National Rural Health Mission and widen the focus of the Integrated Child Development Scheme to less than three-year-olds.

In child death capital India 5,000 die every day: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.
People, "haha" and "new wave" are the banned duo, local brand maoist by the ID "communist" and "grey boy2" and they had been banned for the same purpose that they are indulging in right now.
China: Fourth baby dies from tainted formula Chinese

BEIJING, China (CNN) -- Chinese officials in the northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region reported the death of a fourth baby Thursday in the country's expanding contaminated infant formula case. The tainted milk powder has already sickened more than 6,200 babies.

Earlier in the day, authorities announced the arrest of 12 more suspects in the investigation, provincial police said.

The arrests bring to 18 the number of people detained, according to the Hebei Public Security Bureau.

Twelve of those arrested are involved in the collection of milk and the production of milk products, authorities said. Authorities accuse the other six of illegally selling the chemical added to the milk.

More than 1,300 infants are hospitalized, said Li Changjiang, China's director of quarantine and inspection, on Wednesday. Their conditions include malnutrition, kidney stones and acute renal failure.

Inspectors have been deployed across the country to test producers' inventories.

Of China's 175 baby milk powder production companies, 66 have stopped production, Li said.Video Watch parents scramble for safe milk »

Two brothers who sold fresh milk used to produce contaminated baby milk powder were arrested by Chinese investigators Monday. They could face death if convicted, according to China Daily, a state-run newspaper.
Don't Miss

* China: Tainted milk suppliers charged
* Tainted Chinese milk kills second child
* China: Hundreds of babies fed tainted milk

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* See how you can make a difference in children's lives

The raw milk had been watered down and a chemical added to fool quality checks, the newspaper said.

Investigators said the brothers confessed to watering down the raw milk and mixing in tripolycyanamide, also known as melamine. They said they did it to recover losses suffered when the factory rejected earlier milk shipments, the paper reported. Learn more about the chemical melamine »

The brothers are charged with producing and selling toxic and hazardous food, which carries a possible death penalty, the paper said.

Health experts say ingesting melamine can lead to kidney stones, urinary tract ulcers, and eye and skin irritation.

The chemical is commonly used in coatings and laminates, wood adhesives, fabric coatings, ceiling tiles and flame retardants. Video Watch CNN visit the company at the center of the scandal »

Thousands of tons of the tainted milk powder have been recalled, including pullbacks by Mengniu Dairy Group, China's largest milk producer, and the Sanlu Group.

Chinese investigators have found melamine in nearly 70 milk products from more than 20 companies, Li said Wednesday. Products made by Sanlu had the highest concentration of the chemical.

It is not the first time Sanlu has been connected to a scandal involving tainted milk powder, according to China Daily.

In 2004, at least 13 infants in the eastern Anhui province died of malnutrition after drinking milk powder that had little to no nutrition. The illegally manufactured milk was falsely labeled with the Sanlu brand, according to the paper.

The vast majority of the tainted formula was consumed domestically, but it is known to have been exported to Taiwan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Yemen, Chad and Burundi, according to Li.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said no Chinese baby formula has been allowed on the market in the United States. In a statement on its Web site, the FDA said it had reached out to all five companies making formula in the United States and none has used formula or source materials from China.

This episode marks the latest in a string of tainted products produced in China:

# Thousands of pets in the United States became ill, some dying, last year after eating food imported from China tainted with melamine, the same chemical found in the powdered milk.

# Last October, at least 69,000 Chinese-made toys were recalled in the United States over concerns of excessive amounts of lead paint

# In November, it was found that the popular toy Aqua Dots was contaminated with a toxic chemical that turned into a powerful "date rape" drug if swallowed

# In February, a Maryland candy distributor pulled Pokemon-brand Valentine lollipops from store shelves after bits of metal were found in the sealed treats, authorities said.

China: Fourth baby dies from tainted formula - CNN.com
Bloody "Grey boy 2". You are reported for multiple ids and flamming.

:eek:It is amzing!!! You know a guy well who are banned before your first logging in!!!:eek: And now you are reporting he are using multiple ID.:rofl: Are you serious that you are not using multiple ID? I donnt know if new wave are using multiple ID, but you are indeed using multiple ID.
And BTW: Please be a litttle more clever. Thanks.
China: Thousands sentenced to death after unfair trials

Posted: 22 March 2004

A week ago a senior Chinese legislator suggested that China executes 10,000 people a year - more than the number of judicial executions recorded for the rest of the world combined.

Political interference is possible at every stage of criminal justice proceedings and the courts are under extreme political pressure to pass ever more and heavier sentences, quickly, as part of the 'strike hard' anti-crime campaigns.

Capital offences include crimes such as tax fraud, producing counterfeit currency, taking bribes and 'killing a panda.' Mobile execution chambers (converted buses) are being extensively used throughout China in which prisoners can be executed immediately after a sentence is passed.

Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen said:

"The Chinese criminal justice system is in no condition to offer fair trials, impartiality, or justice. This means that thousands more people will be executed this year by a dysfunctional criminal justice system.

"Secrecy surrounding the justice systems and executions in China mean that the miscarriages of justice cited in our report are certain to be just the tip of the iceberg. Given the potential for executing the innocent revealed by this report, it is incumbent upon the Chinese government to impose a moratorium on executions as a matter of urgency."

When detained on suspicion of committing a capital crime no one has the absolute right to immediate legal counsel; it is usually only after a person has been interrogated by police that they can engage a lawyer. Even then, this right is often denied or interfered with in practice.

However, it is often during the first interrogation that people are tortured and forced to 'confess' to the crime under investigation. Their 'confession' can then be used as evidence against them in court, and towards sentencing them to death.

Contrary to international standards there is also no presumption of innocence in Chinese law. A defendant in court is effectively required to prove their innocence rather than the prosecution being required to prove the defendant's guilt.

Political interference can intrude upon the judicial process at every stage of proceedings, and the notorious 'strike hard' campaigns against crime are putting courts under extreme pressure to secure more convictions.

Defendants in capital cases are likely to be sentenced to death by a judge with minimal or no legal expertise, the same judges who are often under political pressure to be enforcing the rule of the Party, rather than the rule of law.

A defendant's appeal against a death sentence can amount to a summary administrative procedure held behind closed doors, with final review and approval for an execution given by the same court that rejected the appeal.

For defendants accused of committing a capital crime which touches upon political or religious issues that the Chinese state is keen to suppress, all legal proceedings can be hidden from observers by declaring that the case involves "state secrets". This denies access to information and excludes observers from trials and is a veil behind which grossly unfair trials are conducted.

The report is based on individual cases researched by Amnesty International and cases gathered from China's official media. These include:

* Tenzin Deleg Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist cleric who was given a suspended death sentence following a blatantly unfair trial and a summary appeal procedure which saw his co-defendant Lobsang Dhundup executed on the day sentence was passed
* Gong Shengliang, a Christian pastor who was also subjected to a blatantly unfair trial and sentenced to death, only to have his sentence reduced to life on appeal. He remains in prison, and there are serious concerns for his health following allegations of repeated and sustained beatings in prison.
* Chen Guoqing and three co-defendants accused of murder in 1996. They have now been re-tried and re-sentenced to death four times. They have so far successfully appealed three times because the appeal court recognised the evidence against them was non-existent, scant, or based upon confessions extorted through torture. They remain in prison awaiting a final verdict.

As EU foreign ministers meet today the EU's political and trading relationship with China is on the agenda. Amnesty International is concerned that this "human rights dialogue" has been used an excuse for the EU not to put forward a resolution criticising China's human rights record at the UN Commission on Human Rights, which is currently meeting in Geneva.

There are also concerns that today's meeting of foreign ministers will release conclusions on China that will be far less detailed than those of previous years.

Amnesty International is calling on the Chinese authorities to put an immediate moratorium on the use of the death penalty and to implement the international treaties it is already a party to, including the Convention Against Torture.

AIUK : China: Thousands sentenced to death after unfair trials
Never mind any so-called million of missing girl in China, put more focus on whats burning your own a@s now and 100% confirmed, Indian babies massacre every single day. 2 million per year and still counting.

Congrates, a new "Crown" for Indians only " Child-death Capital"

India has unofficially become the world's child death capital, with a study claiming that over 5,000 children die in the country every day of "totally preventable causes".

According to the study, Child Health Now, by the NGO World Vision, India accounts for the highest number of child deaths (under five years of age) in the world at 1.95 million per year.
In child death capital India 5,000 die every day: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.
wow the indians are posting articles about 4th baby to die from tainted milk products.

truly tragic as every child death in china is mourned.

in india, it's just another statistic. who cares if 1 more slum kid in the ghetto dies?
Gay singer in China arrested for killing six men in 'sex games'

A gay pub singer in Changsha, Hunan has been arrested for allegedly murdering six men in what media reports have described as 'sado-masochistic sex games.'

The Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports via The (Hong Kong) Standard:

A gay pub singer in Hunan is facing six murder charges after he allegedly killed six men in elaborate, sado-masochistic sex games that involved hanging his victims.

Zhou Youping, a singer in bars in Changsha, posted personal ads on gay websites asking people travel to his home to be his "slave," the Sanxiang City Express said.

He wanted to play erotic asphyxiation games - the intentional restriction of oxygen to the brain for sexual arousal - and met the men in hotels.

"At first I wanted them to be my slave. But when they met me they wanted money or had special requests. I didn't like that and wanted to use the hanging asphyxiation method to kill them," Zhou said

Fridae | Gay singer in China arrested for killing six men in 'sex games'
60 million in a decade, whats the daily average sir

:rofl:The artilce are say there will be 30-50 million Chinese men might not be able to find brides in 2020. And who tell you 60million girl are missing in china?

But 5000 indian baby die is clear. Dont try to twist the src.~~~:lol:
Ma Yaohai: Chinese Professor Arrested For Orgies

A 53 year old Chinese professor was arrested for orgies he organized and took part in. Ma Yaohai says that the orgies didn’t hurt anyone and those who participated shouldn’t be punished for something that they did for their “own personal happiness.”

Yaohai was sentenced to three and a half years in jail and says he plans on appealing his conviction.He was a computer science professor who ran ads online and held what he calls “swinging parties at his house. He organized a total of 18 orgies, 14 were held at his own home.

Yaohai maintains that everyone involved in the Chinese professor’s orgies participated out of their own free will and hurt no one else with their actions. A total of 18 people were convicted of group licentiousness and were sentenced to two and a half years in jail.

It has been said that Ma Yaohai received a very harsh sentence for his crime because he refused to admit the maliciousness of his conduct. A Chinese columnist said that the group confounded right and wrong and poisened the social atmosphere.

I have to say, I think Ma Yaohai’s actions are reprehensible and disgusting but certainly not criminal. Without violating other’s rights I simply cannot see how the Chinese professor’s orgies co nstitute a crime against anyone, especially the public at large.

Let us know what you think about Ma Yaohai the Chinese professor arrested for orgies. Do you think he should be punished? Should the state stay out of his business? What do you suppose whould happen here if something like this occurred?

Ma Yaohai: Chinese Professor Arrested For Orgies Right Juris
another tragedy. our society is so open, anyone can have their own lifestyle, sometimes this lifestyle conflicts with society's greater needs, and that's when the police step in.

this is unthinkable in a superstitious country like india where women are killed for being witches and people have child marriages. disgusting feudal behavior. 100 years behind china.

Oh, no, you mention me another area in which indian is superpower.

India: The rape kingdom!

India: The rape kingdom!

India is well on its way to being the rape capital of the world. With most offenders taking solace in the idea that they can get away with it, there seems no solution in sight to the problem at the moment.

CJ: Megha Nayar Fri, Aug 28, 2009 11:41:32 IST
Views: 2786 Comments: 10Rate: IT ISN’T so much the possibility of a stranger lurking in the gullies you by-pass to reach home. There is a far greater chance it may be your neighbour or teacher, or even worse, your own brother or uncle. The year 2008, reported more than 20,000 rapes (and estimates say only about one in 69 cases is reported in India). In a staggering 92 per cent of the cases, the perpetrators were known to the victim.

One of the worst places for a woman to live in, in terms of personal safety and security, India records 57 rape cases per day, up by 800 per cent if one considers the seven per day recorded in 1971. This is excluding the several others that are muffled or pushed under the carpet for reasons of ‘honour’ and ‘family name’. Rape is present as at least one of every four crimes recorded in India. Every hour, there are at least 20 crimes committed against women across the country. And out of all rape cases, only about 20 per cent actually see conviction for the offenders.

Are we ashamed? We ought to be. According to 2008 statistics, out of 35 cities checked for women’s security, national as well as rape capital Delhi stood first, with an incredible one-third of total rapes happening here. If the capital of the country and one of its biggest cities does not guarantee safety, what will? And to think that these are estimates that don’t even reveal the whole truth. If one were to have the ‘real’ figures in hand, one would realise that there is indeed truth in the claim that rape is India’s biggest crime at the moment.

What compounds most of our problems is that we Indians tend to have stereotypes for everything. So, what would your typical rapist be like? The immediate thought that comes to mind is of a red-eyed, sinister-looking and lecherous guy who stares you at the bus stop or in the office or at the departmental store. We know little about him, except that we have comfortably assumed it is a rank stranger. Well, we couldn’t be more mistaken. Research of several years has revealed that in India, you needn’t be a stranger to perpetrate sexual crimes. Which is why women need to be afraid. You need to be alert to the male figures already around you, instead of assuming he will come from another planet.

A stupendous 92 per cent of all rape victims already knew and decently well, the ones than violated them. These figures are clearly indicative of the Indian social fabric indeed being so designed that it leaves little scope for a woman to express her resentment of anything, even intrusion in her own space. The knowledge that she will keep quiet for fear of being ill-treated and taunted is exactly what drives most rapists to their crime. And not only that, the rate of conviction of rapists is also insignificant. Put together, these two factors create a lethal combination that encourages rape, for the fear of being caught and punished is insignificant while the chances of getting away with the crime are very high.

Psychologists say it is a result of a dangerously lopsided equation between the sexes.

India: The rape kingdom!
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