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Chinese think India backward

Hey whats your opinion on 60 million missing girls from China?:hitwall:

UNFPA State of World Population 2005UNFPA State of World Population 2005

I am not him, but maybe this↓ will be his opinion.:smitten:
India baby girl deaths 'increase'

There is a cultural preference for male children in India
The number of girls born and surviving in India has hit an all-time low compared with boys, ActionAid says.

A report by the UK charity says increasing numbers of female foetuses were being aborted and baby girls deliberately neglected and left to die.

In one site in the Punjab state, there are just 300 girls to every 1,000 boys among higher caste families, it says.

ActionAid says India faces a "bleak" future if it does not end its practice of cultural preference for boys.
Girls 'condemned'

ActionAid teamed up with Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to produce the Disappearing Daughters report.

More than 6,000 households in sites across five states in north-western India were interviewed and statistical comparisons were made with national census date.

The real horror of the situation is that for women avoiding having daughters is a rational choice

Laura Turquet, ActionAid
Under "normal" circumstances, there should be about 950 girls for every 1,000 boys, the charity said.

But it said that in three of the five sites, that number was below 800.

In four of the five sites surveyed, the proportion of girls to boys had declined since a 2001 census, the report said.

The research also found that ratios of girls to boys were declining fastest in comparatively prosperous urban areas.

ActionAid suggested the increasing use of ultrasound technology may be a factor in the trend.

The document says that Indian woman are put under intense pressure to produce sons, in a culture that predominantly views girls as a burden rather than an asset.

It says many families now use ultrasound scans and abort female foetuses, despite the existence of the 1994 law banning gender selection and selective abortion.

The charity also blames other illegal practices - such as allowing the umbilical cord to become infected - for the growing gender imbalance.

"The real horror of the situation is that, for women, avoiding having daughters is a rational choice. But for wider society it's creating an appalling and desperate state of affairs," Laura Turquet, women's rights policy official at ActionAid said.

"In the long term, cultural attitudes need to change. India must address economic and social barriers including property rights, marriage dowries and gender roles that condemn girls before they are even born.

"If we don't act now the future looks bleak," Ms Turquet said.

Some 10 million female foetuses have been aborted in India in the past 20 years, the British medical journal the Lancet has said.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India baby girl deaths 'increase'
Hey whats your opinion on 60 million missing girls from China?:hitwall:

UNFPA State of World Population 2005UNFPA State of World Population 2005

Who you trying to fool, those never bother to read your "Source"

Discrimination against girls may begin in the womb. In some countries, a strong preference for sons has led to the elimination of millions of girls through prenatal sex selection. Baby girls also die through deliberate neglect and starvation. In Asia, at least 60 million girls are "missing".

HaHaHa, some shameless Indians, may be India responsible for most of the missing girl.:rofl:
I am not him, but maybe this↓ will be his opinion.:smitten:
India baby girl deaths 'increase'

There is a cultural preference for male children in India
The number of girls born and surviving in India has hit an all-time low compared with boys, ActionAid says.

A report by the UK charity says increasing numbers of female foetuses were being aborted and baby girls deliberately neglected and left to die.

In one site in the Punjab state, there are just 300 girls to every 1,000 boys among higher caste families, it says.

ActionAid says India faces a "bleak" future if it does not end its practice of cultural preference for boys.
Girls 'condemned'

ActionAid teamed up with Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to produce the Disappearing Daughters report.

More than 6,000 households in sites across five states in north-western India were interviewed and statistical comparisons were made with national census date.

The real horror of the situation is that for women avoiding having daughters is a rational choice

Laura Turquet, ActionAid
Under "normal" circumstances, there should be about 950 girls for every 1,000 boys, the charity said.

But it said that in three of the five sites, that number was below 800.

In four of the five sites surveyed, the proportion of girls to boys had declined since a 2001 census, the report said.

The research also found that ratios of girls to boys were declining fastest in comparatively prosperous urban areas.

ActionAid suggested the increasing use of ultrasound technology may be a factor in the trend.

The document says that Indian woman are put under intense pressure to produce sons, in a culture that predominantly views girls as a burden rather than an asset.

It says many families now use ultrasound scans and abort female foetuses, despite the existence of the 1994 law banning gender selection and selective abortion.

The charity also blames other illegal practices - such as allowing the umbilical cord to become infected - for the growing gender imbalance.

"The real horror of the situation is that, for women, avoiding having daughters is a rational choice. But for wider society it's creating an appalling and desperate state of affairs," Laura Turquet, women's rights policy official at ActionAid said.

"In the long term, cultural attitudes need to change. India must address economic and social barriers including property rights, marriage dowries and gender roles that condemn girls before they are even born.

"If we don't act now the future looks bleak," Ms Turquet said.

Some 10 million female foetuses have been aborted in India in the past 20 years, the British medical journal the Lancet has said.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India baby girl deaths 'increase'

I asked your opinion about the missing girls in china.

China grapples with legacy of its ‘missing girls’
Disturbing demographic imbalance spurs drive to change age-old practices
A Chinese father carries his sleeping child at a park in Shanghai
Claro Cortes Iv / REUTERS

Eric Baculinao
Beijing Bureau Chief
CHINA: Maps, facts and figures
By Eric Baculinao
Beijing Bureau Chief
NBC News
updated 8:56 a.m. ET Sept. 14, 2004

BEIJING - China is asking where all the girls have gone.

And the sobering answer is that this vast nation, now the world's fastest-growing economy, is confronting a self-perpetuated demographic disaster that some experts describe as "gendercide" -- the phenomenom caused by millions of families resorting to abortion and infanticide to make sure their one child was a boy.

The age-old bias for boys, combined with China's draconian one-child policy imposed since 1980, has produced what Gu Baochang, a leading Chinese expert on family planning, described as "the largest, the highest, and the longest" gender imbalance in the world.
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Ancient practice
For centuries, Chinese families without sons feared poverty and neglect. The male offspring represented continuity of lineage and protection in old age.

The traditional thinking is best described in the ancient "Book of Songs" (1000-700 B.C.):

"When a son is born,
Let him sleep on the bed,
Clothe him with fine clothes,
And give him jade to play...
When a daughter is born,
Let her sleep on the ground,
Wrap her in common wrappings,
And give broken tiles to play..."

After the Communists took power in 1949, Mao Zedong rejected traditional Malthusian arguments that population growth would eventually outrun food supply, and firmly regarded China's huge population as an asset, then with an annual birth rate of 3.7 percent. Without a state-mandated birth control program, China's sex ratio in the 60's and 70's remained normal.

Then in the early '80s, China began enforcing an ambitious demographic engineering policy to limit families to one-child, as part of its strategy to fast-track economic modernization. The policy resulted in a slashed annual birth rate of 1.29 percent by 2002, or the prevention of some 300 million births, and the current population of close to 1.3 billion.

‘Missing girls’
From a relatively normal ratio of 108.5 boys to 100 girls in the early 80s, the male surplus progressively rose to 111 in 1990, 116 in 2000, and is now is close to 120 boys for each 100 girls at the present time, according to a Chinese think-tank report.

The shortage of women is creating a "huge societal issue,” warned U.N. resident coordinator Khalid Malik earlier this year.


World's most populous countries
How the people-heavy nations are handling population growth

Along with HIV/AIDS and environmental degradation, he said it was one of the three biggest challenges facing China.

"In eight to 10 years, we will have something like 40 to 60 million missing women," he said, adding that it will have "enormous implications" for China's prostitution industry and human trafficking.

China's own population experts have been warning for years about the looming gender crisis.

"The loss of female births due to illegal prenatal sex determination and sex-selective abortions and female infanticide will affect the true sex ratio at birth and at young ages, creating an unbalanced population sex structure in the future and resulting in potentially serious social problems," argued Peking University's chief demographer back in 1993.

Prenatal sex selection
The abortion of female fetuses and infanticide was aided by the spread of cheap and portable ultra-sound scanners in the 1980's. Illegal mobile scanning and backstreet hospitals can provide a sex scan for as little as $50, according to one report.

"Prenatal sex selection was probably the primary cause, if not the sole cause, for the continuous rise of the sex ratio at birth," said population expert Prof. Chu Junhong.

A slew of reports have confirmed the disturbing demographic trend.

* In a 2002 survey conducted in a central China village, more than 300 of the 820 women had abortions and more than a third of them admitted they were trying to select their baby's sex.
* According to a report by the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the vast majority of aborted fetuses, more than 70 percent, were female, citing the abortion of up to 750,000 female fetuses in China in 1999.
* A report by Zhang Qing, population researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the gender imbalance is "statistically related to the high death rate of female babies, with female death rate at age zero in the city or rural areas consistently higher than male baby death rate." Only seven of China's 29 provinces are within the world's average sex ratio. Zhang Qing's report cited eight "disaster provinces" from North to South China, where there were 26 to 38 percent more boys than girls.
* In the last census in 2000, there were nearly 19 million boys more than girls in the 0-15 age group. "We have to act now or the problem will become very serious," said Peking University sociologist Prof. Xia Xueluan. He cited the need to strengthen social welfare system in the countryside to weaken the traditional preference for boys.

Gravity of imbalance beginning to be felt
The hint of "serious" problems ahead can be seen in the increasing cases of human trafficking as bachelors try to "purchase" their wives.

China's police have freed more than 42,000 kidnapped women and children from 2001 to 2003.

The vast army of surplus males could pose a threat to China's stability, argued two Western scholars. Valerie M. Hudson and Andrea M. Den Boer, who recently wrote a book on the "Security Implications of Asia's Surplus Male Population," cited two rebellions in disproportionately male areas in Manchu Dynasty China.
Who you trying to fool, those never bother to read your "Source"

Discrimination against girls may begin in the womb. In some countries, a strong preference for sons has led to the elimination of millions of girls through prenatal sex selection. Baby girls also die through deliberate neglect and starvation. In Asia, at least 60 million girls are "missing".

HaHaHa, some shameless Indians, may be India responsible for most of the missing girl.:rofl:

Check above post and stop being delusional and cruel. Your hate has blinded you.
I asked your opinion about the missing girls in china.

China grapples with legacy of its ‘missing girls’
Disturbing demographic imbalance spurs drive to change age-old practices
A Chinese father carries his sleeping child at a park in Shanghai
Claro Cortes Iv / REUTERS
A Chinese father carries his child at a park in Shanghai on September 8th. After 11 years of negative population growth, China's eastern financial hub of Shanghai has cancelled rewards for married couples who decide not to have children.

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Eric Baculinao
Beijing Bureau Chief
CHINA: Maps, facts and figures
By Eric Baculinao
Beijing Bureau Chief
NBC News
updated 8:56 a.m. ET Sept. 14, 2004

BEIJING - China is asking where all the girls have gone.

And the sobering answer is that this vast nation, now the world's fastest-growing economy, is confronting a self-perpetuated demographic disaster that some experts describe as "gendercide" -- the phenomenom caused by millions of families resorting to abortion and infanticide to make sure their one child was a boy.

The age-old bias for boys, combined with China's draconian one-child policy imposed since 1980, has produced what Gu Baochang, a leading Chinese expert on family planning, described as "the largest, the highest, and the longest" gender imbalance in the world.
Story continues below ↓advertisement | your ad here

Ancient practice
For centuries, Chinese families without sons feared poverty and neglect. The male offspring represented continuity of lineage and protection in old age.

The traditional thinking is best described in the ancient "Book of Songs" (1000-700 B.C.):

"When a son is born,
Let him sleep on the bed,
Clothe him with fine clothes,
And give him jade to play...
When a daughter is born,
Let her sleep on the ground,
Wrap her in common wrappings,
And give broken tiles to play..."

After the Communists took power in 1949, Mao Zedong rejected traditional Malthusian arguments that population growth would eventually outrun food supply, and firmly regarded China's huge population as an asset, then with an annual birth rate of 3.7 percent. Without a state-mandated birth control program, China's sex ratio in the 60's and 70's remained normal.

Then in the early '80s, China began enforcing an ambitious demographic engineering policy to limit families to one-child, as part of its strategy to fast-track economic modernization. The policy resulted in a slashed annual birth rate of 1.29 percent by 2002, or the prevention of some 300 million births, and the current population of close to 1.3 billion.

‘Missing girls’
From a relatively normal ratio of 108.5 boys to 100 girls in the early 80s, the male surplus progressively rose to 111 in 1990, 116 in 2000, and is now is close to 120 boys for each 100 girls at the present time, according to a Chinese think-tank report.

The shortage of women is creating a "huge societal issue,” warned U.N. resident coordinator Khalid Malik earlier this year.


World's most populous countries
How the people-heavy nations are handling population growth

Along with HIV/AIDS and environmental degradation, he said it was one of the three biggest challenges facing China.

"In eight to 10 years, we will have something like 40 to 60 million missing women," he said, adding that it will have "enormous implications" for China's prostitution industry and human trafficking.

China's own population experts have been warning for years about the looming gender crisis.

"The loss of female births due to illegal prenatal sex determination and sex-selective abortions and female infanticide will affect the true sex ratio at birth and at young ages, creating an unbalanced population sex structure in the future and resulting in potentially serious social problems," argued Peking University's chief demographer back in 1993.

Prenatal sex selection

The abortion of female fetuses and infanticide was aided by the spread of cheap and portable ultra-sound scanners in the 1980's. Illegal mobile scanning and backstreet hospitals can provide a sex scan for as little as $50, according to one report.

"Prenatal sex selection was probably the primary cause, if not the sole cause, for the continuous rise of the sex ratio at birth," said population expert Prof. Chu Junhong.

A slew of reports have confirmed the disturbing demographic trend.

* In a 2002 survey conducted in a central China village, more than 300 of the 820 women had abortions and more than a third of them admitted they were trying to select their baby's sex.
* According to a report by the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the vast majority of aborted fetuses, more than 70 percent, were female, citing the abortion of up to 750,000 female fetuses in China in 1999.
* A report by Zhang Qing, population researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the gender imbalance is "statistically related to the high death rate of female babies, with female death rate at age zero in the city or rural areas consistently higher than male baby death rate." Only seven of China's 29 provinces are within the world's average sex ratio. Zhang Qing's report cited eight "disaster provinces" from North to South China, where there were 26 to 38 percent more boys than girls.
* In the last census in 2000, there were nearly 19 million boys more than girls in the 0-15 age group. "We have to act now or the problem will become very serious," said Peking University sociologist Prof. Xia Xueluan. He cited the need to strengthen social welfare system in the countryside to weaken the traditional preference for boys.

Gravity of imbalance beginning to be felt
The hint of "serious" problems ahead can be seen in the increasing cases of human trafficking as bachelors try to "purchase" their wives.

China's police have freed more than 42,000 kidnapped women and children from 2001 to 2003.

The vast army of surplus males could pose a threat to China's stability, argued two Western scholars. Valerie M. Hudson and Andrea M. Den Boer, who recently wrote a book on the "Security Implications of Asia's Surplus Male Population," cited two rebellions in disproportionately male areas in Manchu Dynasty China.

Sati in India

Sati-the Burning of The Widow

Sati is the practice through which widows are voluntarily or forcibly burned alive on their husband's funeral pyre. It was banned in 1829, but had to be banned again in 1956 after a resurgence. There was another revival of the practice in 1981 with another prevention ordinance passed in 1987 (Morgan 1984). The idea justifying sati is that women have worth only in relation to men. This illustrates women's lack of status as individuals in India.

FAQs on Sati Courtesy: Miral Patel and Ekta Bhattarai

I. What is Sati?
Hindu custom in India in which the widow was burnt to death on her husband’s pyre.
Can be a voluntary choice or force upon a woman by her in-laws.

II. Reasons for Sati
A widow's status was looked upon as an unwanted burden that prevented her from participating in the household work. Her touch, her voice, her very appearance was considered unholy, impure and something that was to be shunned and abhorred.
A woman was considered pure if she committed Sati.

III. The History Behind Sati
Sati, the wife of Daksha, was so overcome at the demise of her husband that she immolated herself on his funeral pyre.
Sati was the consort of Lord Shiva. She burnt herself in fire as protest against her father, Daksha did not give her consort Shiva the respect she thought he deserved.

IV. Theories of Origin
Even though Sati is considered an Indian custom or a Hindu custom it was not practiced all over India by all Hindus but only among certain communities of India.
Sacrificing the widow in her dead husband's funeral or pyre was not unique only to India. This custom was prevalent among Egyptians, Greek, Goths, and others.
Ramayana- Sita walks through fire to prove her purity.
Mahabharata- Madri throws herself on her husband, Pandu’s fire.

V. Outside Views Impact
A few rulers of India like the Mughals, tried to ban this custom.
Italian Traveler Pietro Della Valle (1586-1652) has documented the Sati ritual that he witnessed in the town of Ikkeri in November of 1623.
Colonel William. H. Sleeman (1809 - 1856 A.D.) served as the collector of Jabalpur.

VI. Sati in the Modern times

In general, before this custom was outlawed in 1829, there were a few hundred officially recorded incidences each year.
The efforts of Raja Rammohan Roy and other Hindu reformers greatly impacted the movement to outlaw this practice.

Even after the custom was outlawed, this custom did not vanish completely. It took few decades before this custom almost vanished

In 1987 an eighteen years old widow, Roop Kanwar, committed Sati in a village of Rajasthan.

The 'Sati' version is that Roop told her father-in-law she wanted to commit Sati.

Roop was forced to commit Sati.
The case went to court, but no one was charged with her murder.

Even in the year 2000, you hear about Sati occurring in rural villages.

Sati in India, Sati - the Burning of The Widow bride

... ha ha ha. :cheers:


According to Indian feminists, it is this traditional ideology that continues to oppress women. According to them, the expectations placed on women to offer selfless nurturance are great and to be socialized to commit suicide for the benefit of others is ludicrous. Some feminists believe that women have also been targeted by fundamentalists, such as the Committee for the Defense of the Religion of Sati. As participants of fundamentalist movements, feminist are disturbed that women can be active supporters of organizations and activities which limit their own rights (Clark and Feldman 1996: 3-5). Furthermore, fundamental movements such as The Committee for the Defense of the Religion of Sati are said to reinforce traditional assumptions about family, community and social order, within which women occupy a defined and subordinate place.

As one can see, the controversy of sati is very complex. Despite the existence of laws which prohibit sati in India and the glorification of a Sati (one who has successfully committed sati), these laws have not hindered some attempts by women to perform the selfless act. In fact, just two years ago in 1997, police in Northern India prevented a widow from committing sati (The Daily News). For Indian feminists, these occurrences confirm that deeply held and deeply cherished norms cannot be changed simply by enacting laws (Kishwar 1994: 7-8). As the editor of Manushi, one of India’s most recognized feminist journals contends, “social change among the Rajput women is going to require a genuine dialogue on why women have been culturally conditioned to consider their own lives worthless after the death of their husbands” (1994: 8). In essence, it is the ingrained cultural traditions the Indian people must change. Reversing years or centuries of female oppression is not only a challenge for Indian women but for women on a global scale.


....ha ha ha. :cheers:
The Sati system has gone but still I am asking the same where these 60 million girls go? Avoiding ?

I think you should tell your opinion about your untouchable people, 400million people are starving to death, 6000children lose their life every day first, and then I will tell you my opinion.:smitten:
Bye for now see you later. let me know when u have answer.

Then I will ask you my next question.
I think you should tell your opinion about your untouchable people, 400million people are starving to death, 6000children lose their life every day first, and then I will tell you my opinion.:smitten:

Thats what my point is , If you are not ready for those questions and feel so uncomfortable then why bring these unrelated things up.

any ways bye for now.
The Sati system has gone but still I am asking the same where these 60 million girls go? Avoiding ?

how many millions of satis have been burned alive in india.... tell me?

Practice of Sati still prevalent in India

Mon, Oct 13, 2008 22:49:38 IST

The Indian society might have progresses and move forward, but the social evil of Sati continues to haunt us. The shocking incident of a seventy one year old woman performing Sati in Chattisgarh a few days back is an eye opener for all of us.

THE PRACTICE of Sati has been a part of our society for ages with its inception being traced to the time of the Gupta period. Though Sati is illegal and is highly condemned in our society, the act of Sati bring performed in the 21st century has shocked people. Lalmati Verma aged seventy one and a resident of Chechar village in the Raipur district in Chattisgarh. Her husband Shivnandan Verma, a local had died of natural causes. Lalmati had come to the funeral dressed in a new sari. When her husband’s body had been almost burnt and the villagers were about to leave, Lalmati jumped into the pyre and was reduced to ashes in moments. Lalmati’s three sons were totally unaware of their mother’s plans. Lalmati was a member of the Kurmi caste, which is registered in the list of the OBC’s.

It is yet not known whether Lalmati chose to do this voluntarily or was pushed by someone. A police case has been registered and investigation is on. But the incident is a glaring example of how such incidents continue to occur in rural India inspite of all the modernisation and the development that urban India is facing today.

Our society has moved forward by leaps and bounds in the past few decades, but some old practices like Sati are still prevalent in rural India despite several attempts made by the government to ban them. The key is to spread awareness amongst rural areas and make the people realise the evils associated with this practice. Till such cases of Sati continue to be performed we cannot call ourselves a developed nation. It is a shame for our society till this heinous practice continues to go on.

Practice of Sati still prevalent in India

... ha ha ha. :cheers:
Typical low life Indian mentality in full display,where in your source said 60 million missing girl in China ?

Stop lying, all its said is 60 million in whole Asia.

Discrimination against girls may begin in the womb. In some countries, a strong preference for sons has led to the elimination of millions of girls through prenatal sex selection. Baby girls also die through deliberate neglect and starvation. In Asia, at least 60 million girls are "missing".
UNFPA State of World Population 2005
Lolz, a local brand Nepali maoist posing as a chinese?? U have been banned n-number of times here for flaming and it seems you wont stay here long too.

watch ur under wear... is it wet?

wht r u talkin abt? .... ha ha ha. :rofl: :rofl::rofl:
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