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Chinese swear their revenge on Japanese (Sino-Japanese War)

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Are you really that naive???

Do you know how long WWII last???

For japan's invasion against China, it started even much earlier as well.

To put the war criminal activities onto his subordinates, what a gutless move!

For all of those jap's generals in WWII, who did they put their loyalty to??? For all branches in jap's government then, who was the final decision maker???

If it said that "DO NOT Invade China; DO NOT bomb pearl harbor; DO NOT invade Korea;....." if its subordinates asked for its approval, you think those generals dare not to obey him???

After meiji, the jap's emperor had already accumulated all the power there already.

Please DO NOT insult our intelligence. With words like that, I do not see any real sincerity at all.

In addition, never accept surrender??? Did he want to be burned to ashes with another two or three atomic bombs???

He was a gutless bastard who not only caused tens of millions of Chinese people died, millions of people died from other asian countries, of course millions to hell for its own war-loving criminals. However, at the end, he has no gut to self-cut himself for his war criminal activities and begged for his life with U.S. At least, quite a few of its generals committed suicides to show some guts.

What a worm.

He is just such a gutless coward and heartless criminal.
@Peter C ,

It was the late Emperor Hirohito who confronted the Tojo Government and impressed his view to end the conflict, unconditionally. In fact, hardliners stormed the Imperial Palace to prevent His Imperial Majesty from broadcasting to the population. It was his Divine status amongst the Japanese people at the time that commanded utmost loyalty and persuaded the people to accept the terms of surrender.

Had the Emperor been a sadistic warmonger-er as some of his enemies claimed he was, he would have never recited his grandfather Meiji's poetic piece during the Imperial Privy Council in '41. Had he been a fanatic, he would have never accepted surrendered, and Operation Olympus would have been initiated; and over 90 million Japanese would have fought to the very end.

It did not happen. We can attest that to the intervention of the Emperor.
That was part of it. If Hirohito hadn't stepped in then yes things would have some to an even more horrible end.

HOWEVER he did that because he had "had enough'. Not that he was a peace loving person. He had plenty of time from say the invasion of Manchuria in the early 1930's to step in and put a stop to things...that's a LONG time to sit on your hands and do nothing, If Japan were still winning he wouldn't be stepping in out of the goodness of his heart. He did because the war was lost and he could see a disaster looming for his people.

Honestly, @Peter C , I agree with you that the Emperor could have intervened even before. In those days, the Emperor did not really participate in privy council meetings, as during such times, the Emperor was considered Divine, a time when looking at Him was punishable by death. The Emperor, as in our old religion, was a decendent of the sun godess Amaterasu , and was in all tense and purposes a Living God.

In this premise, the emperor did not actively participate in politics, but rather sat on the office as the symbol of the state.

To us now who have the benefit of hindsight, we may argue that his actions were 'not enough', but we should also undersand that during that time, what he did, by sounding protest to militarism in the 30's, was rather revolutionary.

I will not deny the crimes committed by my ancestors during the Pacific War. Japan, during that time, was wrong for its expansionst ideology. The deaths that happened (allied and japanese lives) were regrettable. And I hope that someday, our friends in asia-pacific can forgive us for that episode in history.
I am a proponent of a resurgent Japan. As a Japanese, I know firsthand the quality of our products and the unprecedented work ethic of my people, not to mention the technological mastery of the Japanese. One has to understand the current political situation of Japan. Abe, our current Prime Minister, and many conservative Japanese ministers want to ammend our constitution that puts unecessary limitations on Japanese defense forces. One, the term "Japanese Self Defence Force" should and must be renamed as "Japanese Armed Forces, or Imperial Japanese Armed Forces" in regards to the office of the Emperor.

Second, the Treaty between Japan and the United States should remain, as it has been in effect for over 50 years. An alliance does not necessarily mean Japan must be limited to absconding the national interests of Japan for American sensitivities. I believe that it is possible to develop closer ties between China (PRC), Taiwan, South Korea.

In my opinion, it is inevitable that Japan will take on greater responsibilities in these coming years.

I agree. Japan should have the same rights that other nations have when it comes to national defense.

I think its funny how people want japan to be neutered but they wouldn't want the same for their own country.
"jap" is a racist word ?

I saw this word in many US tv
Watch this again and u will learn more, bro. :tup:

Play 《Call of Duty 5》 and learn more

I knew both were forbid to sell in Japan marcket, the reason u understand. :coffee:
In this premise, the emperor did not actively participate in politics, but rather sat on the office as the symbol of the state.

I'm not sure if I can equate Hirohito with say the hands-off situation of Queen Elizabeth.

However it needs some thought.
Watch this again and u will learn more, bro. :tup:

Play 《Call of Duty 5》 and learn more

I knew both were forbid to sell in Japan marcket, the reason u understand. :coffee:

The Pacific is forbidden in Japan ?
I'm not sure if I can equate Hirohito with say the hands-off situation of Queen Elizabeth.

However it needs some thought.

A popular economist once wrote about how Hirohito was born in such unfortunate time. He was , by his persona, a humble and quiet man. His interest was in biology, particularly marine biology. Unknown to many was that he preferred scientific readings than military/ political machinations.

One could even do a doctoral or masteral dissertation on the similarities and dichotomy of Hirohito and Nicholas II.
Don't insult our intelligence.

the emperor was simply a puppet before meiji.

Divine??? The power-grabbing generals before meiji did not give a dame about its divinity.

What those WWII generals, even before that, tried to invade, is not a small island, but countries like russia and China. He did not participate???

Saying so is the same as saying Hitler has no role in killing millions of Jews, making decision invading ussr and etc.

I am not sure whether you are naive or simply STUPID.

Honestly, @Peter C , I agree with you that the Emperor could have intervened even before. In those days, the Emperor did not really participate in privy council meetings, as during such times, the Emperor was considered Divine, a time when looking at Him was punishable by death. The Emperor, as in our old religion, was a decendent of the sun godess Amaterasu , and was in all tense and purposes a Living God.

In this premise, the emperor did not actively participate in politics, but rather sat on the office as the symbol of the state.

To us now who have the benefit of hindsight, we may argue that his actions were 'not enough', but we should also undersand that during that time, what he did, by sounding protest to militarism in the 30's, was rather revolutionary.

I will not deny the crimes committed by my ancestors during the Pacific War. Japan, during that time, was wrong for its expansionst ideology. The deaths that happened (allied and japanese lives) were regrettable. And I hope that someday, our friends in asia-pacific can forgive us for that episode in history.
Well, maybe some german can also say hitler was born in such unfortunate time and his real interest is not to kill jews but arts and literature. :rofl:

A popular economist once wrote about how Hirohito was born in such unfortunate time. He was , by his persona, a humble and quiet man. His interest was in biology, particularly marine biology. Unknown to many was that he preferred scientific readings than military/ political machinations.

One could even do a doctoral or masteral dissertation on the similarities and dichotomy of Hirohito and Nicholas II.
That term is as severe as the word "Chink" which is a derogatory term for oriental peoples.

Some racist terms for asian people include, " gook, chink, squinty, jap,..etc".

So, let us not say such things.
Some time I use "Jap" is for convenience

White people are arrogant .

I do not like to stay with them , they are smelly and use strong cologne.
When you have more than 20 millions people slaughtered by the japs, even more including all other countries invaded, you would not think or use the word: funny.
I agree. Japan should have the same rights that other nations have when it comes to national defense.

I think its funny how people want japan to be neutered but they wouldn't want the same for their own country.
Many years ago news (the year of HTO's 《The Pacific》 launched), i don't know current situation in Japan.
it is a bad TV series. Poor level compared to "band of brothers" or "wind talkers"
it is a bad TV series. Poor level compared to "band of brothers" or "wind talkers"
I agree. Except props and effects, the stroy line is boring. Well the Pacific War was still the battle of Navy's BB and CV, islands battle was less than battleground Europe, specially Marines " leapfrog strategy".
I agree. Except props and effects, the stroy line is boring. Well the Pacific War was still the battle of Navy's BB and CV, islands battle was less than battleground Europe, specially Marines " leapfrog strategy".
So called leapfrog strategy is a joke ,US boast MacArthur for no reason .

he held absolute predominance at that time .

everybody can win with any kind of strategy or tactic if he had such great military power .

I do not know what achievement make him five-star general .
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