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Chinese Stock Markets Are in the Middle of an ‘Unprecedented’ Slide

You have no idea about stock markets and investing...am I right?

Let me explain to you. Money is not exchanged, but money is lost. Ex: I brought $100 stock yesterday...today the value of the stock fell to $70. So if I have to sell the stock today I get $70...a loss of $30.
But, who sell the stock to you? what price when he buy the stock? if he buy the stock in $70, then sell it to you, he get $30, right?!

China stock index rise from about 2000 point to 5000 point, who earn the money? now a fall of 30%, who lose the money?
If the stock index rise to 5000, who can earn money?!
And I was crying for loosing $700 dollars in stock market. :lol:

We should not really gloat
Even Indian Stock Market lost 700 Billion USD of Market cap in year 2008-9,mainly due to FIIs pulling out money during american subprime crisis
During that time, the Value of Some companies had even fallen below the value of their assets
If I am not wrong, Your point is that 5000 points Chinese stock index is overated, or the stock market can't reflect the value of company.

As a whole, China stock market value is not high, not overrated, I not deny that, some companies stock value are overrated, but the blue chip stocks not, this heavy fall was caused by too fast rising, you don't know Chinese stock market, it is not mature, too much specultion, it is not mature, all these was used by shorting seller.

Too fast rising and falling, both not good for Chinese economy, but too fast rising will be worse for Chinese economy, the heavy speculation will hurt Chinese substantial economy, more money rush into stock market, people don't want work, help earn easy money, it is better that falling now than in higher index.

Chinese stock market is not mature, it is always not in line with the company real value, low stock price always can't influence the company management, good company not mean high stock price in China, too much speculation.

in your last comment, you said the fall is because Chinese economy meet diffcult, talking about the fall respectively, it doesn't matter with Chinese economy, Chinese economy maybe have problem: but structual transformation of the economy, this is stage, if India can reach Chinese economy level, you will meet it, if not, you will like South America countries.

Now, Chinese economy growth rate slow, but still not slow comparing with most of other countries, even with developing countries, we are still up, not collapse, Chinese economy meet difficulty, but not incurable disease, China can develop faster if we want, but that is not sustainable, if we don't slow it, don't do structural transformation of the economy, then oneday, it will become incurable disease.

Here, I will be off topic a moment, talking about India economy in my opinion:
I concern on India economy, after Modi being PM, find many indian see him as savior, In fact, it is irrational.
The problems and difficulty india met is much more and serious than China, your second industry is too weak, poor infrastructure, all these is not real difficulty, but you social structure and bureaucrat, land policy, all these will influence you developing industry and infrastructure developing heavily, can't solve these, I don't think your growth is sustainable, your economy is more fragile than China, I have no question on Modi's knowledge and ability on economy, but whether he can change your government, and dare to touch even ruin some real obstacle for developing economy sustainably.

Some Indian here talking about your young population, it is too naive and superficial, all these just can say it is your huge potential, but the question is till now, you don't destroy the obstacle that let it become you real power, if you can't, it will become you huge burden, as time go, the world change, robot era come, you miss the chance, at that time, the potential will become indian nightmare, accelerate the collapse of India.

China stock market is not in line with Chinese economy, like you IQ is not in line with your age, of course, this refer to Chinese standard, not Vietnamese standard, every time, reading comments, I will smile, in my real life, not meet a 30 years old man, but IQ is just 8 years old level, hehe.

Good :offpost::offpost::offpost::offpost:
See it this way... You can't learn from mistakes if you don't make any. While this is a tremendous loss in capital, China is still relatively new on the international stock market, you can't expect to climb up in this world without falling on your face a couple of times.

Anyone remember 1997? While countries like South Korea faceplanted HARD, Korea's economy ultimately came out on top, didn't they? What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!
My wife's friends on WeChat say they are locking all the balcony doors of the apartments in her area of Beijing. I thought she was joking but apparently they are serious.

My Uncle who lives in Guangzhou (and is married to a Chinese wife, and kids are 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Chinese) told me that his wife's side of the family lost a lot, its that bad in the real estate area. My Uncle owns a Japanese import export store (bodega) stationed in Guangzhou as well as Hong Kong ---- seems like lots of his workers are panicking. There is panic going on. But that's just from his side of the story --- and in Guangzhou. I don't know what its like in Beijing, Shanghiai, Ningbo and other parts of the country.

Let's just hope it will be controlled.

See it this way... You can't learn from mistakes if you don't make any. While this is a tremendous loss in capital, China is still relatively new on the international stock market, you can't expect to climb up in this world without falling on your face a couple of times.

Anyone remember 1997? While countries like South Korea faceplanted HARD, Korea's economy ultimately came out on top, didn't they? What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!

This is a tremendous loss in capital. Buddy, $3.7 Trillion is almost double the GDP of India, $3.7 Trillion is almost China's FOREX reserves.

This is MASSIVE LOSS in capital.

We should not really gloat
Even Indian Stock Market lost 700 Billion USD of Market cap in year 2008-9,mainly due to FIIs pulling out money during american subprime crisis
During that time, the Value of Some companies had even fallen below the value of their assets

Indeed, but $700 Billion is chunk change compared to $3.7 Trillion.
You have no idea about stock markets and investing...am I right?

Let me explain to you. Money is not exchanged, but money is lost. Ex: I brought $100 stock yesterday...today the value of the stock fell to $70. So if I have to sell the stock today I get $70...a loss of $30.

LOL :lol:

What an expert you are! Have you ever heard of double-entry accounting?

2008 was not bad---tell me about it. How I made it out in one piece---I do not know---but it was very close----. So many tragedies----so many tragic endings for whole families.

Very well said!
My wife's friends on WeChat say they are locking all the balcony doors of the apartments in her area of Beijing. I thought she was joking but apparently they are serious.

Why what happened ?

LOL :lol:

What an expert you are! Have you ever heard of double-entry accounting?

State your point rather than beating around the bush !
LOL :lol:

What an expert you are! Have you ever heard of double-entry accounting?

Would you stop quoting me. I have no time for idiots.

But, who sell the stock to you? what price when he buy the stock? if he buy the stock in $70, then sell it to you, he get $30, right?!

China stock index rise from about 2000 point to 5000 point, who earn the money? now a fall of 30%, who lose the money?
If the stock index rise to 5000, who can earn money?!

There are two kind of markets: primary and secondary. Primary markets are where the stock is directly sold by the company to the public. Once the stock is issued in the primary market, it is traded in the secondary market. This is where the prices of the stock are determined. If there is more demand for a stock the price of the stock rises, if the demand for the stock is falling so is the price. General public or institutions on behalf of people trade stocks in market. If price of the stock increase the holder of that stock benefits from that price increase. If the price falls the holder of the stock looses money.

Stock index are created from weighted average of select stocks. If the index rise from 2000 point to 5000 point, meaning if you create a portfolio consisting of stocks from the stock index keeping the weights intact you will get $5000 if you invest $2000 during the index rise. Generally stock index give an indication on how the stock prices in the market are moving.
Government can put quota on the whole stock market or temporarily suspend trading when markets are falling free. Those things temporary halt the the sliding of market index, but they cannot determine the pricing of individual stock. Stock price fall because an investor expect lesser returns in future from that stock than his/her required huddle rate and he/she sells the stock to save his future losses

Also government is market maker and not a market player hence cannot intervene on behalf of certain stocks as you have implied.

Currencies price can be manipulated because both monetary and fiscal policies are in hand of the governments, moreover government can print currency. China is a good example. China has deliberately kept its currency low for many years to boost its exports.

Quota are not meant to prevent stock slide. It is meant to achieve the opposite, it is meant to keep the price down. By restricting the flow, you are preventing it from overheating, but since the post is simply meant to prove that government can and will exert influence on the stock price. Detailed discussion of each mechanic is not needed.

Oh, by the way, look at this article from Forbe for some government stock market manipulation:

The Government's Influence On The Stock Market - Forbes

This is just a small example. Like I said, why would anyone believe government can't affect stock market? It is just another sector of economic activity and certainly has nothing special that makes it "above the influence".
If something such as credit crisis happens with Chinese economy, the whole world will suffer immensely. Chinese money is everywhere across the globe.

There will be impact but not that bad. Chinese billionaires will lose their shirts ofcourse but it will be justified wealth transfer back as half of those fortunes are built on stealing stuff from abroad anyway
I was very precise. Any expert would have understood me.

Why getting personal and in rage, Mr. Expert? No answer to my question? :lol:

When people ask elementary questions such as double entry accounting, ledgers, journals, credit and debt etc...and then in the same breath write 'expert' shows how idiot one is.
Remember what happened in the 1990's with Japan. The world cannot afford for China to go into Crisis.
There will be impact but not that bad. Chinese billionaires will lose their shirts ofcourse but it will be justified wealth transfer back as half of those fortunes are built on stealing stuff from abroad anyway

You can be true. China has large forex reserves that can be used to correct the situation.

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