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Chinese soldiers getting beaten by Indians at the Line of Actual Control in #Ladakh.... Aksai Chin b


Other side shows this as revenge. They were stoned and captured by chinese. Aksai chin, ladakh is Chinese territory part of tibet 西藏

the foreign proxies actually purposely do this to create hate between turkish and Pakistani public
Do Indians have any pride in their own culture or do they have to pretend to be Kashmiri, Baloch, Sindhi, Turkish etc and name themselves after a Pakistani river?
surface your real flag. The time has come for Indians to start producing diapers instead of masks provided from mossad to supply to your Indian Army who is suffering from dysentery out of fear.

View attachment 636956
Other side shows this as revenge. They were stoned and captured by chinese. Aksai chin, ladakh is Chinese territory part of tibet 西藏

Pakistan should show full support to China in the dispute on Ladakh, India started the aggression in Ladakh and IoJ&K, and China and Pakistan will finish. However, Pakistan should not just make statements but declare Pak Armed Forces, and our government will stand shoulder to shoulder with our great friend China. We should not repeat the same mistake we did during the Indo-China war in 1962. Time has come to liberate IoJ&K, and China should take back all Ladakh from India.

We need to stop beating up Chinease troops

If they get serious WE WILL LOSE this battle

We need to stop beating up Chinease troops

If they get serious WE WILL LOSE this battle
Prove it if it seven years old fake newj https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/chin...-in-ladakh-aksai-chin-b.668994/#post-12382472
and accept his challenge https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/chal...-picture-is-7-years-old.668998/#post-12382577

either u stop them or they will continue to annex.
here you go, Bullseye, you proved where you belong from Israel
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