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Chinese schoolchildren to sit compulsory manners classes

This is not a bad idea. Manners are neccesssary in civil society.
Manners are very important. Alot of chinese of grandpa/grandma age don't have alot of manners (relative speaking). They cut in line, talk too loud on buses and sometimes spit on roadsides.

It has a negative impact on how others view chinese people.

It's more about mindset and being more exposed to outside views.

The central authorities knows it's very hard to change old people's ways, so they are just going to start anew with the young crop.
知恥莫過勇。At least China acknowledges its flaws, & is doing something about. When will the West learn some self-criticism (instead of misplacing their faith on "self-esteem" that breeds narcissism, even sadism), & learn to face their rampant inmorality?
For the US, curtailing teenage pregnancy rate would be a start.
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I think a better way to fix the problems is to bring an end to the one-child policy (very slowly, starting from the big cities). As long as there are single child families around their kids will be the "little emperors" in the house.

I doubt it. I read an article on Time a few months ago regarding single children. At least in America, studies have shown that single children are no more socially inept than children with siblings.
The problem is when you combine western like environment with asian like high pressure upbringing.

You bound the kids tight and then when they grew up -- boom, they were suddenly let loose.

This results in alot of lost young adults.
Manners are very important. Alot of chinese of grandpa/grandma age don't have alot of manners (relative speaking). They cut in line, talk too loud on buses and sometimes spit on roadsides.

It has a negative impact on how others view chinese people.

It's more about mindset and being more exposed to outside views.

The central authorities knows it's very hard to change old people's ways, so they are just going to start anew with the young crop.

totally agree. from my personal observation, today's youngsters have much stronger awareness of social manners than the elder generation. they seldom split, litter, jump the queue, talk loud in public places. in the univ i used to study, students wait in a very long line for campus shuttle without any supervision.
totally agree. from my personal observation, today's youngsters have much stronger awareness of social manners than the elder generation. they seldom split, litter, jump the queue, talk loud in public places. in the univ i used to study, students wait in a very long line for campus shuttle without any supervision.

you will find that the social life is very different from the lifef in school.
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