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Chinese sailors feared dead after nuclear submarine gets stuck underwater: reports

Stop spreading fake tabloid news, Chinese subs don't sink and ships don't crack. Their soldiers only kill and never get killed, so all ye losers should stop rejoicing.
I think the 'news' should be considered rumor. There is no way it would remain hidden for so long if it had happened. There would be enough hard evidence by now appearing on U.S. media. Remember U.S. navy submarine acoustic system picked up the explosion of a submersible in North Atlantic a few months back. A nuclear submarine would be like having a stinking whale carcass in your backyard. Any schoolboy with a Geiger counter from Walmart would be able to detect it.
Photos of a damaged nuclear submarine?

As I said, we accept that nothing happened. We will wait for a couple of years, for the truth to come out as per convenient time of Papa Xi.

I feel sad for the sailors and their families. The price they pay for being under a dictatorship.
Go pity you Indians on the sad sate of your country, Chinese sailors don't need. Until credible evidence comes out, the story is just BS and only morons believe it.
Tens of similar threads have been around since this August, many from even from this week, no major media platform report this rumor, mostly only being spreaded sole by Indian channels.

Taiwan TV on Indian media lies : "Indian media lies to the point that they don't even know they are lying"
In the TV talk Taiwan military expert host says the Indian media lies to the point that they themselves don't even know they are lying, "Indian media claims that we shot down a PLA jet, we didn't and we'd already denied, but Indian media still widely reports it, Indian media lies habitually to the point that they don't even realize they are lying.

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Even Taiwan quickly denied shooting down PLA's SU-35, but Indian media doesn't care, they just keep spreading the lies all across the internet

Indian Media Outlets Widely Claim Taiwan Shot Down a Chinese Su-35 - Taipei Quickly Debunks False Information​

Somebody is having too much fun.
Somebody is having too much fun.
Yeah, very credible from the dissident traitors of China.
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I am more concerned about how Daily Mail having access to top secret UK intelligence.
lol. Apple smartwatch doesn't lose signal in the ocean.

Lol, I don't think Chinese navy is that stupid to let the crews on Chinese nuke submarines to carry an enemy US Apple smartwatch on board, morons make up better plausible stories next time. British moron writer thinks everyone has such low IQ as him. If that's the case, why then US is keeping silent ?
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I am more concerned about how Daily Mail having access to top secret UK intelligence.
Don't be too concerned. Threshold of truthfulness is quite low for Daily Mail and its ilk. They are barely above supermarket tabloids. It is a nice story that sells/clicks. That's what matters for the bottom line. Just remember, NYT, WP, WSJ have dismissed this story as newsworthy. U.S. has the hydrophone network that can hear a balloon burst underwater and this type of story, if it were true, would have leaked like a sieve.
"It has been reported that 55 workers on a Chinese military submarine were killed during an oxygen failure, but apparently everything is not as it seems.

Suspicions arose after anti-Chinese Communist Party activist social media account ‘Lude Media’ posted that Chairman Xi Jinping had been told that everyone on the submarine had died while on mission in the ‘Taiwan Strait.’

However, Taiwan’s defence ministry rejected these reports and said that no such event took place.

Straight after this, it was noticed that the social media account then amended the location to a location in the Yellow Sea between the Chinese province of Jiangsu and South Korea.

These shocking rumours have the internet speculating on what the submarine was really up to, with international military analysts pointing issues with the report.

A former US submarine commander, Tom Shugart, wasn't so sure.

“1. Submarine nets have a long tradition in defensive ASW (anti-submarine warfare), but I haven’t heard of any in modern use like this, in open ocean.

2. I don’t understand how snaring a net could cause a problem w (ith) atmosphere control. As for batteries “going flat”, it’s a nuclear boat so that’s odd.”

"It has been reported that 55 workers on a Chinese military submarine were killed during an oxygen failure, but apparently everything is not as it seems.

Suspicions arose after anti-Chinese Communist Party activist social media account ‘Lude Media’ posted that Chairman Xi Jinping had been told that everyone on the submarine had died while on mission in the ‘Taiwan Strait.’

However, Taiwan’s defence ministry rejected these reports and said that no such event took place.

Straight after this, it was noticed that the social media account then amended the location to a location in the Yellow Sea between the Chinese province of Jiangsu and South Korea.

These shocking rumours have the internet speculating on what the submarine was really up to, with international military analysts pointing issues with the report.

A former US submarine commander, Tom Shugart, wasn't so sure.

“1. Submarine nets have a long tradition in defensive ASW (anti-submarine warfare), but I haven’t heard of any in modern use like this, in open ocean.

2. I don’t understand how snaring a net could cause a problem w (ith) atmosphere control. As for batteries “going flat”, it’s a nuclear boat so that’s odd.”

These scums will provide some materials for wankers.
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