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Chinese Regime Developing Military to Defeat US, Report

So you admit, the US engages in false flag propaganda, psychological warfare, terrorism, economic espionage and sponsoring of dissidents in rival countries it is unable to militarily defeat.
America does not always simply invade countries who don't play ball just because they can wipe the floor with them militarily. Just look at Cuba. The United States could take over Cuba in 1 week if it wanted but instead has gone the route of covert CIA managed assassination attempts of Fidel Castro through shootings, poison, "accidents", etc. Castro's security was simply too good and murdering Castro today would be too costly politically because it is now very common knowledge that the US government has been trying to kill him and make it look like an accident or some sort of "random" anti-Castro Cuban. Only an idiot would believe Castro dying from some random accident were actually an accident. That's like believing the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was an "accident".
We should sell Cuba J-10, HQ-9, WS-2 rocket artillery, DF-15 ballistic missiles and CJ-10 cruise missiles. only then can Cuba have an effective deterrent against the thug state US.
We should sell Cuba J-10, HQ-9, WS-2 rocket artillery, DF-15 ballistic missiles and CJ-10 cruise missiles. only then can Cuba have an effective deterrent against the thug state US.
The United States is basically a global empire whose strategic thinking revolves around control and power. However, this is coming to an end. A global financial crisis will soon engulf the US and its current budget woes will pale in comparison to what is yet to come. This will cascade worldwide and cause the US Dollar to rapidly lose its world reserve currency status. Although this will cause extreme worldwide economic pain, the ultimate outcome will be much of the loss of American political and military influence outside of North America. Future Chinese historians will look back at this time and consider the Americans a modern day form of foreign barbarians.

Let's hope the transition isn't too violent. There is a very real threat that Americans will launch wars to prevent certain oil producing countries from switching the oil trade from US Dollars to another reserve currency. The Petro Dollar is after all the last bulmark against total US Dollar collapse.
Is there a template of the above tripe that anyone can copy and modified their anti-Americanism diatribe? If there is, the author(s) should create new ones. The current version is getting stale.
I think he was saying that this applied to countries that were not already under the thumb of the USA. Iraq was a reliable US client state until Kuwait was invaded. Then the US came in to put Saddam Hussein back into his place without deposing him because the US didn't think it was worth the few hundred American deaths that would result and Saddam was also a known anti-Islam supporter. It wasn't until 2000 when Iraq stopped using the US Dollar for its oil trade in favor of the Euro when the US invaded Iraq to dispose of Saddam Hussein permanently, on the pretense of 9/11.

I also think it was because Saddam was giving a large bounty to the families of Palestinians who attack Israel. I remember my Jewish American friends being extremely upset at this. Given the political power Israel has in the US and that the neocons in the Pentagon were overwhelmingly Jewish, the war was also about Israeli national security. They had some third grader's dream that a conquered Iraq would spread democracy and the war would be self-financing by Iraqi oil.
Ridiculous argument... Every nation is working to become the best nation of the world, which includes the best military capable of defeating all other military powers.

This is just so stupid.
I also think it was because Saddam was giving a large bounty to the families of Palestinians who attack Israel. I remember my Jewish American friends being extremely upset at this. Given the political power Israel has in the US and that the neocons in the Pentagon were overwhelmingly Jewish, the war was also about Israeli national security. They had some third grader's dream that a conquered Iraq would spread democracy and the war would be self-financing by Iraqi oil.
That 3rd grader's dream of spreading democracy via Middle East war lives on to this day. I would say a good 30-50% of Americans still believe the invasion of Iraq was because Saddam Hussein supported, financed and harbored AI Oiada. Against this tide of self-perpetuating propaganda within the United States, it is worrying given America's aggressive foreign policy and exploitation of the American public's ignorance.
We should sell Cuba J-10, HQ-9, WS-2 rocket artillery, DF-15 ballistic missiles and CJ-10 cruise missiles. only then can Cuba have an effective deterrent against the thug state US.

I'm not here for an argument with you guys but I don't believe that Russia will allow China to sell J-10's with Russian engines to their traditional customers unless they produce their own reliable Engines.:tdown:
I'm not here for an argument with you guys but I don't believe that Russia will allow China to sell J-10's with Russian engines to their traditional customers unless they produce their own reliable Engines.:tdown:

:tdown::tdown::tdown:Did you have a long time did'nt update your knowledge about the J10???? J10 will be produce and fly by WS-10s engine made by the chinese.The Chinese never have to ask for russian request to sell it.
The United States is basically a global empire whose strategic thinking revolves around control and power. However, this is coming to an end. A global financial crisis will soon engulf the US and its current budget woes will pale in comparison to what is yet to come. This will cascade worldwide and cause the US Dollar to rapidly lose its world reserve currency status. Although this will cause extreme worldwide economic pain, the ultimate outcome will be much of the loss of American political and military influence outside of North America. Future Chinese historians will look back at this time and consider the Americans a modern day form of foreign barbarians.

Let's hope the transition isn't too violent. There is a very real threat that Americans will launch wars to prevent certain oil producing countries from switching the oil trade from US Dollars to another reserve currency. The Petro Dollar is after all the last bulmark against total US Dollar collapse.
China must stand with the Islamic World! :china::pakistan: Especially Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. Russia and Central Asia will also cooperate together with China.

Together we can end American dollar empire. Create a Middle East free from western imperialism. Contain and undermine pro-western countries like India.
They are with who ever pays them the most for their weapons.

We still have the larger wallet.

We have the friendship and lasts many years and Russia already helped us in a war, we are also designing 5th gen jets and missles like BrahMos together. Russia will never chose China over India.

The post is mainly for HongWu, who keeps playing war games on his pc.
We have the friendship and lasts many years and Russia already helped us in a war, we are also designing 5th gen jets and missles like BrahMos together. Russia will never chose China over India.

The post is mainly for HongWu, who keeps playing war games on his pc.
Ha ha! Self-delusional Indians!

Russians will be friends with whoever is stronger between China and India. It will not sacrifice its own interests for either India or China. Obviously, China is stronger and will be the winner.
We have the friendship and lasts many years and Russia already helped us in a war, we are also designing 5th gen jets and missles like BrahMos together. Russia will never chose China over India.

The post is mainly for HongWu, who keeps playing war games on his pc.

Like how they keep upping the prices on your purchases and delivering faulty weapons?

They are friends with you if you buy their weapons. They are friends with us because we buy their oil.

Your local store manager is not your friend.
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