If you don't know about something, it's better to hold your tongue.
take your own advice.
Since you quoted me again, I'll respond. While it is true some companies buy into the country, but Xiaomi didn't, Apple didn't, BMW, Lexus,
China is the number 1 trading nation, we didn't get there by people not buying our stuff, that doesn't mean China is in the upper echelon in terms of goods and services, and neither is India. The fact people buy Tata, doesn't mean anything, other than people buy it.
People buy Lenovo, and Huawei, doesn't mean it's the best there is.
I never said people didn't know Tata made it hidden that it owned Range Rover, but it's British Engineering and life style as the trademark, I'm not dissing the Rover here. I'm simply saying if India pushed it's own brand out the door, it will fail just as miserably as the Chinese brands did before.
As to English PM, he does the same with Chinese businessmen, so what, nobody cares. That's doesn't mean anything other than money is money everywhere.
As it stands, the UK places far more importance on China than India, as does the US. Don't take my word for it, there's US and UK people on this board, they'll tell you.
If you want to know if you got prestige out of it, read any message board in an Indian article for the NYT, or something and you will see what they think of you.
Range Rover in China is popular, but only because it is British.
Again I'm not saying the copy is good, simply, it will evolve into something down the line as so many have done before, maybe not under the same name, but certainly by some of the same people and money.