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Lol...you think Rajapaksa is that much naive to go into a military agreement with China at the cost of India ??.....at the most what you can expect is preferential docking, fuelling and servicing rights to Chinese civilian/cargo vessels.

Pakistan Navy Ships at Colombo Port

PNS Shamsheer at the Port of Colombo



Lol...you think Rajapaksa is that much naive to go into a military agreement with China at the cost of India ??.....at the most what you can expect is preferential docking, fuelling and servicing rights to Chinese civilian/cargo vessels.


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Shanghai Sunday.

China & Sri Lanka enjoy traditional friendship as well as great prospect for trade cooperation, Wen told Rajapaksa, who is in Shanghai for the opening ceremony of the World Expo Summit Forum and the closing ceremony of the Expo on Sunday.

Based upon the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence, China will work with Sri Lanka to strengthen cooperation in infrastructure, investment, expand cultural exchanges and closely coordinate in international and regional affairs to promote the comprehensive partnership, Wen said.

Rajapaksa thanked China’s assistance and support to Sri Lanka. “China’s development contributes to peace and stability in the region as well as the world at large,” he said.

Sri Lanka firmly adheres to the One-China policy and hopes to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with China, Rajapaksa said, welcoming Chinese enterprises to invest in his country.


Sri Lanka News-Adaderana-Truth First - President thanks China for support and assistance
The same question for you. Why are so many indian people so obsessed with China. They just cannot help but compare india and china everyday,every moment. But India is definitely not a hot topic in Chinese media.

Internet Pro-Tip: online communities on specialized forums like this one are never representative of the whole community. If you really think the average Indian is obsessed with China or even cares about China, then you don't know much about India.
Since when did posting news articles about China constitute obsession? and really what business of yours is it if he is?

and if we measure obsession by the volume of articles about China posted by non-Chinese nationals /comparing oneself to China, you Indians take the cake.

Posting one article about China, maybe two or three, is fine and dandy. But posting numerous articles about Chinese-Sri Lanka relations and expressing excessive sinophilia is an interesting phenomenon, mainly because I have never seen a Sri Lankan care so much about China for any reason. Not that I really care, (China-Sri Lanka relations are rather unimportant in the grand scheme of things) it just arouses some curiosity. It almost makes it seem like China has done something great for Sri Lanka, lol.
Internet Pro-Tip: online communities on specialized forums like this one are never representative of the whole community. If you really think the average Indian is obsessed with China or even cares about China, then you don't know much about India.

I guess, India's news papers and books are written by PDF forum members too. :rolleyes:

Posting one article about China, maybe two or three, is fine and dandy. But posting numerous articles about Chinese-Sri Lanka relations and expressing excessive sinophilia is an interesting phenomenon, mainly because I have never seen a Sri Lankan care so much about China for any reason. Not that I really care, (China-Sri Lanka relations are rather unimportant in the grand scheme of things) it just arouses some curiosity. It almost makes it seem like China has done something great for Sri Lanka, lol.

Come now, you felt bothered enough to put fingers to keys. There must be something bothering you. Let's talk about it. It's not healthy to be in denial about one's feelings.
I guess, India's news papers and books are written by PDF forum members too. :rolleyes:

Masala war-mongering media and attention-hungry "defence experts" =/= average Indian

Come now, you felt bothered enough to put fingers to keys. There must be something bothering you. Let's talk about it. It's not healthy to be in denial about one's feelings.

Yes, I would like to know why 'Sri Lankan' is such a sinophile. That is not something that you can answer so stop wasting my time.
Masala war-mongering media and attention-hungry "defence experts" =/= average Indian

Yes, I would like to know why 'Sri Lankan' is such a sinophile. That is not something that you can answer so stop wasting my time.

Because a benign distant power is a much better alternative to the neighbourhood hegemon. Sri Lanka would much rather have China as a patron than India, just as Vietnam and other SE asian nations would much rather the US play a dominant role in SE Asia than China.

and honestly I don't know why it would so inconceivable to you that someone could be fond of China.
Because a benign distant power is a much better alternative to the neighbourhood hegemon. Sri Lanka would much rather have China as a patron than India, just as Vietnam and other SE asian nations would much rather the US play a dominant role in SE Asia than China.

Agreed. Sri Lanka can flirt with China all they want, no one in India cares.

But that doesn't explain sinophilia.

and honestly I don't know why it would so inconceivable to you that someone could be fond of China.

It is definitely not inconcievable. I too am very fond of China, especially Chinese girls and Chinese food. But the CCP regime....?
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