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Chinese President Xi Jinping Refuses To Meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Abe will be gone in a year or two。

There is absolutely no point in spending anytime with the man。

Agreed. There's really no point in Xi Jinping meeting with Abe at all. Or any subsequent Japanese leader for that matter unless they're sufficiently honest about their nation's disgusting past. And if they're not, it's no big deal. China is on the rise while Japan is dying. We'll see who needs who in the future.
Agreed. There's really no point in Xi Jinping meeting with Abe at all. Or any subsequent Japanese leader for that matter unless they're sufficiently honest about their nation's disgusting past. And if they're not, it's no big deal. China is on the rise while Japan is dying. We'll see who needs who in the future.

Your choice of words is not really appropriate.
Please explain.

You're an intelligent man, and one whom I believe is reasonable, from my past interaction with you. Do re-read the second to last sentence. Its not very conducive to good-hearted discourse.
BBC World Service - The Documentary, Missing Histories: China and Japan

If too long. Skip to 13:35 to see what Japanese text book says and some interview with the author.

18:34 "China fatherly figure, Korea big brother, Japan small brother. Japan the little brother economically successful, they just don't like that fact." This quote pisses me off.

That textbook (2000) was shunned by all of the schools in Japan, btw. Current historical text books have reference of the Nanjing Massacre, and all other offenses of the Imperial Army.
That textbook (2000) was shunned by all of the schools in Japan, btw. Current historical text books have reference of the Nanjing Massacre, and all other offenses of the Imperial Army.
My opinion on Japanese greatly fell after listening to that and hasn't recovered since. I share the strong felling that chinese reporter had.
do you really understand the history in Paracel and Spratlys islands ?
You would know why there's a need for a COC.

My support to Hongkong democracy, can't be considered as anti-China, except you consider Hongkongers are not Chinese.
Do you really know what's happening in Fuyou villages, Wukan village ... and hundred thousand of villages like those ?
I support the Chinese people. That's the truth.

PH has no air fighters, then they must get air fighters or they would be dominated by their enemies.
That's why every country has Ministry of Defence.
Any sale to them not always intends to anti-China. Except, you consider China as PH enemy.

Without Japan, US warships and aircrafts, Vietnam could buy them from Russia. Those sale also is not considered as anti-China, except you consider China as potential invader to Vietnam.

While you wonder why neighbor buy more weapon, let think about why China spent a huge state budget on weapons first.

We also never consider any country selling weapon to China at this moment as anti-Vietnam, anti-Japan, anti-PH, anti-India.
Hongkong is one of the most free city in the world, how about Vietnam?
I think you should support Vietnam democracy and freedom.
Pardon my ignorance!
How is Yasukuni shrine related to WWII crimes??

Class A war criminals that were convicted with war crimes by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East are enshrined there. This is one reason why Emperor Akihito never visits the shrine though some Japanese Prime Ministers does.

This and the issue of Japan's Apology are the main reason why South Korea and China have negative views of Japan. Re-armament on the other hand is viewed with suspicion.
My opinion on Japanese greatly fell after listening to that and hasn't recovered since. I share the strong felling that chinese reporter had.

I can understand, and I'm sorry that you were influenced by that recording. That textbook was from a right wing publisher group and was not even popularly used throughout the country, and did not even make it to the academic review board for consideration. The pain and anguish of the last war was real. It was a dark time for Chinese as well as Japanese and the millions of others who suffered. Truly I empathize.
I can understand, and I'm sorry that you were influenced by that recording. That textbook was from a right wing publisher group and was not even popularly used throughout the country, and did not even make it to the academic review board for consideration. The pain and anguish of the last war was real. It was a dark time for Chinese as well as Japanese and the millions of others who suffered. Truly I empathize.

The actions of your leaders and the choice of your people to vote them and tolerate the despicable ignorance of world war crimes in your society have made any "empathize" meaningless.
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A big deterrant are the rise of the Japanese right wings and their support of this Imperial Japanese Flag

The actions of your leaders and the choice of your people to vote them and tolerante the despicable ignorance of world war crimes in your society have made any "empathize" meaningless.

You equate Japanese politicians / leaders with war crime ignorance, yet this is not the case whatsoever. In fact, many of our politicians have contributed to ameliorating any historical qualms, such as the late PM Fukuda. Even the Emperor had visited South Korea in the past and had shown remorse for the damage caused during the war.

Peace. :victory1:
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