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Chinese president to visit Pakistan, hammer out $46-billion deal

@user1, of course, you will like to say it since you live in UK.

I will request many Pakistanis living abroad whose heart beat for Pakistan to pardon this statement. I do not suggest that you ever do anything wrong in foreign countries. In fact, you should do whatever you can for the good of people where you live in every possible way. There is an Urdu proverb that says never cut holes in the plate in which you eat so please be loyal, law-abiding and respectful towards people you live with. But please also consider the right interests of the country where your roots are and do not get involved in damaging the interests of your old countries. Sometimes it may earn you some material advantages but hurting interests of your root countries in exchange for material advantage will decrease your respect in eyes of the very people who give you money and also in the eyes of people of countries where you were from. Every conflict can be resolved in several ways and it would be nice that you try to find an amicable solution to the problem in a way that it does not hurt the interests the country of your residence and also does not hurt your root country and then chances are that you will earn good respect. Please be genuinely good towards people of countries where you live and work but do not compromise your integrity by doing anything wrong to your root country since any material advantage might not be able to make up for loss of genuine respect in everybody's eyes.

Wow, they're simply incensed - see below o_O Do all trade deals in South Asia have to be subject to Indian approval first?

Xi Fu k U, when Chinese will be sailing to Mumbai, what would Indians be doing?
We will be bombing rhe 3-gorges dam, flooding Chengdu.
And we will be twisting the neck of your supply route through Malacca Straits so that your tanks and trains will cry for a drop of fuel.
And then we along with U.S., Japan, Vietnam and others will blast you out of this world into outer space.
Tap, tap,... got that?
Now chomp your chow more modestly.
Our government really needs to do brainstorming and common sense study about how we can realize maximum potential of Gawadar port and the routes to China (Xingiang) and other Central Asian States. Envision a bustling Gawadar ten years into the future as a modern port city with five different terminals each for a different country where ships offload cargo and then it is loaded on trucks/train on their way north to neighboring countries including Afghanistan, China and many other Central Asian States. There could be a single large highway as proposed by Chinese that might branch somewhere in north Balochistan or southern KPK with different routes branching in the direction of China, Afghanistan and other Central Asian States as designed by good technical experts.
'Make Pakistan' plan.

Whats the current situation in the Balochistan ? Since China is more involved it will force the UAE to stop funding Baloch terrorists.

Army wants to start an operation in Balochistan just like it is doing in the North West border with Afghanistan, to clean out the terrorists in Balochistan. I think that would be good.
So with a fully operation Gwadar at max capacity, how much revenue will Pakistan generate per annum??
So with a fully operation Gwadar at max capacity, how much revenue will Pakistan generate per annum??

I really cannot say since this question cannot be answered by a back of envelope calculation. However there would be revenue from port operations and highway tolls but I really think this might not be the largest contribution to our economy. Karachi is the largest business center of Pakistan only because it is the only port city from where imports go upcountry and exports have to be sent to Karachi to go to foreign countries. Since Karachi became a center of export/import activity, it gave businessmen of Karachi great insight about where to invest their money. They started to import what was needed upcountry and distributed it to different large cities of Pakistan. Then many of those importers set up factories where they realized potential for profitable economic activity in the country that could substitute for foreign imports. The point is that cities that thrive on trade create huge opportunities for their residents in all of the trade, industries and services and intelligent businessmen start to make so many profitable investments in trade and industry. If a port city channels the exports and imports of 3-5 countries, there will be huge opportunities for our businessmen and industrialists. Some businessmen will set up industries to produce different goods that would substitute for the imports from abroad and simply ship it through the highway. It is a win-win for every country involved since we would be buying their exports. I would also like to mention that if we do things right, any numbers for trade activity I give here will change drastically after just a few years. We have seen this phenomenon in trade between several countries that when they open up their trade starts at a mere 1-2 billion dollars but blows to 25-30 billion dollars after five years. We just have to do things right with an honest intention to make sure that we consider what is needed by Afghanistan and Central Asian Countries and how to provide them right facilities to grow their trade through our country. We will have to provide the right services and incentives and do some proper planning and I think we can make this highway a modern "silk route."
Life experience tells you that you don't go into business with your friends. The business will fail and the friendship will end. There will be complaints in the future about China having too much influence in Pakistan.:hitwall: There will be talk in the future that China is exploiting Pakistan.:hitwall: There will be stories in the future about Pakistani's stiffing Chinese businessman.:hitwall: For the interest of China Pakistan friendship these deals should be cancelled.
Quote From Horus:
Now add Turke and Iran to Gwadar link.

RCD is an old plan.

Iran and Turkey do not find any special place in this plan. They might as well have their own routes into these countries but we will have to make an effort for a shortest possible route with very good understanding of the needs of the exporters and importers from those countries. Once very good routes to sea are available, many foreign investors might invest in those countries to utilize their resources and easily be able to export them which is great for all of us. More trade will also mean more industry and increased business activity will mean more foreign investment.

Turkey and Iran are not part of this project. However we can provide access to Indians through our highways to these countries if they are ready to amicably settle the water disputes and other issues. If we have some good cards in our hands when we negotiate with Indians for talks about a better future of both Pakistan and India, chances for a more amicable resolution of various issues would be higher. Every sane Pakistani and every sane Indian is sick of this continuing rivalry between these countries that hurts both nations. If we really have something meaningful to offer Indians, we can probably get a good deal in water disputes and other issues. This might have to be considered more carefully by our policy experts.
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The construction pakage might implicate two parts or more, one rail/highway link from Gwadar to Xinjiang and another rail/highway linking Tajikstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and perhaps India. Lahore is on the map of the new silk road.

It's a strategic move of China and Pakistan cooperation, which does not mean all the good or all the bad.

I guess constant burning has made Indians as dark as coal :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Whats the current situation in the Balochistan ? Since China is more involved it will force the UAE to stop funding Baloch terrorists.

IF UAE is involved in this activity then don't worry we will show them their place just like we did it 5 days back.

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