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Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

So..China gives nukes to Pakistan? I do not think China will be too happy if someone gives nukes to Japan or Taiwan? Same thing.

However as the other Chinese member pointed out..India did poke her nose in the Tibetan issue though.Big mistake.

But I believe the animosity from some of the Indian media/establishment is due to to the nuclear issue not because of the war of 1962 as CardSharp believes.

So everything was rosy peachy until 1998 (first test date)? Your theory is anachronistic.

Pakistan and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My bad..! BTW,can you post the facts of India at the time of independence..if you dont mind?

Indians are (notoriously) good at forgetting/not recording their histories. In fact, a large piece of Indian history is still in mystery… Sorry for a little bit of off topic.

On topic: there is a lot of info on web. I just pick some estimation at hand:

China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path by John Walsh


On the face of it India and China would seem to be quite comparable. China is, after all, the most populous nation on earth, with about 1.3 billion humans, and India is second, with approximately 1.1 billion. China won Liberation by force with Mao's Communist revolution in 1949 and India was "granted" Independence by Great Britain at about the same time, in 1947. At that time India's GDP was estimated to be about twice that of China's. But today ...

And, more academic http://elsa.berkeley.edu/~yqian/econ162/econ162%20topic02s.pdf, one slide gives:
Comparisons: China (1952) vs. India (1950)
China 1952 India 1950
GDP per capita ($) 50 60
Population (million) 573 358
Industrial output per capita
Coal (kg) 96 97
Steel (kg) 2 4
Electricity (kw) 0.005 0.04
Cotton spindles 0.01 0.03
Railroads (km, 1936) 20,746 72,000

So India was much ahead of China even around 1950: you had higher GDP, 10 times more electricity, 3 times more cotton spindles, 3 times more railroads than what China had 2 years later. This is perhaps why not many Chinese like Indian type of democracy
by conworldus

Originally Posted by IND151
i wish our trade deficit in trade with PRC shall not increase.
making worthy products will help.
do you know that we have fine IT industry which supples IT products to USA, UK, Africa? we also manufacture world class ayurvedic and allopathic medicines. so next time do research. we suffer trade deficits because Chinese goods are cheap.but they are not high quality.
Wen visit: New mechanism for coordination on Sino-India border affairs


China and India today agreed to set up a working mechanism for consultation and coordination on border affairs.

"During my visit, the two sides have agreed to set up a working mechanism for consultation and coordination on border affairs," Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said at the Indian council of world affairs here in New Delhi.

"This (mechanism) will help enhance our mutual trust and maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas," he said.

Wen termed the boundary issue between the two countries as an "historical legacy" and said it would not be easy to completely resolve the matter.

"It requires patience and will take a fairly long period of time. Only with sincerity, mutual trust and perseverance can we eventually find a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution," Wen said.

The Chinese leader said both the countries have had good dialogue and communication and expressed a sincere desire to work together to resolve the boundary dispute.

"In the face of difficulty, the most important thing to do is to press ahead along the right track, narrow differences step by step, build consensus and increase confidence," he said.

On the issue of trans-border rivers, Wen said China took seriously India's concerns and was ready to further improve the joint working mechanism.

"We will do whatever we can and do it even better. I would like to assure our Indian friends that all the upstream development activities by China will be based on scientific planning and study and will never harm downstream interests," he said.

Wen visit: New mechanism for coordination on Sino-India border affairs - India - DNA
do you know that we have fine IT industry which supples IT products to USA, UK, Africa? we also manufacture world class ayurvedic and allopathic medicines. so next time do research. we suffer trade deficits because Chinese goods are cheap.but they are not high quality.

You have no understanding of economics.

India's top 15 exports to China (2007)

Ores, Slag, Ash
Cotton + Yarn, Fabric
Organic Chemicals
Copper + Articles Thereof
Precious Stones, Metals
Iron And Steel
Salt; Sulfur; Earth, Stone
Inorganic Chemcals; Rare Earth Metals
Electrical Machinery
Hides And Skins
Artificial Flowers, Feathers
Tanning, Dye, Paint, Putty
Fish And Seafood

India's top 15 imports from China (2007)

Electrical Machinery
Organic Chemicals
Iron And Steel
Iron/Steel Products
Impregnatd Text Fabrics
Silk; Silk Yarn, Fabric
Inorganic Chemicals; Rare Earth Metals
Manmade Filament, Fabric
Optic, Nt 8544;Med Instruments
Mineral Fuel, Oil Etc

China buys mainly raw materials from India and returns manufactured goods.
do you know that we have fine IT industry which supples IT products to USA, UK, Africa? we also manufacture world class ayurvedic and allopathic medicines. so next time do research. we suffer trade deficits because Chinese goods are cheap.but they are not high quality.

Right. High quality Indian products? Don't make me laugh my intestines out please. :rofl::rofl:
Indian fake medications and bug prone "software" are threats to public health and security. On the other hand, our electrical equipment and computers are helping India develop.
Indian fake medications and bug prone "software" are threats to public health and security. On the other hand, our electrical equipment and computers are helping India develop.

Indian medicines are helping many Africans live longer by helping them fight AIDS. Your country on the other hand is treating the continent like a sweat shop.

Only company that produces good computers in your country is Lenovo and that too because it was IBM. Its new models are Chinese and its showing in the declining market percentage.
If India was like China you would have seen "Lenavo" brand of reverse engineered computers already in the market and exported to other countries too.

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