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Chinese People Express Concern as Beijing Uses Propaganda to Garner Public Support in Winning Trade


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Chinese People Express Concern as Beijing Uses Propaganda to Garner Public Support in Winning the Trade War



People cross a street in Beijing on May 10, 2019. (Fred Dufour/AFP/Getty Images)MORE
Chinese People Express Concern as Beijing Uses Propaganda to Garner Public Support in Winning the Trade War
May 16, 2019 Updated: May 16, 2019

After the U.S.-China trade talks concluded on May 10 with no agreement, Chinese state media responded aggressively, repeatedly claiming that China is “not afraid to fight” and will “fight to the end.” Many Chinese netizens fear that the seemingly optimistic propaganda will victimize Chinese civilians as the Chinese regime attempts to rally them into their cause of fighting the United States and winning the trade war.

The U.S. administration imposed a tariff increase on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports on May 10, raising duties to 25 percent from 10 percent.

In retaliation, Beijing announced on May 13 that it would boost tariffs, ranging from 5 percent to 25 percent, on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods.

Immediately after the trade talks concluded on May 10, the Chinese regime’s official mouthpieces kept silent. But two days later, various state-run media—such as the CCTV, the People’s Daily and Xinhua News Agency—simultaneously began a propaganda war to criticize the United States for failing to reach an agreement in the trade talks, portraying the United States as an international bully with a hegemonic mindset. They declared that China is “not afraid to fight” with the United States, and the trade war is going to be “a people’s war,” and China is “willing to make all kinds of sacrifices” to fight this war “to the end.”

Chinese Netizens: We Will Be Sacrificed
Many Chinese netizens posted comments on Weibo and WeChat—Chinese social media platforms that are similar to Twitter and Facebook—criticizing the familiar phrase “make all kinds of sacrifices” used in propaganda to boost public morale. Some say the phrase has scared them because it means that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will sacrifice the interests of its own people to achieve its goals.

“Obviously we will be sacrificed and will have to suffer,” one netizen wrote.

“We, who are about to be sacrificed, feel scared,” another netizen wrote, and several others echoed him.

Many people expressed similar views:

“(Chinese authorities) try to transfer the ‘sacrifice’ to the public.”

“It is you (the authorities) who are willing to make all kinds of sacrifices. But, I am sorry, don’t pull me into this. I don’t want to get involved.”

“Of course the authorities are not afraid to fight, because it is the 1.4 billion people who will be sent to the frontline.”

“We will be ripped off.”

A netizen mocked China’s Central Television (CCTV) and wrote: “What use is it to make these boastful statements in front of Chinese people? Do you dare to make the same announcement in English and broadcast it in your international channels?”

“I cannot understand your logic that you have to fight constantly,” a netizen wrote, criticizing the CCP’s philosophy of struggle. “Go ahead with your fight. It’s none of our business.”

There were also complaints about China’s rich and powerful elite. One netizen wrote: “Of course they are not afraid. The officials enjoy privileges—they eat well; they get free medical care; their wives, mistresses and children live in foreign countries, and all of them are billionaires. What’s there to be afraid of? They will plunder the wealth of 1.4 billion Chinese people to fight this war. That’s what they mean by sacrifice.”

Many of these posts have been removed by internet police.

Chinese people living in America and Canada also chimed in the discussion on overseas Chinese-language forums.

A Weibo user from Vancouver commented that China’s propaganda is meant to lead the Chinese people to extreme nationalism and anti-U.S. sentiment, which would make it easy for the CCP to maintain its control over society.

A Weibo user living in the United States said he has studied the details of the proposed trade agreements. “Chinese delegates tried to trick the U.S. delegates, in a way that China can act like a scoundrel to violate the terms in the agreement, with the excuse that China has its own laws. The U.S. delegates rejected firmly and demanded to stick to the original enforceable version. President Trump is truly awesome!” he wrote.

Another Chinese American, who is a member of a WeChat group called “Chinese working or studying in the U.S.,” looked into the details of the terms proposed by the U.S. delegates. He said these terms are actually good for China’s economic development and for China to become a respected member in the international society. “Beijing doesn’t like it because these terms will threaten the CCP’s rule,” he wrote.

China’s PropagandaTargets the US as the Scapegoat
U.S.-based China expert Heng He told the Epoch Times on May 14 that the Chinese regime is to blame for failing to reach an agreement during the latest round of trade talks, because the CCP refuses to make structural changes for the sake of maintaining its power.

“However, the CCP will never admit its mistakes, they will always find a scapegoat. For instance, the CCP’s Great Leap Forward movement led to the Great Famine from 1959 to 1961, but CCP made up two excuses—natural disasters and the Soviet Union pressed China for payment of debts. As a matter of fact, these two excuses are sheer lies.”

According to Heng, the trade war will land another blow to China’s already declining economy. The CCP must find an excuse again this time, so naturally China’s propaganda targets the United States as the scapegoat.
There were also complaints about China’s rich and powerful elite. One netizen wrote: “Of course they are not afraid. The officials enjoy privileges—they eat well; they get free medical care; their wives, mistresses and children live in foreign countries, and all of them are billionaires. What’s there to be afraid of? They will plunder the wealth of 1.4 billion Chinese people to fight this war. That’s what they mean by sacrifice.”
Hahaha, thats what we saw in 2014 conflict. The officials retreated and left thousand poor Cnese got beaten up

@Han Patriot dude, r u ready tobe Scapegoat as u said yet ??:lol:
Hahaha, thats what we saw in 2014 conflict. The officials retreated and left thousand poor Cnese got beaten up

@Han Patriot dude, r u ready tobe Scapegoat as u said yet ??:lol:
Yes we know Vietnam won the war in 2014. Lol. I didn't know Chinese officials work in Vietnam. Btw please don't tag me, I don't think you are sane. Talk to me when you retake paracels.
Big trouble in CN now, those rich officials wanna ‘sacrifice’ poor CNese while the poor Cnese dont wanna be scapegoats and they r so angry at Cnese officials now cos they r so rich, got so many mistresses but so bad to the poor ppl.

CN is so hopeless :lol:
...according to Washingtons propaganda used to garner public support in winning trade war

Chinese People Express Concern as Beijing Uses Propaganda to Garner Public Support in Winning the Trade War



People cross a street in Beijing on May 10, 2019. (Fred Dufour/AFP/Getty Images)MORE
Chinese People Express Concern as Beijing Uses Propaganda to Garner Public Support in Winning the Trade War
May 16, 2019 Updated: May 16, 2019

After the U.S.-China trade talks concluded on May 10 with no agreement, Chinese state media responded aggressively, repeatedly claiming that China is “not afraid to fight” and will “fight to the end.” Many Chinese netizens fear that the seemingly optimistic propaganda will victimize Chinese civilians as the Chinese regime attempts to rally them into their cause of fighting the United States and winning the trade war.

The U.S. administration imposed a tariff increase on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports on May 10, raising duties to 25 percent from 10 percent.

In retaliation, Beijing announced on May 13 that it would boost tariffs, ranging from 5 percent to 25 percent, on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods.

Immediately after the trade talks concluded on May 10, the Chinese regime’s official mouthpieces kept silent. But two days later, various state-run media—such as the CCTV, the People’s Daily and Xinhua News Agency—simultaneously began a propaganda war to criticize the United States for failing to reach an agreement in the trade talks, portraying the United States as an international bully with a hegemonic mindset. They declared that China is “not afraid to fight” with the United States, and the trade war is going to be “a people’s war,” and China is “willing to make all kinds of sacrifices” to fight this war “to the end.”

Chinese Netizens: We Will Be Sacrificed
Many Chinese netizens posted comments on Weibo and WeChat—Chinese social media platforms that are similar to Twitter and Facebook—criticizing the familiar phrase “make all kinds of sacrifices” used in propaganda to boost public morale. Some say the phrase has scared them because it means that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will sacrifice the interests of its own people to achieve its goals.

“Obviously we will be sacrificed and will have to suffer,” one netizen wrote.

“We, who are about to be sacrificed, feel scared,” another netizen wrote, and several others echoed him.

Many people expressed similar views:

“(Chinese authorities) try to transfer the ‘sacrifice’ to the public.”

“It is you (the authorities) who are willing to make all kinds of sacrifices. But, I am sorry, don’t pull me into this. I don’t want to get involved.”

“Of course the authorities are not afraid to fight, because it is the 1.4 billion people who will be sent to the frontline.”

“We will be ripped off.”

A netizen mocked China’s Central Television (CCTV) and wrote: “What use is it to make these boastful statements in front of Chinese people? Do you dare to make the same announcement in English and broadcast it in your international channels?”

“I cannot understand your logic that you have to fight constantly,” a netizen wrote, criticizing the CCP’s philosophy of struggle. “Go ahead with your fight. It’s none of our business.”

There were also complaints about China’s rich and powerful elite. One netizen wrote: “Of course they are not afraid. The officials enjoy privileges—they eat well; they get free medical care; their wives, mistresses and children live in foreign countries, and all of them are billionaires. What’s there to be afraid of? They will plunder the wealth of 1.4 billion Chinese people to fight this war. That’s what they mean by sacrifice.”

Many of these posts have been removed by internet police.

Chinese people living in America and Canada also chimed in the discussion on overseas Chinese-language forums.

A Weibo user from Vancouver commented that China’s propaganda is meant to lead the Chinese people to extreme nationalism and anti-U.S. sentiment, which would make it easy for the CCP to maintain its control over society.

A Weibo user living in the United States said he has studied the details of the proposed trade agreements. “Chinese delegates tried to trick the U.S. delegates, in a way that China can act like a scoundrel to violate the terms in the agreement, with the excuse that China has its own laws. The U.S. delegates rejected firmly and demanded to stick to the original enforceable version. President Trump is truly awesome!” he wrote.

Another Chinese American, who is a member of a WeChat group called “Chinese working or studying in the U.S.,” looked into the details of the terms proposed by the U.S. delegates. He said these terms are actually good for China’s economic development and for China to become a respected member in the international society. “Beijing doesn’t like it because these terms will threaten the CCP’s rule,” he wrote.

China’s PropagandaTargets the US as the Scapegoat
U.S.-based China expert Heng He told the Epoch Times on May 14 that the Chinese regime is to blame for failing to reach an agreement during the latest round of trade talks, because the CCP refuses to make structural changes for the sake of maintaining its power.

“However, the CCP will never admit its mistakes, they will always find a scapegoat. For instance, the CCP’s Great Leap Forward movement led to the Great Famine from 1959 to 1961, but CCP made up two excuses—natural disasters and the Soviet Union pressed China for payment of debts. As a matter of fact, these two excuses are sheer lies.”

According to Heng, the trade war will land another blow to China’s already declining economy. The CCP must find an excuse again this time, so naturally China’s propaganda targets the United States as the scapegoat.

Honestly, you'd rather quote Times of India about China than quoting Epoch Times.
At first,I donot know the Chinese name of Epoch Times. Then I use the translator.
Lol. The result is so funny. I wish all the hostile foreigners trust this so called media. We will collapse and the CCP will be destroyed. Lol,so many retards. To the Vietnam and Indian s: I really don't understand how can you win us when you even don't know us ? Aggrogance plus low IQ. No doubt no Chinese care about you two losers.
At first,I donot know the Chinese name of Epoch Times. Then I use the translator.
Lol. The result is so funny. I wish all the hostile foreigners trust this so called media. We will collapse and the CCP will be destroyed. Lol,so many retards. To the Vietnam and Indian s: I really don't understand how can you win us when you even don't know us ? Aggrogance plus low IQ. No doubt no Chinese care about you two losers.
Epoch Times is the official newspaper of Falungong. They have a cable TV channel and a running musical theater show too.
Chinese companies moving to Vietnam keep quiet on trade war to avoid wrath of authorities and staff
  • Many factory owners planning to relocate outside China fear response from Chinese governments, employees, suppliers and local communities
  • Chinese companies also ‘afraid Vietnamese society is opposed to Chinese manufacturers moving to their country’
He HuifengUPDATED : Thursday, 16 May 2019, 9:45PM

Chinese state media may have launched a fierce propaganda campaign, placing the blame for the trade war squarely at the feet of the US government. But many manufacturers in China are keeping their heads below the parapet, for fear of reprisals from both inside and outside the country.

Interviews reveal that many factory owners and operators feel that they are caught in the middle of forceful rhetoric from both sides in the trade war. And rather than face direct retaliation from officials, workers and suppliers in their home market, they are deciding to keep their counsel.

Those companies that plan to move production out of China to avoid US tariffs and preserve their US business face a particularly delicate balancing act.


    • Many factory owners planning to relocate outside China fear response from Chinese governments, employees, suppliers and local communities

    • Chinese companies also ‘afraid Vietnamese society is opposed to Chinese manufacturers moving to their country’

Do you think that workers do not know about the trade war? Once you have your relocation plan leak out, the workers, the government and suppliers, will all keep an eye on your move. So being low-key has become a must,” he said.

In addition, the Vietnamese government’s requirements for Chinese factories moving there are also becoming stricter, Zhou said.

“The taxes to transport machinery, equipment, and semi-finished products, as well as the cost for a certificate of origin, are much higher than before,” he said.

“It’s no good to voice these difficulties in public. We are also very afraid that Vietnamese society is opposed to Chinese manufacturers moving to their country.”

With regard official criticism of the United States’ role in the trade war, editors of traditional and online media have been told they must use only content provided by official channels and not publish self-generated material or reports from foreign media, meaning people’s personal views can be harder to spread.

Spreading news about the trade war online can also land users in hot water. On Tuesday, a businessman in Suzhou, the main manufacturing hub in eastern China, took to Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, to express the view that some Taiwanese manufacturers were rushing to move their production equipment to Taiwan and Vietnam to avoid US tariffs.

Some internet users soon reported the post to the police, claiming that his post aimed to slander the local economy urging that the man who posted it be punished.


Million Cnese workers, CN local govt. r so worry abt factories fleeing to VN now as they will lose jobs and tax :cool:
the "epoch" times? Is that even a news outlet? :lol: what's next? a link from hindustantimes??? :omghaha:

Chinese Netizens: We Will Be Sacrificed
Many Chinese netizens posted comments on Weibo and WeChat—Chinese social media platforms that are similar to Twitter and Facebook—criticizing the familiar phrase “make all kinds of sacrifices” used in propaganda to boost public morale. Some say the phrase has scared them because it means that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will sacrifice the interests of its own people to achieve its goals.

What I see is almost everyone (on Bilibili / Weibo / Zhihu) is accusing the United States of hegemony under the topic of Trade War? And the attention of Chinese civilians to trade wars is limited. Trade war is not a hot topic in social media.


This kind of news can only deceive some idiots who not only don't understand Chinese language, but are biased against China.
Chinese People Express Concern as Beijing Uses Propaganda to Garner Public Support in Winning the Trade War



People cross a street in Beijing on May 10, 2019. (Fred Dufour/AFP/Getty Images)MORE
Chinese People Express Concern as Beijing Uses Propaganda to Garner Public Support in Winning the Trade War
May 16, 2019 Updated: May 16, 2019

After the U.S.-China trade talks concluded on May 10 with no agreement, Chinese state media responded aggressively, repeatedly claiming that China is “not afraid to fight” and will “fight to the end.” Many Chinese netizens fear that the seemingly optimistic propaganda will victimize Chinese civilians as the Chinese regime attempts to rally them into their cause of fighting the United States and winning the trade war.

The U.S. administration imposed a tariff increase on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports on May 10, raising duties to 25 percent from 10 percent.

In retaliation, Beijing announced on May 13 that it would boost tariffs, ranging from 5 percent to 25 percent, on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods.

Immediately after the trade talks concluded on May 10, the Chinese regime’s official mouthpieces kept silent. But two days later, various state-run media—such as the CCTV, the People’s Daily and Xinhua News Agency—simultaneously began a propaganda war to criticize the United States for failing to reach an agreement in the trade talks, portraying the United States as an international bully with a hegemonic mindset. They declared that China is “not afraid to fight” with the United States, and the trade war is going to be “a people’s war,” and China is “willing to make all kinds of sacrifices” to fight this war “to the end.”

Chinese Netizens: We Will Be Sacrificed
Many Chinese netizens posted comments on Weibo and WeChat—Chinese social media platforms that are similar to Twitter and Facebook—criticizing the familiar phrase “make all kinds of sacrifices” used in propaganda to boost public morale. Some say the phrase has scared them because it means that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will sacrifice the interests of its own people to achieve its goals.

“Obviously we will be sacrificed and will have to suffer,” one netizen wrote.

“We, who are about to be sacrificed, feel scared,” another netizen wrote, and several others echoed him.

Many people expressed similar views:

“(Chinese authorities) try to transfer the ‘sacrifice’ to the public.”

“It is you (the authorities) who are willing to make all kinds of sacrifices. But, I am sorry, don’t pull me into this. I don’t want to get involved.”

“Of course the authorities are not afraid to fight, because it is the 1.4 billion people who will be sent to the frontline.”

“We will be ripped off.”

A netizen mocked China’s Central Television (CCTV) and wrote: “What use is it to make these boastful statements in front of Chinese people? Do you dare to make the same announcement in English and broadcast it in your international channels?”

“I cannot understand your logic that you have to fight constantly,” a netizen wrote, criticizing the CCP’s philosophy of struggle. “Go ahead with your fight. It’s none of our business.”

There were also complaints about China’s rich and powerful elite. One netizen wrote: “Of course they are not afraid. The officials enjoy privileges—they eat well; they get free medical care; their wives, mistresses and children live in foreign countries, and all of them are billionaires. What’s there to be afraid of? They will plunder the wealth of 1.4 billion Chinese people to fight this war. That’s what they mean by sacrifice.”

Many of these posts have been removed by internet police.

Chinese people living in America and Canada also chimed in the discussion on overseas Chinese-language forums.

A Weibo user from Vancouver commented that China’s propaganda is meant to lead the Chinese people to extreme nationalism and anti-U.S. sentiment, which would make it easy for the CCP to maintain its control over society.

A Weibo user living in the United States said he has studied the details of the proposed trade agreements. “Chinese delegates tried to trick the U.S. delegates, in a way that China can act like a scoundrel to violate the terms in the agreement, with the excuse that China has its own laws. The U.S. delegates rejected firmly and demanded to stick to the original enforceable version. President Trump is truly awesome!” he wrote.

Another Chinese American, who is a member of a WeChat group called “Chinese working or studying in the U.S.,” looked into the details of the terms proposed by the U.S. delegates. He said these terms are actually good for China’s economic development and for China to become a respected member in the international society. “Beijing doesn’t like it because these terms will threaten the CCP’s rule,” he wrote.

China’s PropagandaTargets the US as the Scapegoat
U.S.-based China expert Heng He told the Epoch Times on May 14 that the Chinese regime is to blame for failing to reach an agreement during the latest round of trade talks, because the CCP refuses to make structural changes for the sake of maintaining its power.

“However, the CCP will never admit its mistakes, they will always find a scapegoat. For instance, the CCP’s Great Leap Forward movement led to the Great Famine from 1959 to 1961, but CCP made up two excuses—natural disasters and the Soviet Union pressed China for payment of debts. As a matter of fact, these two excuses are sheer lies.”

According to Heng, the trade war will land another blow to China’s already declining economy. The CCP must find an excuse again this time, so naturally China’s propaganda targets the United States as the scapegoat.
Only desperate Chinese haters will quote epoch times.

No Chinese will claim they show concern about CPC used propaganda to gather support against trade war.

In fact , all Chinese citizen will join CPC effort to support China effort to defeat US in trade war without even propaganda use. As if US won trade war against CPC , those Chinese life will improve. Only US is defeated then the Chinese will have a better life. This is a very silly title used by OP that no Chinese and even foreigners will believe.

It just like saying Bangladeshi raise concern about Bangladesh government propangada over sensation Rohingya problem with Myanmar.

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