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Chinese officials loom large in doctored photo


Feb 9, 2011
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Chinese officials loom large in doctored photo


A screen shot of the digitally manipulated image that went viral in China, depicting local officials visiting with an improbably small elderly woman. Photo: New York Times

Efforts to promote a visit by local government officials to an elderly pensioner in the eastern province of Anhui took an awkward turn after a poorly doctored photo spread rapidly on Chinese websites. By Wednesday, hours after it had begun to go viral, the photo had landed on the front page of The Beijing News.

The image shows four men, including Wang Jun, deputy mayor of the city of Ningguo, and Yu Anlin, head of Ningguo's civil affairs bureau, visiting an elderly woman who is holding a red envelope typically used to present a gift of money.

The woman is identified as 103-year-old Cheng Yanchun. In life, Cheng is a small woman, but in the photo manipulation she appears improbably tiny beneath the giant, beaming men.

The doctored image seems to have been an effort to get all the visitors together with her in one photo, but the surreal proportions triggered online ridicule and caused it to travel far beyond the government website that first posted it. The state-run China News Service reported that the image was available on the website of the Ningguo city civil affairs bureau Tuesday evening, but when contacted by phone, a representative of the bureau denied any knowledge of the photo and then hung up.

A call to the bureau on Wednesday morning rang unanswered.

Doctored images of officials making inspection visits have become a source of popular mockery in China, particularly after the discovery of one distinctive image that showed a group of functionaries hovering over a road in Sichuan. In some cases, officials have been edited into obscene images for the purpose of blackmail.

The online explosion of the Ningguo officials' image appears to be connected to a local grievance.

According to a report on the website of People's Daily, a volunteer who had wanted to raise money for three uremia patients was stopped by the civil affairs bureau, who said it was unfair to single out three beneficiaries when Ningguo had 2000 needy uremia patients.

Angered by that decision, a user of the Sina Weibo microblog found the photo online and reposted it, said a story in the Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily. The image has disappeared from the government website, but it survives online, larger than life.

The original Weibo message has been re-posted nearly 30,000 times.

In March this year, North Korea was caught out doctoring a photograph to double the number of hovercraft in a military exercise. The picture showed vessels with the same give-away shine on the front, moving through the water at an identical angle and throwing up spray that had been clumsily altered.

An Iranian state news agency released a doctored image of a radar-dodging jet flying above snow-capped mountains in February. The picture was immediately suspected to be fake, with the lighting on the plane and its position similar to its appearance in pictures on the ground in Tehran at the unveiling earlier in the month, at which aviation experts questioned whether it could actually fly.

In 2011 and 2012, China was at the centre of Photoshop furores after publishing photos showing Chinese officials seemingly walking on air while inspecting new parks and roads.

Merilyn Fairskye, an associate professor of photomedia at Sydney College of the Arts, said at the time: "It would fail photoshop 101.


The photo was photoshop in order to show everybody in one picture. The event did took place in reality. It is not a problem of fabrication, but a mistake in presentation.

The relevant government body has released an explanation and an apology to the public.
The photo was photoshop in order to show everybody in one picture. The event did took place in reality. It is not a problem of fabrication, but a mistake in presentation.

The relevant government body has released an explanation and an apology to the public.
If it did then the explanation given by you seems ludicrous , if you cant fit people in one picture you just ask them to repose for the snap.
If it did then the explanation given by you seems ludicrous , if you cant fit people in one picture you just ask them to repose for the snap.
When I said the event did took place, I meant the officials did visit her on the day and paid their regards to her with cash gift as is customary for elderly.
In the public statement release by the government office, it said that there are two photo taken from 2 separate angle.
google translate:
At that time, old woman sitting on a chair on the balcony sun terrace space is relatively small, the camera lens can not cover all the the elderly, only two angle shots, a perspective shot of the officials, another angle shooting the old woman sitting on a chair picture. Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau staff to upload the message, when taking into account only the integrity of the screen simply put shot from two angles were merged after the upload screen (that is, the PS photo that web user refer to). Thereby adversely affecting the majority of Internet users expressed deep regret.

So basically, the reason was because the balcony that the old lady rest on is too small.
LOL - gotta admire the level at which China brainwashes its citizens. Even here they are defending this screw up.
There is nothing to defend. Facts are facts.
It is just a mistakenly PSed photo.
Chinese officials visiting an elderly lady is a very common thing.
For the life of me, I could not imagine what your guy are expecting.
There is nothing to defend. Facts are facts.
It is just a mistakenly PSed photo.
Chinese officials visiting an elderly lady is a very common thing.
For the life of me, I could not imagine what your guy are expecting.

here are some more photoshop ahem ahem mistakes


Photoshop fail ... government officials 'inspecting' a park. Photo: Yuhang Government website


Huili local officials float above a highway project in China's Sichuan province under the guise of 'inspecting' last year. Photo: Huili County Government

indian big mouth, you are too late, this news has been reported by too many Chinese websites:


Xinhua aggregate similar PS image:

If you know chinese, you can read similar negative news in chinese website everyday, give you one:
A police kill a pregnant woman, seems only Chinese report now, don't google English source, ask your Indian reporter translate it:
indian big mouth, you are too late, this news has been reported by too many Chinese websites:

Could you stop call them Indians big mouth please? They don't have bigger mouths than everyone else.

Just smaller brains:cheesy:
When I said the event did took place, I meant the officials did visit her on the day and paid their regards to her with cash gift as is customary for elderly.
In the public statement release by the government office, it said that there are two photo taken from 2 separate angle.

google translate:
At that time, old woman sitting on a chair on the balcony sun terrace space is relatively small, the camera lens can not cover all the the elderly, only two angle shots, a perspective shot of the officials, another angle shooting the old woman sitting on a chair picture. Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau staff to upload the message, when taking into account only the integrity of the screen simply put shot from two angles were merged after the upload screen (that is, the PS photo that web user refer to). Thereby adversely affecting the majority of Internet users expressed deep regret.

So basically, the reason was because the balcony that the old lady rest on is too small.
If that's the case, why not just post the two pictures? Do they even realize how such incidents will keep eroding the public's trust in the governments? This is not small thing! This is a very serious issue facing the governments, esp. Local governments. If you can so carelessly doctor a photo? What else cannot you manipulate? Some stupid officials never learn or understand why public trust is so important for any governments to function. When public mockery of governments become daily entertainment, governments basically have no authority. Imagine you make fun of your father.
Again this is not about whether the event took place or not, this is about public (mid)trust of governments.
If that's the case, why not just post the two pictures? Do they even realize how such incidents will keep eroding the public's trust in the governments? This is not small thing! This is a very serious issue facing the governments, esp. Local governments. If you can so carelessly doctor a photo? What else cannot you manipulate? Some stupid officials never learn or understand why public trust is so important for any governments to function. When public mockery of governments become daily entertainment, governments basically have no authority. Imagine you make fun of your father.
Again this is not about whether the event took place or not, this is about public (mid)trust of governments.

Hey don't get so serious, man. It was just simply a case of a "reverse-engineered" photograph!
No big deal. "Reverse-engineering" is the way into the future.
here are some more photoshop ahem ahem mistakes


Photoshop fail ... government officials 'inspecting' a park. Photo: Yuhang Government website


Huili local officials float above a highway project in China's Sichuan province under the guise of 'inspecting' last year. Photo: Huili County Government


Oh lah lah, Chinese Officials can 'levitate' also?
What is the technology involved in this? Use of Magnetic Levitation? China is ahead of the world in so many respects now. :tup:
Could you stop call them Indians big mouth please? They don't have bigger mouths than everyone else.

Just smaller brains:cheesy:

The stupidity as mentioned in the article above speaks a lot about brains.
Cheerleaders and western media cant wait for this kind of news as if flies wanting to swarm the stinkiest pile of dirt

It is comical and thankful at the same time because the people in the pix will be in trouble. Thanks to our observant netizens

Dont know about the first pic. Let's see if more lights will be shed on that and let the award and punishment mode on in China effectively!

Still thankful these bunch of poor quality officials are still heavens better than a failed state where the government let the dead to rot or be gnawed up by stray dogs along its rivers!
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If that's the case, why not just post the two pictures? Do they even realize how such incidents will keep eroding the public's trust in the governments? This is not small thing! This is a very serious issue facing the governments, esp. Local governments. If you can so carelessly doctor a photo? What else cannot you manipulate? Some stupid officials never learn or understand why public trust is so important for any governments to function. When public mockery of governments become daily entertainment, governments basically have no authority. Imagine you make fun of your father.
Again this is not about whether the event took place or not, this is about public (mid)trust of governments.
I honestly do not know why they do not just post the two pictures.
It is an honest mistake, it is handled and apology made to the public. That should be the end of it.
China do not get where it is today, unlike what the Indian think, by cheating.
It is not by merely stealing, copying, AND Managing how it look by propaganda and doctoring statistics.
China get here by doing REAL WORK. That is what really matter.
The thing about this netizens is, they spend too much time on HOW IT LOOK. If it keep going like this, China would be getting the same level of superficial official that democrazy produced.
Do not fall into that trap. The public image of the government is indeed important, officials should spend times on improving it, but the priority should be clear, it should never be more important that the REAL WORK.
It is a small incident, it should be taken as such, there is no reason to make a mountain out of molehill.
Yes, the officials involved is indeed careless, it is a nuisance that hurt the image of the government and could be entirely avoided if they are more careful. But some instances of this type is unavoidable for a country the size of China.
Don't you think that the Chinese public should be mature enough to see the incident as what it really is?
If this happen in the US, how would you think the US public would react?

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