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Chinese Nuke Sub Accident


Apr 24, 2011
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A nuclear-powered Chinese submarine has suffered some type of accident and is leaking radioactive materials into the waters of the port of Dalian.

From South Korea’s Chosun Ibo newspaper:

Rumors are spreading quickly that radioactive materials were accidentally leaked from a state-of-the-art Chinese nuclear submarine moored in Dalian Port in Liaoning Province in the northeastern part of China.

The rumor was first reported on Saturday by Boxun​.com, a website for overseas Chinese, before it was picked up by Sina Weibo, a Chinese microblogging site similar to Twitter.

Citing People’s Liberation Army sources in Dalian, Boxun​.com reported that there was an accidental leakage of radiation when engineers from a Chinese electronics company were installing equipment on the submarine.

Boxun reported that the accident happened suddenly, and that Chinese authorities had sealed off the area while an investigation was under way, while taking steps to ensure news of the accident did not spread.

The Chinese media and government have so far refrained from commenting on the rumors, which have stoked fears among netizens.

Mr. Sato's July 30 blogpost:


According to the information I just obtained, a nuclear submarine of the Chinese Navy had an accident in the port of Dalian on July 29, and there is a leak of radiation. The area is strictly closed off by the Chinese military, and the situation is said to be very dangerous.


I doubt that the Chinese government will announce the accident. The neighboring countries should take defensive measures, and the Japanese fishing boats in the area should be careful.


One more thing. According to a "foreign" insurance company, China's high-speed train accident has 259 people dead, 183 injured, and 154 still missing. The numbers are set to increase, according to this insurance company.


The families of the victims continue to protest, and I've wondering about "missing" people. Now I begin to see why the Chinese government hastily doubled the compensation for the victims.


China's "hiding the accident" is well beyond that of Japan.


Anyway, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japanese media should try to obtain more information about China's "nuclear leak accident". It is inevitable that a Chinese-made nuclear power plant will have an accident, and I'm concerned about the next year's "yellow sand" season. Just to let you know the news quickly.

I don't know if China's "hiding" is any worse than that of Japan, but if I see any confirming information I'll update.

After the Fukushima I nuclear accident, it dawned on many Japanese (probably for the first time) that almost entire Japan is DOWNWIND from China, who plans to have 100 nuclear power plants. And thanks to the Fukushima accident, many Japanese now know it's not the distance that matters when it comes to a nuclear power plant accident, but wind and weather.

Japanese Military Analyst: Chinese Nuclear Submarine Accident in Dalian, China?? | EX-SKF
CCP must admit and inform the People about the situation Before it gets out of Hand !!...... Chinese members could please shed some light on Which Type of Nuclear Sub was Involved ??...... It is the newer Type 94 Jin or Type 92 Han old ones which Pakistan has been asking for.
wow if this is true, they better contain it ASAP

Yeah If I am not wrong Dalian is a highly populated port city !!........ PLAN should not bring Nuke subs close to such places and risk human life in large numbers...... such thing happening at cities like Dalian, Shanghai, Hongkong or Macau could be more disastrous than a nuclear attack and since its Rainy and windy season the Radiation would spread very quickly and have long term genetic effects on Chinese people.
CCP must admit and inform the People about the situation Before it gets out of Hand !!...... Chinese members could please shed some light on Which Type of Nuclear Sub was Involved ??...... It is the newer Type 94 Jin or Type 92 Han old ones which Pakistan has been asking for.

Calm down. It was a rumor, nothing more. Countries like South Korea, Japan and the U.S have radiation detection. If a sudden spike in radiation, then there will be news. I can assure you that china can't hide that. Read this article. It has way more informations that this mumbo jumbo article.


A nuclear submarine in the port of Dalian in northern China has suffered an accident and is leaking radiation, according to a former Japanese fighter pilot-turned-blogger.

“The area is strictly closed off by the Chinese military, and the situation is said to be very dangerous,” Mamoru Sato wrote in Japanese of the alleged July 29 incident.

As with all news stories about Chinese military developments, Sato’s account should be read with a healthy dose of skepticism. As of July 31, no major media had reported on the alleged accident. The only corroboration came from Twitter user “28481k(Alan Lai),” who wrote, “Bohai is closed after a suspected nuclear leak occurred on new nuclear submarine building in Dalian.”

Bohai is one of the shipyard complexes in the vicinity of Dalian.

If true, Sato’s report could spell big trouble for the Chinese navy. The People’s Liberation Army Navy’s first aircraft carrier, the former Soviet Varyag, is fitting out in Dalian ahead of her first cruise, possibly scheduled for sometime this year. Just last week, the PLAN officially discussed the carrier for the first time.

China’s submarine fleet, numbering around 50 diesel-electric boats and another 10 or so nuclear vessels, is on average old and out-moded, despite a surge in production in the last decade.

The nuclear designs are reportedly highly unreliable. The PLAN’s only confirmed nuclear ballistic missile submarine, the 33-year-old Type 092, has apparently never sailed on a deterrence cruise. A follow-on Type 094 class is under construction.

Two of the new Type 094s have reportedly already moved to Xiaopingdao submarine base near Dalian, where China apparently stores its naval nuclear ballistic missiles. It’s not clear if the vessel allegedly leaking radiation is a Type 094, or if Xiaopingdao is the precise accident site.

China is no stranger to submarine accidents. An accident aboard a Ming-class diesel submarine in 2003 killed all 70 crew. The Type 092 reportedly suffered an explosion during construction.
Nice to see such story gets into the hands of a Japanese first. :azn:
Calm down. It was a rumor, nothing more. Countries like South Korea, Japan and the U.S have radiation detection. If a sudden spike in radiation, then there will be news. I can assure you that china can't hide that. Read this article. It has way more informations that this mumbo jumbo article.


A nuclear submarine in the port of Dalian in northern China has suffered an accident and is leaking radiation, according to a former Japanese fighter pilot-turned-blogger.

“The area is strictly closed off by the Chinese military, and the situation is said to be very dangerous,” Mamoru Sato wrote in Japanese of the alleged July 29 incident.

As with all news stories about Chinese military developments, Sato’s account should be read with a healthy dose of skepticism. As of July 31, no major media had reported on the alleged accident. The only corroboration came from Twitter user “28481k(Alan Lai),” who wrote, “Bohai is closed after a suspected nuclear leak occurred on new nuclear submarine building in Dalian.”

Bohai is one of the shipyard complexes in the vicinity of Dalian.

If true, Sato’s report could spell big trouble for the Chinese navy. The People’s Liberation Army Navy’s first aircraft carrier, the former Soviet Varyag, is fitting out in Dalian ahead of her first cruise, possibly scheduled for sometime this year. Just last week, the PLAN officially discussed the carrier for the first time.

China’s submarine fleet, numbering around 50 diesel-electric boats and another 10 or so nuclear vessels, is on average old and out-moded, despite a surge in production in the last decade.

The nuclear designs are reportedly highly unreliable. The PLAN’s only confirmed nuclear ballistic missile submarine, the 33-year-old Type 092, has apparently never sailed on a deterrence cruise. A follow-on Type 094 class is under construction.

Two of the new Type 094s have reportedly already moved to Xiaopingdao submarine base near Dalian, where China apparently stores its naval nuclear ballistic missiles. It’s not clear if the vessel allegedly leaking radiation is a Type 094, or if Xiaopingdao is the precise accident site.

China is no stranger to submarine accidents. An accident aboard a Ming-class diesel submarine in 2003 killed all 70 crew. The Type 092 reportedly suffered an explosion during construction.

Yes I can see the Information.......:taz:
The South Korean New paper confirms this and a Japanese source has also confirmed but CCP have not confirmed yet as usuals...... :sick:

And here we have some overseas Chinese members who are feeling it is being funny on the part of Japanese and Koreans about reporting and alarming their sailors and fishermen about the incident......Is it a crime that Japan and Korea cares for it people and warns them about such incident......
Another japanese fake news about china

japan should be more concerned about their own country’s nuclear leakage accident.

If Japan has some Nuclear accident does that give China a license to have similar accidents and kill their own people by not warning about them ??
I know may sites are censored and blocked in China by CCP firewall however still the information leaks about such accident and the whole world comes to know...... They can only fool the innocent Chinese people by not informing them....... poor people becoming scape goats in the end.:angry:
Yes I can see the Information.......:taz:
The South Korean New paper confirms this and a Japanese source has also confirmed but CCP have not confirmed yet as usuals...... :sick:

And here we have some overseas Chinese members who are feeling it is being funny on the part of Japanese and Koreans about reporting and alarming their sailors and fishermen about the incident......Is it a crime that Japan and Korea cares for it people and warns them about such incident......

Look this has nothing to do with the source being Japanese or South Korean. The truth is all information on the supposed nuclear leak at Dalian originated form Sato's blog post. We don't have any other corroborative evidence. As Negative Zero pointed out before it is impossible for the Chinese government to cover this up unless, I don't know, the nuclear leaks from Fukushima already raised the radioactivity level at Dalian by several thousand Geiger.
Also keep in mind that the Varyag is currently docked at the Port of Dalian right now. Judging from the thousands of spectators at the port of Dalian, including Japanese journalists, I think it is safe to say that it is virtually impossible for the government to cover this up.
the nuclear submarine production factory is in Huludao, and the nearest naval base is in Qingdao... Port of Dalian is a civilian port. what are a nuclear submarine doing in Dalian.

confirmation from some foreign netizens doesnt count... confirmation from government of South Korea or Japan does count...
Both the Japanese and the Korean "sources" are quoting from the same website, they cannot independently confirm each other. If a major nuclear leak happened, radiations would be detected in South Korea and Japan, and you can bet that their governments and citizens won't stay quiet about it since it would affect their lives significantly.

Besides, shutting down Bohai sea? Are you serious? If that happened then you'd DEFINITELY be hearing a lot of it from legitimate sources everywhere since it contain many of the largest ports in China. Also, let's not forget that Dalian is where the ex-Varyag currently resides. With so many eyes on the carrier right now, we probably would've heard a lot more about it if a serious accident indeed happened there.
Look this has nothing to do with the source being Japanese or South Korean. The truth is all information on the supposed nuclear leak at Dalian originated form Sato's blog post. We don't have any other corroborative evidence. As Negative Zero pointed out before it is impossible for the Chinese government to cover this up unless, I don't know, the nuclear leaks from Fukushima already raised the radioactivity level at Dalian by several thousand Geiger.

Dalian is more than a thousand kilometers distance from Fukushima..... and any radiation would have to travel all the way through Japan, Russia, Both Koreas and Manchuria to reach Dalian....... It was also stated by a Chinese worker on Twitter and the reports of the plant being shut adds weight to his claims...... its only a matter of time that some more brave Chinese people would come up with more news and kick the *** of CCP lie-lie propaganda...... Chinese government has covered up many incidents in past and with high efficiency...... I don't see why they won't be successful even this time.
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