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China first aircraft carrier CV-16 Liaoning is preparing for it's 12th sea trial which will start by November 11th.

An amateur's video showing the preparations of the ship. The first real landing and take-off should not be far I think...

Type 908???

The real reference of Nancang class supply ship is Type 908, if I'm not wrong.

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The 13th chinese escort fleet starts special force training on board...

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New photos showing a Type 052C and a Type 052D side by side...

The one with rectangular universal VLS systems is Type 052D, it has an enhanced 4-faces Type 346A APAR, one of the H/PJ-12 CIWS is replaced by HQ-10 system. As no inclined sea-attack missile launchers are visible, I suggest that sea-attack missiles will be launched from the VLS.




Chinese navy's JH-7A and ground force air-defense division carried out combat confrontation simulation...

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China's 13th installment escort fleet arrived in the Gulf of Aden...

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One FAC division equiped with Type 022 in exercise....

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China's 12th installment escort fleet handed over to the 13th escort fleet in the Gulf of Aden...

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East sea fleet is carrying out a combat exercice in the Pacifics whereas the South sea fleet is doing the same in the South China Sea...

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According to Sina.com, it is confirmed that the first landing on CV16 Liaoning happened today morning (November 23), the pilots name is Dai Ming Meng.


















  中国军事专家彭光谦表示,中国的核心利益不容侵犯,中华民族的尊严不容亵渎,中国每一寸神圣国土都不容许任何人窃取,但我们也决不会用航母等手段去攫夺属于别人的一寸土地。法制晚报 郭丹援
New photos showing a Type 052C and a Type 052D side by side...

The one with rectangular universal VLS systems is Type 052D, it has an enhanced 4-faces Type 346A APAR, one of the H/PJ-12 CIWS is replaced by HQ-10 system. As no inclined sea-attack missile launchers are visible, I suggest that sea-attack missiles will be launched from the VLS.





In these pictures it is nicely visible how smaller the front VLS bay is on 052d is, compared to one on 052c. at a minimum, it looks 20% longer on 052c and 10-15% wider. Though the good deal of that width difference is probably taken up by the canted launch canisters. But length difference is still there.

Very nice of them to line these two ships up side-by-side like this, we could hardly have asked for a better image to use to do a comparison between the two variants.

These pictures should put a lot of the old questions and disputes to bed. We can now categorically say that there was no change in external dimensions of the design moving from 052C to 052D.

The new VLS block is also noticeable smaller than some had thought, and it should be possible to fit a 32 cell block of the new VLS on the 054A hull provided there are no unforeseen issues with the internal structure.

What is most interesting about the bow section differences between the C and D is the fact that the main gun appears to have been shifted back by a small, but noticeable distance. My guess is that the reason for doing so is related to the design and layout of the autoloader and magazine for the new gun below decks.

Had they kept the same originally gun, or kept it in the same original position, they should have easily had room to squeeze in an extra 2 blocks of VLS cells to give them a total of 40 missiles up front. The new gun must really be something for them to be willing to make that trade-off.
More detail on South sea fleet's exercise...

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Navy air force's joint tactical groups carried out exercise with surface ships...

Henri K.
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