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Type 052C 153 Xi'An arrived in Toulon France for visit.
151 Xi An in  Toulon France 20190701 hu8.jpg
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今天 15:25 来自 微博 weibo.com 已编辑
【军营初体验 “小浪花”的暑假日记
】近日,东海舰队某护卫舰支队迎来了一批特殊的小客人,该支队官兵子女走进军营体验生活,他们登战舰,住营房,走列队,叠军被,并用日记写下了这些天的所闻所感。(刘敏 刘隐帆 王杰等)
China National Radio Military
Today 15:25 from Weibo

[Military camp first experience "small waves" summer vacation diary] Recently, a frigate detachment of the East China Sea Fleet ushered in a group of special small guests, children of the officers and men of the detachment went into the military camp to experience life, they boarded the battleship, lived in the camp, walked Line up, make the bed, and write diary to record down the feelings of those days. (Liu Min Liu Yinfan Wang Jie, etc.)








DDG 138 & company out for training, smoke markers used for target practice.


Line gun shoots a line to DDG 138 to establish cable link.


Smoke marker drum to be released into the sea

Emission from smoke markers.

Anti submarine rocket launched
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China holds military-civilian cross-sea transport drills in Yellow Sea
By Liu Xuanzun Source:Global Times Published: 2019/7/11 20:23:40

The amphibious dock landing ships Changbaishan (Hull 989, R) and Wuzhishan (Hull 987, L) attached to a landing ship flotilla with the navy under the PLA Southern Theater Command steam in formation in waters of the South China Sea during a three-dimensional amphibious landing operation from May 29 to June 3, 2019. Photo: eng.chinamil.com.cn

China recently conducted a joint military-civilian cross-sea transport drill in the Yellow Sea, as naval and civilian ships carried troops and armored vehicles across the sea, leading Chinese military experts to say on Thursday that China will be ready for a potential landing mission, be it on the island of Taiwan or islands in the South China Sea.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy and multiple civilian shipping companies recently held a four-day cross-sea exercise based on real combat scenarios, China Central Television reported on Wednesday.

Nine vessels, including amphibious landing ships of the Navy and roll-on/roll-off passenger ships of the civilian companies, took part in the drills.

They carried troops and large military vehicles and equipment, including trucks, howitzers and amphibious assault vehicles, according to the report.

Using civilian transport ships in cross-sea transport missions is significant because the number of PLA Navy's landing ships remains limited, Li Jie, a Beijing-based naval expert, told the Global Times on Thursday.

China is building more amphibious landing ships, but they can't be deployed at the moment, so making use of civilian ships can be a powerful addition to the Navy, Li said.

The troops and civilians solved problems like how to fit military vehicles into the passenger ships, providing experience, according to the CCTV report.

Li said that some civilian ships were designed for both civilian and military use with military standards, so they could easily be used in such missions with little modification.

Civilian organizations also provided logistical support, including accommodations to the troops, the report said.

The exercise was conducted to enhance the PLA's capabilities to safeguard territorial integrity, and Li said that the Chinese military needs to be prepared for landing missions in areas such as the island of Taiwan and islands in the South China Sea.

Xu Guangyu, a senior consultant at the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, told the Global Times that China has been conducting similar exercises, and such exercises should be considered normal and not targeted against any country or region.

The CCTV report came at a time when the US had just approved a potential arms sale to the island of Taiwan, so this also showed that the mainland has the capability to solve the Taiwan question by force if necessary, Xu said.
Three type 053H1 frigates # 533, 534 and 545 retires at a ceremony yesterday.

File photo

China to conduct military exercises near Taiwan after US agrees US$2.2 billion arms deal

South China Morning Post (2019-07-14)

Announcement of ‘regular operations’ comes just days after Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen hosts reception for UN representatives in New York
Timing of defence ministry’s statement is a clear warning to Taipei, observer says

Air and naval forces from the People’s Liberation Army will conduct routine drills close to the Taiwan Strait in the coming days, Beijing said on Sunday (14 July), less than a week after Washington approved the sale of US$2.2 billion worth of military equipment to Taipei.

The exercises are part of the military’s regular schedule, the Ministry of Defence said in a short statement.

“The drills are routine arrangements according to the annual plans of the military force,” it said, without elaborating.

The announcement also came after Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Thursday held a reception in New York for permanent representatives of the United Nations at the self-ruled island’s de facto embassy in the city. The meeting, which was open to the media, was the first of its kind as Taiwan’s leaders have previously been prohibited from making public appearances during transit stops in the US.

Tsai has been keen to bolster diplomatic support for Taiwan – as Beijing has simultaneously tried to reduce it – while also seeking to bolster its self-defence capabilities amid rising tensions across the narrow waterway that separates it from mainland China.

Beijing regards Taiwan as a wayward province awaiting reunification, by force if necessary.
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