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8182 is a type 529 unmanned minesweeper attached to type 082II minesweeper 818, which acts as a mother ship controlling unmanned minesweepers with hull numbers like 8181, 8182 and 8183.

8181 8182 and 8183 though are due control boats i.e. manned and unmanned, they are large enough to have sailors aboard for manned control or remotely control by a mother ship..

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PNG PM visits Chinese hospital ship, lauds humanitarian mission
Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-15 18:52:51|Editor: ZX

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill (R) talks with a patient in Chinese naval hospital ship Ark Peace at Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, on July 14, 2018. Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill visited Chinese naval hospital ship Ark Peace on Saturday evening, highly commending the vessel's humanitarian mission to his country and its role in enhancing bilateral friendship and partnership. (Xinhua/Jiang Shan)

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, July 15 (Xinhua) -- Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill visited Chinese naval hospital ship Ark Peace on Saturday evening, highly commending the vessel's humanitarian mission to his country and its role in enhancing bilateral friendship and partnership.

Speaking at a deck reception, the prime minister said Ark Peace's mission to Papua New Guinea, its second to the Oceanian nation in four years, has helped strengthen relations with the Chinese side.

O'Neill said his visit to China last month was important in deepening bilateral ties.

During his visit to the hospital ship, O'Neill inspected the naval guard of honor in the company of Chinese Ambassador to Papua New Guinea Xue Bing and the mission commanders.

He thanked the medical personnel for their excellent services. He also met local inpatients, and viewed surgical procedures through a window at the ship's operating theater, expressing his high regard for the Chinese medical team's skill and dedication.

The naval hospital ship arrived in Papua New Guinea's capital Port Moresby on Wednesday to start its eight-day humanitarian mission, where the mission group is conducting joint medical diagnoses, treatment and exchanges with local staff. Its specialist health inspection, infectious diseases and medical equipment teams have also been dispatched to local hospitals to provide services on site.

By Saturday, the ship had provided nearly 4,000 medical consultations and treatments and carried out 18 surgical procedures.

Papua New Guinea is the first stop of the Ark Peace's current Mission Harmony 2018. Since 2008, the ship has visited 37 countries and provided free medical services to more than 180,000 people.



Four-Year-Old Damien Maing Is Now Able To Stretch His Little Fingers Like A Normal Child Would Do After Undergoing Surgery On Board The Chinese Hospital Ship Ark Peace Last Friday.
July 16, 2018

More than 4,000 Papua New Guineans treated on Chinese naval hospital ship Ark Peace


Four-year-old Damien Maing is now able to stretch his little fingers like a normal child would do after undergoing surgery on board the Chinese hospital ship Ark Peace last Friday.

Since the arrival of this ship, Damien Maing was the youngest and was among 10 patients who underwent operations performed by the Chinese medical team.

It was a relief for mum Sharon Ali who had seen her son suffer with bent fingers on his left hand for more than five months after little Damien’s fingers were burnt in a fire in February.

“Since his fingers became crooked, it worried me and I would take him to the clinic for dressing and treatment hoping that I would see some changes but this did not happen.

“The burns got dry but his fingers bent and were crooked and I did not want him to stay like this all his life.

“I felt worried and hopeless because I don’t have much money to pay for him to undergo operation,” she said.

Sharon and Damien reside at Kiki Barracks at the PNG Defence Force air transport squadron and would visit the barracks clinic to have the burnt fingers dressed until recently when the nursing officer at the clinic told about the hospital ship and how Ms Ali could get her son registered to undergo screening and operation.

“I did not waste time but rushed to the Murray Barracks Military Hospital to get registered and now I am happy to see my son move his fingers after undergoing a free surgery, I am very thankful to the Chinese medical team on this ship,” she said.

She said this was a lifetime experience for her and little Damien as first timers to be treated on a hospital ship and being admitted in the hospital ward.

“I am very happy to see my child move his fingers on his left hand and I am very thankful to see him happy as well because now he will enjoy playing just like any other normal child,” she said.

Another patient Corporal Jame Anema from the Army Barracks who has been living with a growth at his back for almost four to 13 years also thanked the ship’ medical team for undergoing a successful operation.

“I have gone to our local hospitals but nothing was done about it, instead I was given medication only.
“When I heard about this ship, I decided to come so they could do medical examination and remove the growth from my back,” he said.

He acknowledged the surgeon Dr Yan that operated him and successfully removed the growth.

“I would like to thank the Chinese Government for the aid through the medical team who are on the mission harmony 2018 medical treatment in Port Moresby
“I also thank Dr Yan and his surgery team for the job well done as we have been healed by their blessed hands,” he said.

THANK YOU! - Post Courier
Xi Jinping awards merit citations
Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-20 00:18:03|Editor: Chengcheng

BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhua) -- Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping has signed orders to award merit citations to three individuals.

Professor Xiao Fei, head of a research institution at the Naval University of Engineering, was awarded a first-class merit citation.

Third-class citations were awarded to Pan Weiqing, a professor at the former Second Military Medical University; and Xiao Longxu, chief engineer and researcher of the former equipment research institute of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Rocket Force.

Xi Jinping awards merit citations
Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-20 00:18:03|Editor: Chengcheng

BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhua) -- Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping has signed orders to award merit citations to three individuals.

Professor Xiao Fei, head of a research institution at the Naval University of Engineering, was awarded a first-class merit citation.

Third-class citations were awarded to Pan Weiqing, a professor at the former Second Military Medical University; and Xiao Longxu, chief engineer and researcher of the former equipment research institute of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Rocket Force.

The Global Times covered this piece in a more lengthy way, read it at below link.

Chinese military scientist gets top citation for research that helps warships use full electric propulsion (20 JULY)
Above photo by Yusheng-

About 50 Pla Navy ships were spotted sailing south in Taiwan straits, and that caused Taiwan militaries freaked out fearing an invasion to retake the island.

Calms returned on Taiwan side only after they realized that the ships from PLAN East Sea fleets were sailing south to avoid possible damage by strong typhoon moving towards China's east coast. LOL!
Above photo by Yusheng-

About 50 Pla Navy ships were spotted sailing south in Taiwan straits, and that caused Taiwan militaries freaked out fearing an invasion to retake the island.

Calms returned on Taiwan side only after they realized that the ships from PLAN East Sea fleets were sailing south to avoid possible damage by strong typhoon moving towards China's east coast. LOL!
“Calm Before the Storms” LOL!

PLA has launched a six-day, live-fire military exercise in the East China Sea in a region that simulates an invasion of Taiwan, a move military strategist believe will send a powerful message to the United States over relations with Taipei.

China's East Sea naval drill 20180719.jpg

The exercise is part of Beijing’s effort to increase military readiness and defend the “one China” policy, to warn the “Taiwan independence” forces.
The exercise began on Wednesday at 8:00 am and is expected to conclude at 6:00 pm on July 23. All non-military vessels are prohibited from entering the designated live-fire drill area and must follow the guidance of guard ships to ensure safety, stated a public notice released by Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration on Monday.

An unnamed military expert also told that parts of the East China Sea will be “the main battlefield” if a conflict ever breaks out in the future.

“The PLA Air Force and Navy have been frequently conducting island encirclement exercises. The drill this time will add up and form a military deterrence of high pressure against the Taiwan separatists.”

Earlier this month, Taiwan’s Army considered making a new round of arms purchases from the Pentagon and could likely purchase two tank battalions with 100 M1A2 battle tanks.

The drill also started several days after Taiwan deployed its second squadron of Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopters.

“The drill was strategically placed to send signals to “players in the Taiwan Strait situation” while not causing tension elsewhere.” — Collin Koh (SIN)

A few weeks back, USS Mustin (DDG-89) and USS Benfold (DDG 65) guided missile destroyers sailed through the Taiwan Strait, becoming the first American warships to do so in a year.

“The passage of US warships has worsened Sino-US relations and bolstered the separatists’ forces in the island. The Chinese military should respond in a timely manner to the situation.”

As relayed by the Zerohedge (7/22).
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