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Chinese mulling $13b investment in Gwadar

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Well its quite simple Gwadar will be a port that could eclipse the one in Dubai if it is fully functional, plus the amount of jobs created in Gwadar will help the people of Balouchistan. Furthermore the Central Asian countries have abundant resources in which China is interested in. These resources will go through Pakistan, where Pakistan can make a profit from.

The rest of your post is hogwash because attaining investment does not compromise a countries sovereignty. The only reason why you commented on such a factor is because you don't like to see China and Pakistan on friendly terms.

Agreed that getting investments does not compromise a countries sovereignty. And i am not talking out of any jealousy here, except that Pakistan seems too eager to bend backwards to China presently and The US before that who have done more damage than good to Pakistan in general. Fact is I personally would love to see a prosperous and developed Pakistan which grows on its on terms.
You know China realizes that GWADAR port is stupid, as it

does not benefit China, the roads and infrastructure for rails for transporting it to CHINA

are PLAIN stupid, The rough terrains of Baloch and karokoram highway ARE SIMPLY UNINHABITABLE

and good luck sending massive shipments of oil or other material....

Its a gold for China but they don't want to do everything by themselves. They want Pakistan to build the infrastructure but Pakistani government wants China to do everything so Chinese keep making statements of showing interest etc but the actual work is very slow. Its not like they are doing nothing but the progress is very slow. I think it is only Pakistani government who needs to be blamed for this.

Imagine you live in China and you were to export billions of dollars worth of goods to Middle East and Africa. The standard procedure you are following these is you carry the goods to port by road, fill in the containers and ferry the goods to these respective nations by crossing more than 5000 miles of journey and ultimately reach to its final destination after weeks. And you have alternative available that you load the goods in to the train (if made) and after about 1500 miles~ worth of journey on train you reach Gwadar port within a day and start loading in to ferry to Middle east which is only few hundred miles away from there and also far in Africa by using the same route. Ferry's are too slow but the trains are not... It will save them shipment cost, fuel, employment costs... land route is secure, fast and time saving. Its all good good for both Pakistan and China. But only if Pakistani government is more serious and instead of giving regular statements they focus on completing the remain portion of road network and start laying the railway tracks at least the initial phase from their own pocket
What is the time frame of this investment? BTW a year back their was news that China is going to invest $5billion in Pakistan. Any news on that?
Baluchistan is at such a strategic location and its a shame we have not been able to exploit the potential even after 63 years..I would be Dubai of Pakistan if it was let to establish and there would be no insurgency!
Agreed that getting investments does not compromise a countries sovereignty. And i am not talking out of any jealousy here, except that Pakistan seems too eager to bend backwards to China presently and The US before that who have done more damage than good to Pakistan in general. Fact is I personally would love to see a prosperous and developed Pakistan which grows on its on terms.

Maybe you are right Pakistan does seem to favour China quite a lot. But in my view this deal will help the Balochi people, as they have suffered immensely due to the fact that economic growth has been limited in that region. I would love to see Pakistan self sufficient, but sadly that will not happen with out FDI. I will be honest with you, Gwadar is great but even with this investment it will take decades before it benefits Pakistan, but this investment is a good step forward.
The negatives are much higher than the positives, It does not seem to be a financially viable/profitable project for anybody.

the Central Asian States are double landlocked. Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan can be approached through China while Tajikistan and Uzbekistan can be approached through Afghanistan. The use of Pakistani ports by these countries would have to make transit arrangements not only with Pakistan but also with China and Afghanistan. Goods through China would have to pass through the Khunjerab pass which is open for three to four months in a year.
Sums up your critical thinking....As i said before would it be more economical for them to take a whole trip of Indian Ocean or a land short cut from Pakistan. Secondly, Even Afghanistan gets its trade done through Pakistan (Afghan Transit Agreement)....
LOL just going through an old thread and getting amused by the trolling of Indians.

It is happening and happening big time.
LOL just going through an old thread and getting amused by the trolling of Indians.

It is happening and happening big time.
Don't bring the dead horses alive
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