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Chinese Missiles News & Discussions

“But to be honest, China’s midcourse anti-ballistic technology still can’t knock down nuclear missiles from the United States and Russia, as there is still a gap between the PLA and the two nuclear giants.”


Oh well ... is there anyone out there who takes the SCMP seriously?? :omghaha:

Via @中部战区号角 from Weixin
“But to be honest, China’s midcourse anti-ballistic technology still can’t knock down nuclear missiles from the United States and Russia, as there is still a gap between the PLA and the two nuclear giants.”

"But to be honest, US midcourse anti-ballistic technology still can't knock down nuclear missiles from China, Russia, or others because it has NEVER proved high reliability of such technology; please NOTE that so far any country NEVER assures creditbility of ABM system; the capability of such system is still uncertain although it is deployed; meanwhile, China further deployed highly maneuverable and hypersonic missiles, which are almost impossible to intercept in flight; and China developed anti-ballistic missiles with the most advanced kinetic kill technology after US, also meaning ahead of russia."
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China successfully conducted a land-based, mid-course antiballistic missile (ABM) technical test on February 4 in a move experts said showed China's mastery of the technology as the country's antiballistic missile system gradually matures and becomes more reliable. Liu Xuanzun reports in Global Times.
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An HQ-16 medium-range air-defense missile system attached to an air defense brigade under the PLA 77th Group Army launched a rocket into the air at a military shooting range in desert area in late August, 2020. (Picture source : eng.chinamil.com.cn/Hu yonghui)

China conducted the test within its border, and the test reached the desired objective, the country's Ministry of National Defense announced on Thursday in a statement. It was the fifth land-based ABM technical test China has publicly announced and the fourth land-based, mid-course ABM technical test publicly known.

Mid-course is the most vital phase in the interception of a ballistic missile, and a mid-course ABM means to intercept the missile while it is in its free flight phase outside of the atmosphere, Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on February 4. While the duration of the mid-course phase is relatively long, the great difficulty of an interception lies in the high trajectory, Song said, noting that the target of interception is usually intermediate-range or intercontinental ballistic missile.

China has already mastered the mid-course ABM system, and conducting the latest test shows that the system is becoming mature, and the success rate and reliability of interceptions are increasing significantly, which is very important for China to build a complete ABM system, Song said.

The flight of a ballistic missile usually consists of three phases in time order: boost phase in which the rocket booster will power the missile into sky, mid-course phase in which the booster stops as the missile traverses outside of the atmosphere, and reentry or terminal phase in which the missile reenters the atmosphere and dives on its target.

It's technically easy to intercept a ballistic missile in the boost phase, because the missile is still close to the ground and accelerating, but it is difficult to get close to the launch site which is usually deep in hostile territory; in terminal phase, the interception is challenging because the speed of the diving missile is very high, observers said.

Known ABM tests were carried out by China previously in 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2018, according to media reports and official statements.

China performs successful mid-course antiballistic missile test | Defense News February 2021 Global Security army industry | Defense Security global news industry army year 2021 | Archive News year (armyrecognition.com)
China successfully conducted a land-based, mid-course antiballistic missile (ABM) technical test on February 4 in a move experts said showed China's mastery of the technology as the country's antiballistic missile system gradually matures and becomes more reliable. Liu Xuanzun reports in Global Times.
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Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

An HQ-16 medium-range air-defense missile system attached to an air defense brigade under the PLA 77th Group Army launched a rocket into the air at a military shooting range in desert area in late August, 2020. (Picture source : eng.chinamil.com.cn/Hu yonghui)

China conducted the test within its border, and the test reached the desired objective, the country's Ministry of National Defense announced on Thursday in a statement. It was the fifth land-based ABM technical test China has publicly announced and the fourth land-based, mid-course ABM technical test publicly known.

Mid-course is the most vital phase in the interception of a ballistic missile, and a mid-course ABM means to intercept the missile while it is in its free flight phase outside of the atmosphere, Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on February 4. While the duration of the mid-course phase is relatively long, the great difficulty of an interception lies in the high trajectory, Song said, noting that the target of interception is usually intermediate-range or intercontinental ballistic missile.

China has already mastered the mid-course ABM system, and conducting the latest test shows that the system is becoming mature, and the success rate and reliability of interceptions are increasing significantly, which is very important for China to build a complete ABM system, Song said.

The flight of a ballistic missile usually consists of three phases in time order: boost phase in which the rocket booster will power the missile into sky, mid-course phase in which the booster stops as the missile traverses outside of the atmosphere, and reentry or terminal phase in which the missile reenters the atmosphere and dives on its target.

It's technically easy to intercept a ballistic missile in the boost phase, because the missile is still close to the ground and accelerating, but it is difficult to get close to the launch site which is usually deep in hostile territory; in terminal phase, the interception is challenging because the speed of the diving missile is very high, observers said.

Known ABM tests were carried out by China previously in 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2018, according to media reports and official statements.

China performs successful mid-course antiballistic missile test | Defense News February 2021 Global Security army industry | Defense Security global news industry army year 2021 | Archive News year (armyrecognition.com)

:enjoy: Cool footage! On February 4, 2021, China successfully conducted the land-based midcourse antiballistic missile test
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Cool footage! On February 4, 2021, China successfully conducted the land-based midcourse antiballistic missile test
Big love.
Temstar did a good work (also it took time aside from one's skills and insights to present it this way) :enjoy: Here's an interesting read, incl. the original article at Guancha.

I'm sure many of us here recall the article penned by
Hu Xijin (the editor-in-chief of the Global Times) last year about how China urgently need to increase warhead count into the thousands.

Yang Chengjun 杨承军, a retired member of PLARF Staff wrote this in response.

“Nuclear expert: Nuclear issues should not be hyped on the Internet”
核专家:涉核问题不宜在网络上炒作 (2020-05-14)

Aside from the line of "people not in this sensitive field should keep their opinions to themselves" at the start of the article, he unexpectedly revealed some interesting information about the rocket force:

Quality of nuclear weapons - much attention is paid to maintenance and update of current deployed weapons, China's nuclear arsenal is not inferior to any other nuclear weapon state in quality.

Quantity of nuclear weapons - number of weapons follow carefully calculated, science guided plans, with attention paid to international political situations. Special attention is paid to prompt replacement of any weapons reaching end of service life.

Survivability - silo and bases are sufficiently hardened and reliable. Current focus is on developing mobile weapons

Response time - when I (杨承军) first joined RF/2A response time was measured in days. It has gradually decreased to hours and now minutes. Now we are fully capable of carrying out launch on warning

Accuracy - CEP use to be several kilometres, now it's within 100m. This ensures greatly reduced secondary destruction

Yields - warheads of different yields are available, to suit targets of different nature and area

Penetration - MIRV, interference, anti-interference, variable geometry and glide re-entry capabilities continue to raise weapon's capability to penetrate defence

Joint forces - different branches of the PLA are well capable of working as one, to ensure no issues in times of war

Production and strategic reserve - China's nuclear weapon production has not reached peak capacity, vast amount of reserved production capability exist.

I don't think that Hu and Yang are fighting it out with words in the media in this case. Rather I think they are working together to get the words out to those who need to hear it.
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