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YJ-62 AShM

Via @东海舰队发布 from Weixin
The new TEL
PLA Rocket Force's New TEL (Transporter Erector Launcher)

Recently in the report on the advanced deeds by a research office of the PLA Rocket Force, China's new type of missile heavy-duty equipment vehicle has made a brilliant appearance.

It's understood that this missile heavy-duty equipment vehicle weighs about 100 tons, which adopts the mature hybrid technology in the field of civil vehicles, but is very rarely used in large military vehicles.

In 2016 the first generation of engineering prototype was completed and a number of tests were carried out.

If you compare a missile to a bullet that hits the heart of the target, then the missile heavy-duty equipment vehicle is likened to a durable sniper rifle.

In addition to carrying missiles over mountains and deserts, the vehicle itself must be solid and durable without any small defect.

This put forward very high requirements for the country's special vehicle industry.

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OedoSoldier @OedoSoldier on 2020.09.16

New TEL under test, adopts diesel-electric system

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