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Chinese Missile Test Shrouded in Secrecy


Jun 27, 2008
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Chinese Missile Test Shrouded in Secrecy

Oct. 08 (China Military News cited from Ap) -- China remains silent following fresh tests of long-range missiles that experts say pose a growing threat.

On Wednesday, U.S. officials verified the covert flight trials, the Washington Times reported, which took place Sept. 25; in the tests, the Chinese military launched a missile from its Taiyuan missile center to Korla, a western Chinese city 1,800 miles away.

U.S. officials were made aware of the impending tests on Sept. 23, when the Chinese government issued a "notice to airmen" alerting aircraft to avoid the airspace between the two towns.

Though the Chinese government has yet to comment, reports from websites within China indicate the test most likely involved a second missile: an "interceptor" with a restricted flight range. These sites speculate that there were launches from two locations, one an interceptor missile instructed to take out the first, long-range test missile shot from from Taiyuan.

Chinese Embassy spokesman Wang Baodong told the Times that he was not aware of the test, but stated that if it took place, China's military "poses no threat to any other countries, and serves for peace and stability in the region and in the world at large."

China's silence isn't completely expected. The country made an official announcement following similar testing in January. While some think the country is hiding a failed test with their silence, experts believe that the Asian superpower simply doesn't want to flaunt its growing might.

Beijing's growing military threat is no secret as it continues to develop its weapons arsenal, including an unprecedented new missile designed to be launched from land with enough accuracy to penetrate the defenses of even the most advanced moving aircraft carrier from a distance of more than 900 miles, sources say. The latest test may indicate some new functionality of that weapon.

Navy Adm. Robert Willard, head of U.S. Pacific Command, told Tokyo media in August that the Chinese antiship weapon "has undergone repeated tests and it is probably very close to being operational."

Initial reports on the new missile suggest it could reshape conflicts at sea, but U.S. weapons experts told FoxNews.com in August that it's neither a game-changer, nor a revolutionary threat to America's aircraft carriers -- which are the center of U.S. Pacific defense strategy.

"Some have called it a game-changer. I would dispute that claim," said Toshi Yoshihara, an associate professor at the U.S. Naval War College.

When complete, the Dong Feng 21D -- a version of which was displayed last year in a Chinese military parade -- could give China the ability to reach and hit U.S. aircraft carriers well before the U.S. can get close enough to the mainland to hit back.

??? --??????-- ???????
I really like the way the Chinese preserve their state secrets. We have a lot to learn from them.

One example where India was really successful in keeping things secret was the 1998 nuke tests.

We need to display such efficiency with our other defence projects also.
I really like the way the Chinese preserve their state secrets. We have a lot to learn from them.

One example where India was really successful in keeping things secret was the 1998 nuke tests.

We need to display such efficiency with our other defence projects also.

We managed to keep the whole of program secret from prying western eyes..


wikipedia said:
In 2008, the United States admitted that it did not know where all of Pakistan’s nuclear sites are located. Pakistani defence officials have continued to rebuff and deflect American requests for more details about the location and security of the country’s nuclear sites.
Why a missile test needs secrecy? It provides a deterrence. More your "enemies" know about your capabilities, more you can keep them at bay.
We managed to keep the whole of program secret from prying western eyes..


Ya but that is history na..what about now?

As far as India is concerned, Indian media is soooo stupid at times that they give live feed of ongoing ops against terrorists (read 26/11) which really helped the terrorists a lot.

I guess it is all a trade-off of having a democracy, one can say anything...literally anything.

But still there is US which is a democracy and yet it preserves its secrets very well.

I guess we Indians still have to incorporate that professionalism in our lives/work when it comes to keeping state secrets.
Why a missile test needs secrecy? It provides a deterrence. More your "enemies" know about your capabilities, more you can keep them at bay.

I think the article already explained it, China's worries right now are exactly the opposite. Nobody's gonna attack China, the problem is that other countries are viewing China too much as a threat and not a partner.

Now, regarding this specific missile test, I did hear from usually good sources that it was indeed a failed missile interceptor test.
China carries out dozens of ballistic missile tests each year. This is just routine.
The russians also tested their SLBM but western news is quiet.
There is rumor that this was another mid-stage missile intercept test. If this were true it is really strange that the Americans aren't making a huge deal out of it. Perhaps the Chinese used satellite blinders against their recon sats again?
The russians also tested their SLBM but western news is quiet.

The West considers Russians as white people. And Western Media bashing white people (Russians) in their News doesn't sell well in the Western World. Only bashing non-whites such as East Asians, Africans, South Asians , Arabs and Hispanics makes their Newspapers sales sky rocket.
I think the article already explained it, China's worries right now are exactly the opposite. Nobody's gonna attack China, the problem is that other countries are viewing China too much as a threat and not a partner.

Now, regarding this specific missile test, I did hear from usually good sources that it was indeed a failed missile interceptor test.

Given the climate in Asia right now, it makes sense to keep potentially threatening tests on the down low.
The West considers Russians as white people. And Western Media bashing white people (Russians) in their News doesn't sell well in the Western World. Only bashing non-whites such as East Asians, Africans, South Asians , Arabs and Hispanics makes their Newspapers sales sky rocket.

If u mention about Asia in ur news,weather it is middle east,South Asia,South east or east Asia,it will b a good sell out or raise the TRP,Russia or Europe now dont sell(for media)
The West considers Russians as white people. And Western Media bashing white people (Russians) in their News doesn't sell well in the Western World. Only bashing non-whites such as East Asians, Africans, South Asians , Arabs and Hispanics makes their Newspapers sales sky rocket.

to western whites, russians aren't "really" white, they're "eurasians" closer to mongols, turks and kazakhs. they're not "real" westerners. has the cold war passed so soon? remember what the US used to say about the russians even 10 years ago? how westerners exploited russia after the fall of the USSR?
to western whites, russians aren't "really" white, they're "eurasians" closer to mongols, turks and kazakhs. they're not "real" westerners. has the cold war passed so soon? remember what the US used to say about the russians even 10 years ago? how westerners exploited russia after the fall of the USSR?

I recall that there was a saying that "scratch a Russian you'll find a tartar beneath". I think that Russia, as a country, is unique in the sense that it is perceived as Western by the orientals and Eastern by the Westerners.
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