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Chinese media suggests India to join CPEC

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After Pakistan General, Chinese media suggests India to join CPEC
By PTI | Dec 23, 2016, 07.33 PM IST
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"The best way to reduce hostilities is by establishing economic cooperation based on mutual benefits to put aside what cannot be reached by a consensus," the piece said.
BEIJING: China will strongly oppose any attempt to label Pakistan as "supporting terrorism", Chinese official media today said and suggested India to accept the "olive branch" extended by a top Pakistani military General to participate in the USD 46 billion economic corridor.

"Surprise aside (over General's call), New Delhi should consider accepting the olive branch Pakistan has extended in a bid to participate in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor," said an article in the state-run Global Times.

The comments came after Lt Gen Riaz, Commander of the Pakistan's Southern Command which is based in Quetta, this week reportedly said India should "shun enmity" with Pakistan and "join the USD 46-billion CPEC along with Iran, Afghanistan and other Central Asian countries and enjoy its benefits".

"Such an opportunity could be transient. There is a possibility that the open attitude toward India joining the CPEC will quickly be overwhelmed by opposition voices from Pakistan if New Delhi does not respond in a timely manner to the General's overture," the article said.

"The best way to reduce hostilities is by establishing economic cooperation based on mutual benefits to put aside what cannot be reached by a consensus," it said.

It said that India could boost its exports and slash its trade deficit with China via new trade routes that would be opened up by the CPEC. In addition, the northern part of India bordering Pakistan and Jammu and Kashmir will gain more economic growth momentum if India joins the project, it said.

Another article in the same daily said "Riaz's invitation, which came as a surprise to New Delhi, is mainly intended as a gesture. While he hinted at India's intervention in the CPEC, he welcomed India's participation in the project, demonstrating Pakistan does not want to exclude India."

At the same time, it said, "if any country wants to label Pakistan as 'supporting terrorism' and discredit the country, then China and other countries who uphold justice will oppose such behaviour strongly".

The article said that since President Xi Jinping visited Pakistan in April, 2015, the CPEC has advanced considerably.

"However, some international forces, and India in particular, are accustomed to look at the CPEC and the One Belt and One Road initiative from a geopolitical perspective. On one side, this is relevant to the geopolitical competition mindset they insist on, on the other, this is because of their excessive speculation on the strategic implications of the CPEC and the Belt and Road," it said.

"To ensure the smooth advancement of the CPEC, it is necessary for Pakistan to have a stable and peaceful domestic and periphery environment and a favourable profile," it said.

On anti-terrorism, the Afghanistan peace process, and the peace and stability of Kashmir, Pakistan is making efforts to show international society its wish to pursue peace, it said.

"The CPEC is not only a bilateral cooperation, but also a multilateral project in the long-run, which aims at regional economic integration. So it's open and inclusive, and China and Pakistan hope India, Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asian countries can participate and become stakeholders," it added.

Alright then, Indian Media may suggest China to Join Dalai Lama for tibet Cause, UNCLOAS for South China SEA, Xinjian cause for the betterment and freedom of the province, Better human values accross China expecially in Hong Kong and Announce Taiwan a Sovereign State. Are they ready ??
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