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Chinese Markets Reopen — And They Still Sell Bats, Dogs And Cats: DAILY CALLER


Jun 19, 2014
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Animals are still for sale in Chinese food markets that reopened after the country recently declared victory over coronavirus.

Cages full of cats and dogs waiting for slaughter and the unsanitary preparation of animals is again reportedly a common sight in Chinese food markets, often called wet-markets, according to in-country correspondents with the Daily Mail.

China ordered that its wet-markets be shut down in January, after facts emerged suggesting that coronavirus was first transmitted to humans via bats and other live animals sold in the often filthy places of commerce, according to Business Insider. However, now that China says it’s beaten the virus, the markets seem to have resumed business as usual.

“The markets have gone back to operating in exactly the same way as they did before coronavirus,” said a Daily Mail correspondent who observed the markets re-opening Dongguan. “The only difference is that security guards try to stop anyone taking pictures which would never have happened before.”

Another correspondent in Guilin, a city in southwest China, photographed a sign advertising bats, snakes, spiders, lizards and scorpions for sale as remedies for common illnesses.

Images have also begun to circulate on social media of traditional Chinese foods considered odd by Western standards for sale in the newly reopened wet markets. CNBC host Jim Cramer tweeted out a video of live scorpions for sale.

Although China says it’s beaten COVID-19, many are skeptical about how honest the ruling Chinese Communist Party has been in reporting infection statistics throughout the pandemic. National Review says it has identified dozens of instances in which China lied to the world about the virus in its borders.

China has recorded 82,342 cases of the virus, according to Our World In Data. The first case appeared in Wuhan in November, reports LiveScience.


Apparently the Chinese have learned nothing from their mistakes! Absolutely disgusting!

Animals are still for sale in Chinese food markets that reopened after the country recently declared victory over coronavirus.

Cages full of cats and dogs waiting for slaughter and the unsanitary preparation of animals is again reportedly a common sight in Chinese food markets, often called wet-markets, according to in-country correspondents with the Daily Mail.

China ordered that its wet-markets be shut down in January, after facts emerged suggesting that coronavirus was first transmitted to humans via bats and other live animals sold in the often filthy places of commerce, according to Business Insider. However, now that China says it’s beaten the virus, the markets seem to have resumed business as usual.

“The markets have gone back to operating in exactly the same way as they did before coronavirus,” said a Daily Mail correspondent who observed the markets re-opening Dongguan. “The only difference is that security guards try to stop anyone taking pictures which would never have happened before.”

Another correspondent in Guilin, a city in southwest China, photographed a sign advertising bats, snakes, spiders, lizards and scorpions for sale as remedies for common illnesses.

Images have also begun to circulate on social media of traditional Chinese foods considered odd by Western standards for sale in the newly reopened wet markets. CNBC host Jim Cramer tweeted out a video of live scorpions for sale.

Although China says it’s beaten COVID-19, many are skeptical about how honest the ruling Chinese Communist Party has been in reporting infection statistics throughout the pandemic. National Review says it has identified dozens of instances in which China lied to the world about the virus in its borders.

China has recorded 82,342 cases of the virus, according to Our World In Data. The first case appeared in Wuhan in November, reports LiveScience.


Apparently the Chinese have learned nothing from their mistakes! Absolutely disgusting!

It take ages to change food habit. But, if Chinese govt wants, they can do it . I doubt Chinese were eating such stuff 100 years back ????????
People may revolt if CCP tries to force them to change their food habits. Remember Pakistan was created primarily because we Muslims wanted to continue to eat beef which is blasphemous for the Hindus.

No there won't be a revolt because the people who actually consume animals like dogs, cats, civets, pangolins, etc are a small subculture, mostly in the South. They probably represent less than 3% of all of China.

If the CCP wanted to, they can completely destroy this subculture overnight and a huge portion of Chinese will support it. Most Northern Chinese find these subcultures disgusting to begin with. The CCP can also completely reform and rebuild these wet markets so they fit modern sanitary conditions.

The fact that they are not doing so means that they should be held accountable as BIO TERRORISTS if they prefer to let the entire world suffer rather than fulfill such easy tasks.
No there won't be a revolt because the people who actually consume animals like dogs, cats, civets, pangolins, etc are a small subculture, mostly in the South. They probably represent less than 3% of all of China.

If the CCP wanted to, they can completely destroy this subculture overnight and a huge portion of Chinese will support it. Most Northern Chinese find these subcultures disgusting to begin with. The CCP can also completely reform and rebuild these wet markets so they fit modern sanitary conditions.

The fact that they are not doing so means that they should be held accountable as BIO TERRORISTS if they prefer to let the entire world suffer rather than fulfill such easy tasks.

Good to know that not all Chinese have these habits.
I only saw dogs(which are safe food). Where are the bats and cats?

The eating of dogs should be banned.

In fact, all forced cratering of mammals into live markets are a major vector of diseases. If China keeps continuing this barbaric, savage practice, the entire world needs to punish and sanction China for the major losses that we are experiencing right now because of the uncivilized, filthy standards of many Chinese.
Not too long ago they were putting muslims in "re education camps" for eating clean halal diet among other islamic things. Now they are facing music.
If the virus is definitively traced to these wet markets, the entire world needs to place punitive sanctions on China unless China ends these barbaric, filthy and uncivilized practices. These ignorant peasants need to be placed in concentration camps.
Not too long ago they were putting muslims in "re education camps" for eating clean halal diet among other islamic things. Now they are facing music.

Putting Muslims in camps for eating halal is CIA FAKE NEWS. Muslim Halal restaurants are everywhere in China, as common as McDonalds in the US.

Fake news.

Is that so? You think they really stopped eating all kinds of wildlife, dogs, cats in BARBARIC provinces like Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou?
It take ages to change food habit. But, if Chinese govt wants, they can do it . I doubt Chinese were eating such stuff 100 years back ????????
China and in many parts of the world ,people starting eating these type of meat after the western colonist plunged their region into abject poverty and chaos for a prolonged period of time. Historically,meat consumption of various forms have been driven by the lack of food and presence of grave poverty.
How common are education camps??
As common as starbucks by your logic?
Putting Muslims in camps for eating halal is CIA FAKE NEWS. Muslim Halal restaurants are everywhere in China, as common as McDonalds in the US.

Is that so? You think they really stopped eating all kinds of wildlife, dogs, cats in BARBARIC provinces like Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou?
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