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Chinese :Manners lost in translation

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Its a honest mistake. The Indian probably thought the Chinese girls were prostitutes. Chinese girls do have a certain reputation you know.

On a serious note, why was the Indian given watermelon on his b'day ? chinese don't have cake to celebrate b'days ?

cheerleaders view everyone with boobs as prostitutes - credits to the dire bottom ranked educations that leads to their horrendous internationalized sex crimes on women and kids!
LOL at defecating Indians.

You want to eat that too ? :woot:

cheerleaders view everyone with boobs as prostitutes - credits to the dire bottom ranked educations!

Chinese girls don't have much boobs ...... must be all those cockroaches you eat.

but you did not answer my serious question, don't you chinese celebrate your birthday with cakes ?
If he was to learn your culture, he would have to start eating dead babies and pigs. That is too cruel man.

Let us please stick to Indian culture.

Chinese culture has been evident from the behavior of chinese in pdf :lol: .... enough to say, we are not surprised at your eating habits. (if it can be called that)

But we don't have incest culture like over 50% Indians have though, btw, who's turn tonight with your favorite family affair?:lol:
If he was to learn your culture, he would have to start eating dead babies and pigs. That is too cruel man.

are you living in mud caves in the subcontinent?

all the babies eating are faked mockup dramas

Let us please stick to Indian culture.
of what? almost everything repulsive by civilized standards?

Chinese culture has been evident from the behavior of chinese in pdf :lol: .... enough to say, we are not surprised at your eating habits. (if it can be called that)

you dont even use eating untensils and come here to tell us our eating habits?
How can a caveman educate the astronauts on how to operate a spacecraft?
But we don't have incest culture like over 50% Indians have though, btw, who's turn tonight with your favorite family affair?:lol:

But you do have incest culture. In fact that has been documented by the Chinese themselves. I can post links if you wish.

Its your mama's turn in my favorite family affair. Do I now get to call your son ? :lol:
My brother who was perusing his phd in Canada had a chinese roommate. He was so disgusted by the personal hygiene of the chinese that he opted to change his room than live with them. This in-spite of the fact the he could ill afford the change. That is how disgusted he was.

The chinese used to load up the fridge with all kind of smelly non veg food and raw meat and keep them for weeks at a time. The whole fridge used to stink. Their bathroom habits, general living habits were a shock to my brother. He tried to stick it out for 3 months but just could not take it anymore. True story.

Chinese and personal hygiene ..? they are the worst


International hygiene study: scores for personal and household hygiene in 12 countries presented | Sanitation Updates
are you living in mud caves in the subcontinent?

all the babies eating are faked mockup dramas

of what? almost everything repulsive by civilized standards?

you dont even use eating untensils and come here to tell us our eating habits?
How can a caveman educate the astronauts on how to operate a spacecraft?

No I have a nice 3 bedroom Apartment in Mumbai. Do you live in mud caves ?

Chinese collect baby urine to soak your eggs and eat them as delicacy. :sick: I would rather eat mud. honest.

We certainly don't eat using utensils, we cook our food in them :lol: ..... but then again cooking might be a new concept to people who eat animals raw. What was that again ? Ox penis ? dog penis ? tiger penis ? .... is there anything you don't eat ?

Even dogs don't eat the stuff you chinese eat. Now that is a true statement. You can verify it from anywhere. But what would you know. You even eat dog :cheesy:


Mother and peeing child Chinese have a reputation for having bad manners: spitting in streets, making loud slurping noises when they eat, walking around in public without a shirt; cutting in line; urinating in public; jostling aggressively. This wasn’t always the case. In imperial times the Mandarin class in particular was known for its refined tastes and manners. Confucianism taught people to treat others with courtesy and respect.

Chinese tourists traveling outside of China have been warned not to embarrass China with uncouth behavior such as walking around in hotel lobbies in pajamas, tossing chicken bones on the floor of restaurants and talking loudly. Chinese state-supported travel agencies warn their customers that “spitting, slurping foods and jumping queues merely disgust people at home. But is intolerable in other countries.” Chinese tourists are also coached not to roll up their trouser legs and strip off their shirts to keep cool.

Overseas Chinese are among those who find mainland behavior to be the most uncouth. A Hong Kong newspaper ran a picture of a mainland mother helping her child pee on a wall at Hong Kong Disneyland and reported that many benches at the theme park were unusable because middle-aged Chinese men were sleeping on them. A Hong-Kong-born, London-based Chinese wrote a guidebook in which advised Chinese “Don’t ask foreign women how old they are” and “Don’t clean your ears in public.” Some mainlanders find mainlanders to be intolerably uncouth. In the essay the The Ugly Chinese writer and social critic Bo Yang criticized his countrymen for being too loud and too crass.

Georg Arit, a German sociologist who has studied Chinese tourists, told the Los Angeles Times, "Chinese are rude to people they don’t know. Unfortunately, when it comes to tourism, you don’t know most of the people you meet." He also said Chinese tourists were notorious for consciously breaking rules. “You’ll see people flouting ‘no smoking’ signs in luxury outlets, knowing few will complain when they’re spending $10,000. There’s also a feeling that ‘foreigners have been trampling on us for 200 years, and now it’s our turn.'”

Recent History of Bad Manners in China

Some blame China’s bad manners on Mao for setting a bad example. On Mao, Mao friend and writer Edgar Snow wrote, “Some people might have considered him coarse and vulgar” He then described how Mao liked to scratch himself and conduct meeting naked when it was hot. He also said Mao occasionally “absent-mindedly turned down the belt in his trousers and searched for some guest”—namely fleas and lice.

During the Cultural Revolution good manners were condemned as bourgeois and a means of inhibiting people and keeping them down. At that time it was considered a compliment to be call a dalacocu—“a big, rude guy. “

Deng Xiaoping, a notorious spitter, didn’t set a very good example either. He was not shy about hacking and spitting in public, and he often had a spittoon situated next to his chair when he met with world leaders.

Some people have said that the lack of civility in China has broken down a basic sense of trust and the only thing that seems to have replaced it is a love of money. An author of a book on Chinese etiquette told the Los Angeles Times, “You see people...overnight they’re millionaires. They have no education but the have money. They still forget to take a bath for three days."

Some blame the lack of manners on the quick pace of market economics. Sha Lianxiang, a sociology professor at Beijing’s People’s University, told the Los Angeles Times, “The problem is the market economy happened so suddenly that people got involved in the harsh competition....China didn’t have the time like Western countries to develop the civility that should go along with a developed economy.”

China Bans Bad Breath, Scars in Space

According to story in Fox News: ‘Candidates for China's manned space program must be cavity-free and have no history of head colds or sore throats. In fact, candidates must show there has been no serious disease in the family going back three generations, Sina.com reported. Bad breath can disqualify you from becoming an astronaut in China, but even if your breath is minty- fresh, you won't be seeing orbit unless your wife says you can go. [Source: FoxNews August 3 2009]

“Bad body odor will affect the colleagues in the narrow confines of a space shuttle,’ Shi Binbin, a doctor with the 454th Air Force Hospital in the east Chinese city of Nanjing, told AFP. Preliminary tests are being conducted on potential candidates. A hospital employee at the No. 454 Hospital told China Daily Sunday that 100 fighter pilots with college degrees were among the hopefuls being tested at the hospital, according to Sina.com. “ [Ibid]

China's future astronauts must also be scar-free. ‘Scars on the body, for example, might burst and bleed when spaceships are accelerating,’ Shi told Sina.com. Stringent requirements, he said, will help make sure the astronauts can handle the harsh environment of space. “ [Ibid]

“The candidates who go through all the tests and meet all the requirements can really be called super-human beings,’ Shi said. And the lucky few who qualify will have one final obstacle to overcome — their wives. If a potential astronaut's wife does not want him going to space, he will not be allowed to enter the program, Sina.com reported. “ [Ibid]

Etiquette Campaigns in China

The Chinese government is well aware of China’s reputation for bad manners. It has taken a number of measures to try and improve them. Slogans are painted on village walls urging farmers to do their part by participating in “courteous community” events. Universities hold etiquette contests.

In the late 1990s, the government under Jiang Zemin launched a “Spiritual Civilization” campaign in which people were encouraged to be more cultured and shed their bad habits. The airwaves were filled with moralizing lectures, billboards listed the "Nine Commandments" beginning with "Love Your Country." Husbands were told to help around the house and children were told cook "soft and mushy" meals for their elders. Some places even banned swearing and impolite behavior and created "civilized citizen" pledges.

Shanghai launched a "Seven Nos" campaign (no spitting, no jaywalking, no cursing, no destruction of greenery, no vandalism, no littering and no smoking). An effort was also made to clean up the city's public toilets. Businessmen encouraged their employees not to use phrases such as "Don't have it," "Can't you see I'm busy," and "Hurry up and pay." In Dalian, citizens were promised cash rewards for reporting rude taxi drivers; travelers were fined for spitting; scavengers were banned from bagging doves and pigeons in the central squares; and soccer fans were told to tone down their insults of players on opposing teams.

As part of it effort to win the 2008 Olympics and improve the manners after the bid was won, local authorities in Beijing have launched several etiquette campaigns. A book called Etiquette for Modern Chinese has been issued; courses on manners are run on television; and slogans are plastered on billboards See Civilization Campaigns Before the 2008 Olympics, Sports

The Spiritual Civilization Steering Committee of the Communist Party orchestrates the etiquette campaigns. According to researchers at Renmen University the residents of Beijing have become “more civilized” according to a “civic index” survey taken in February 2008 but still need some “fine tuning” to be ready for the Olympics.

An etiquette campaign launched in Shanghai called “Let’s Become Lovely Shanghaiese” produced a “Citizen’s Guide” that listed 100 ways that residents there could improve their manners in anticipation of the World Expo in 2010. Among the suggestions were: 1) “Don’t walk outside in pajamas or with a naked torso”; 2) “Trim your nostril hair short.” There was also advise on eating and politely using cell phones. The campaign was launched far in advance of the 2010 Expo in hopes that it would sink in by 2010. Shanghai has also passed law against swearing and smoking in public.

In January 2010, a low-income housing development in Guangzhou unveiled a point system to crack down on loutish behavior in which offenders who rack up 20 points within two years could have their home taken away. Spitting and urinating in public carries a fine of three points, which means that a person caught spitting seven times could have lose their home. Other point-earning infractions include chewing gum and tossing fruit peels.

As was true at the Beijing Olympics, a manners campaign was launched one the eve of Expo 2010 in Shanghai to discourage people from hanging their laundry outside, jaywalking, spitting on the streets and wearing their pajamas in public, a longtime Shanghai tradition. One man who often wore his pajamas when he went shopping told the Washington Post, ‘Now, everybody knows. If I forget and wear my pajamas out on the street, my neighbors will stop me.’

Details of Beijing’s Etiquette Campaign

A major effort was made to raise the ‘civilizational levels’ of the city's average Zhou. Authorities focused on five major faults: Beijing-style name-calling, casual spitting, littering, disorderly queuing and not smiling. Among the measures taken were placing red banners reading ‘To queue is glorious’ strategically around the capital and imploring taxi drivers to wash more regularly, put on clean shirts andavoid eating inside their cabs.’ [Source: Pallavi Aiyar, Asia Times, August 8, 2008]

Pallavi Aiyar wrote in the Asia Times, ‘Beijingers were subjected to random fines for spitting, dazzled by smile campaigns and exhorted to form queues... For several months, the 11th of each month has been designated Queuing Day, with government employees fanning out to hundreds of bus and subway stations urging people to eschew their preferred survival-of-the-fittest push-fests in favor of forming orderly lines.” [Ibid]

The city government has also instituted a ‘civility-evaluation index’ that ranks neighborhoods according to the level of refinement they are able to achieve by the time of the Olympics. The resulting competition between neighborhoods has been intense. Anxious to secure the coveted epithet of ‘civilized community’, neighborhood committees across Beijing have been vying with each other in organizing weekend discussions on edifying topics such as ‘Host the Olympics with civility’ and ‘Smile in Beijing’. “ [Ibid]

Manuals with ‘guidelines for the building of courteous communities’ have been distributed; criteria outlined include sharing housework, speaking a foreign language, regular reading of newspapers, large book-collections and balconies displaying potted plants. Also mentioned are a number of ‘forbidden’ activities such as alcohol abuse, raising pigeons, rearing livestock at home, noisiness and spitting. “ [Ibid]

Another common Beijing practice that is under threat as a result of the Olympic-friendly image that is being promoted is the use of kaidangku (literally open-crotch pants) for babies. For decades Chinese parents have opted for the maximum convenience, with minimum coverage provided by the use of these pants that are slit around the buttocks, enabling kids to answer the call of nature anywhere on the streets without the fuss of actually having to pull their trousers down. “ [Ibid]

Neighborhood committees have however been pressed into persuading parents to eschew bare bottoms in favor of diapers, at least for the duration of the Olympics. Signposts abound sternly asking what kind of impression foreign visitors will take home of Beijing if they see public spaces being used as open-air toilets. “ [Ibid]

All this ‘civilizing’ activity appears to have paid off. According to a survey conducted by the People's University's Humanistic Olympics Study Center, the ‘civic index’ of Beijingers was 73.38 in 2007, up from 65.21 and 69.06 in 2005 and 2006, respectively. The index reflects compliance with rules involving public health and public order, attitudes towards strangers, etiquette at sports events and a willingness to contribute to the Olympic Games, explained Liao Fei, a sociology professor who worked on the survey. “ [Ibid]

“A citizen's behavior embodies and reflects on the entire nation's culture,’ she said, adding that the average Chinese needed to modify his manners to be more in line with the changes created by the country's zooming economy. ‘With economic reforms changes in China happened very rapidly and people didn't have time like in Western countries to develop the manners that should go along with a developed economy,’ Dr Liao continued. “ [Ibid]

Lines and Littering in China

Chinese are not big on waiting in lines. People often butt in line or try to bully their way to the front or use contacts to get special treatment. There is often a great deal of pushing and jostling around ticket booths and bank clerks, where "huddles" rather than lines tend to form.

The Beijing Spiritual Civilization office launched “Learn to Queue Day” aimed at doing something about the mobs that developed around stopped buses and subways. The campaign employed teams of volunteers to teach riders how to wait in line at bus stops and let people get off subways before the begin crowding in.

The Chinese are relavtively neat in the way they dress and organize their houses, but they are notorious litterers. There is a lot of litter at tourist sites. In a survey in Beijing in 2006, littering were ranked among the top five most disgusting habits.

Theroux once recorded the following items on the floor of train: duck bones, fish bones, peanut shells, cookie wrappers, sunflower seed husks, teacups, tumblers, thermoses, wine bottles, foot tins, spit, orange rinds, raw shells and used diapers.

Spitting in China

Chinese men hack and spit everywhere: on the streets, all over the sidewalks, in buildings, on the floor of trains, and even on the floors of restaurants and homes. Doctors and staff routinely spit on the hallway floors in hospitals. Be careful when walking past a bus full of Chinese. Passengers often spit out the window. Women also spit but not as much as the men.

In one survey, two thirds of all the adult Chinese asked admitted to spitting on a regular basis. If that figure is true around 900 million people in China are habitual spitters. Many men smoke and have hacking smoker’s coughs. The first thing many of them do when they leave their houses in morning is clear phlegm from their throats and spit. Some Chinese men spit on the wheel rims on their cars to see if the brakes are rubbing on the hub.

Spitting has been linked in the past with anti-foreigner sentiments. A banner raised during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 read: "Certainly foreign soldiers are a horde; but if each of our people spits once, they will drown." Up until fairly recently Chinese leaders had ceramic spittoons next to their chairs at ceremonies and banquets where they greeted royals, diplomats and foreign leaders. Mao had a spittoon at his feet when he met Nixon.

The Chinese, wrote Theroux, "spat all the time...With their cheeks alone they made the sunctioning: hhggaarrkh! And then they ground and positioned their teeth, and they leaned. You expected them to propel it about five yards, like a Laramie stockman sitting over a fence. But no they never gave it any force. They seldom spat more than a few inches from where they stood. They did not spit out, they spit down."

"Chinese spitting is not half as bad as throat clearing," Theroux wrote, "the hoick can be heard for fifty yards...They cleared their throats so loudly they could drown out conversation—they could sound like a Rota-Rooter or someone clearing a storm drain, or the last gallon leaving a Jacuzzi ...After that, the spitting itself was rather an anticlimax."

Phlegm in China

David Sedaris wrote in The Guardian, “After arriving at Beijing International Airport one of the “the first thing one notices is what sounds like a milk steamer, the sort a cafe uses when making lattes and cappuccinos. "That's odd," you think. "There's a coffee bar on the elevator to the parking deck?" What you're hearing, that incessant guttural hiss, is the sound of one person, and then another, dredging up phlegm, seemingly from the depths of his or her soul. At first you look over, wondering, "Where are you going to put that?" A better question, you soon realise, is, "Where aren't you going to put it?" [Source: David Sedaris, The Guardian July 15, 2011]

I saw wads of phlegm glistening like freshly shucked oysters on staircases and escalators. I saw them frozen into slicks on the sidewalk and oozing down the sides of walls. It often seemed that if people weren't spitting, they were coughing without covering their mouths, or shooting wads of snot out of their noses. This was done by plugging one nostril and using the other as a blowhole. "We Chinese think it's best just to get it out," a woman told me over dinner one night. She said that, in her opinion, it's disgusting that a westerner would use a handkerchief and then put it back into his pocket. "Well, it's not for sentimental reasons," I told her. "We don't hold on to our snot for ever. The handkerchief's mainly a sanitary consideration."

Reasons for Spitting and Anti-Spitting Campaigns in China

Many Chinese who spit say they do so for health reasons. Many Chinese have phlegm in their throats as a result of chronic bronchitis, colds that never get better and respiratory problems caused by heavy smoking, air pollution, and cold weather.

The hacking and spitting is merely a way of clearing the lungs and throats and respiratory system of phlegm and other nasty things that have accumulated in them. According to Chinese beliefs, phlegm is considered a manifestation of natural imbalances in the body and getting rid of it is regarded as a healthy act. Some people claim that chronic spitting spreads disease and helps create the problem it is trying to solve.

Spitting is much less common than it once was. Twenty years ago spit was all over the place. Now it is just all over some places. Many Chinese are embarrassed by the spitting habit of some of their countrymen. They view it as a sign of ignorance and backwardness. According to one survey 80 percent of Chinese disapprove of public spitting. In another survey, in Beijing, spitting was ranked among the top five most disgusting habits.

The omnipresent anti-spitting posters, which are seen throughout China, don't discourage people from spitting but rather encourage them to spit in spittoons. Most anti-spitting campaigns are launched before important events or the arrival of foreign VIPs—such as the committee which selected where the Olympics would be held. Most campaigns—including one linking spitting with the spread of AIDS—have had limited effectiveness.

In Beijing, the fine for spitting is around $6.60, less than fine for failing to dispose of dog excrement ($25) and hanging laundry facing major roads ($25). Volunteers there with the word “mucus” printed on them give out small white plastic bags in parks, shopping malls and other places for people to spit in. Uniformed inspectors patrol places like Tiananmen Square looking for spitters and litterers. When a spitter is caught in the act he is forced to bend over and clean up his mess. After a small crowd has gathered he is lectured by the inspector on the consequences of spiting: spreading diseases, causing pollution and embarrassing China.

History of Anti-Spitting Campaigns in China

Disgust over spitting is nothing new. Before the Communists came to power in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek ordered troops onto the streets of Beijing to stop people from spitting. In the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping launched a massive campaign against "this unhealthy practice" and enlisted a force of 200,000 health inspectors to levy fines on spitters in Beijing alone. One thousand anti-spitting centers were set up around the city; posters displaying bacteria found in spit were plastered around town; and banners were hung with slogans like "Keep fit. Don't spit." One newspaper intoned: "Efforts to eliminate spitting will not only clear the capital ground of phlegm, but purify minds and raise the nation's moral standards."

In the 1990s, when more and more Chinese began traveling abroad, the government published a booklet on proper behavior. It advised, "Do not spit in public. If you must...spit in your palm." Perhaps the most serious anti-spitting campaign was launched during he SARS outbreak in 2003, when spitting was considered a health hazard as well as a nasty habit. As part of the “Directive on Launching Activities to Transform Vile Habits” launched by the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee’s Spiritual Civilization Office, stiff fines were imposed, newspapers were filled with anti-spitting stories and street committees were told on the look for spitters. There were even reports of old women spraying sidewalk spit spots with disinfectant.

In the campaign to win the 2008 Olympics an effort was made to get Chinese to stop spitting. The argument was made that Chinese will lose face and foreigners will look down on them unless they curb the habit. A book called Etiquette for Modern Chinese exhorted readers not to spit if China was to be perceived as an advanced nation.

In 2006, Beijing stepped up its anti-spitting campaign in an effort to eliminate the habit by the start of the 2008 Olympics. The effort involved setting up trash boxes every 100 meters on major streets and providing sanitary bags for people to spit into on buses, taxis and in public areas.

Puking, Urinating, and Blowing One's Nose in China

Blowing your nose in public is considered highly offensive. If you have the sniffles or are stuffed up, it is best to excuse yourself and blow your nose in a rest room. Even so Some Chinese blow their noses into their fingers and on curtains. Yawning loudly and chewing gum in public are also considered rude. A guidebook for Chinese advised them: “Don’t clean your ears in public.”

Although less common than it once was, public urination and public puking for men is no big deal. According to Theroux the Chinese have a "prayerful way" of puking, "softy and slowly vomiting, with their heads down and their hands folded."

If he was to learn your culture, he would have to start eating dead babies and pigs. That is too cruel man.

Let us please stick to Indian culture.

Chinese culture has been evident from the behavior of chinese in pdf :lol: .... enough to say, we are not surprised at your eating habits. (if it can be called that)
No amount of lie and fabrication will change the dirty Indian culture of incest, rapist, violent, and primitive eating behavior.

If he was to learn your culture, he would have to start eating dead babies and pigs. That is too cruel man.

Let us please stick to Indian culture.

Chinese culture has been evident from the behavior of chinese in pdf :lol: .... enough to say, we are not surprised at your eating habits. (if it can be called that)
No amount of lie and fabrication will change the dirty Indian culture of incest, rapist, violent, and primitive eating behavior.
Dire manners and 'uncivilised behaviour' of tourists is harming China's image, admits VP Wang Yang

The dire manners and "uncivilised behaviour" of some of its tourists are harming China's image overseas, a top official said.

Vice-Premier Wang Yang singled out "talking loudly in public places, jay-walking, spitting and wilfully carving characters on items in scenic zones".

Improving the civilised quality of the citizens [is] ... the obligations of governments at all levels VICE-PREMIER WANG YANG
Such bad manners were "often criticised by the media and have damaged the image of Chinese people and caused vicious impact", he said, according to the People's Daily website.

At a meeting on a new tourism law on Thursday, Wang said: "The quality and breeding of some tourists are not high yet."

As people get richer, foreign holidays are ever more popular. Destination countries, including debt-laden European states, have been easing visa restrictions to attract more tourists from China, but reports have emerged of complaints about etiquette.

A mainlander who had her son relieve himself in a bottle in a Hong Kong restaurant sparked online anger in February.

"Improving the civilised quality of the citizens and building a good image of Chinese tourists are the obligations of governments at all levels and relevant agencies and companies," Wang, a former party chief of Guangdong, said.

Authorities should "guide tourists to conscientiously abide by public order and social ethics, respect local religious beliefs and customs, mind their speech and behaviour … and protect the environment," he said.

Under the new Chinese law, travel agencies will be allowed to revoke their contracts with tourists who "engage in activities that violate social ethics", although it does not specify examples.

Hong Kong Travel Industry Council executive director Joseph Tung Yao-chung welcomed Wang's remarks. "I hope they [mainland tourists] really listen to state leaders. It is no use if they do not listen," he said. Not only the travel sector, but other areas such as retail and food and beverage would benefit, he said.

Some commenters on SCMP Facebook doubted Wang's remarks would have any effect.

Sara Jane Ho, principal of Beijing's Institute Sarita, China's first high-end finishing school, said: "Most Chinese do not behave this way on purpose … They grew up in a generation of basic survival; you don't have the luxury to think about manners and personal space when trying to fight to the front of the food ration line."

Dire manners and 'uncivilised behaviour' of tourists is harming China's image, admits VP Wang Yang | South China Morning Post

Chinese are Noisy, unhygienic and Bad manners in public.
No amount of lie and fabrication will change the dirty Indian culture of incest, rapist, violent, and primitive eating behavior.

We are an open culture, we don't need to fabricate anything like the CPP propaganda machine. This is something only free men know about.

Chinese culture of prostitution, incest, cannibalism, impotence and hygiene is well know to the world. Do you really think winning a few medals in Olympics is going to change that ?
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