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Chinese :Manners lost in translation

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Sep 20, 2009
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Manners lost in translation

A surge in Chinese tourist arrivals to Chiang Mai has been greeted with a string of complaints about poor behaviour. But some leading operators are stressing the need for greater tolerance, pointing to...

''They swallow what they can and spit out the rest on the table. It's disgusting. I don't like them at all,'' says Pee, owner of the well-known pork rib soup restaurant in Chiang Mai's old town where the...

'They come in groups of four, but they only order one bowl of noodles and a bowl of pork rib soup to share,'' he says. During the past year, Chiang Mai has opened its doors to a surge in Chinese tourists,...

During the past year, Chiang Mai has opened its doors to a surge in Chinese tourists, much of it off the back of the successful film Lost in Thailand, which was set in the northern city. The low-budget...

Between January and September this year, tourist arrivals to Thailand from China increased a dramatic 93% from the same period last year, according to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. Many take advantage...

Many take advantage of the proliferation of direct flights from China to Chiang Mai. Chinese travellers already topped the list of visitor arrivals last year with 2.5 million, up by 47.1% from 2011. The...

But despite the large sums of money these tourists bring, many local business owners complain about the travellers' uncouth behaviour _ spitting on the street, failing to flush the toilet, pushing in and...

Last week, China's National Tourism Administration published a 64-page illustrated Guidebook for Civilised Tourism, aimed at educating its citizens about cultural sensitivities and adjusting their behaviour...

Manners lost in translation | Bangkok Post: news
My brother who was perusing his phd in Canada had a chinese roommate. He was so disgusted by the personal hygiene of the chinese that he opted to change his room than live with them. This in-spite of the fact the he could ill afford the change. That is how disgusted he was.

The chinese used to load up the fridge with all kind of smelly non veg food and raw meat and keep them for weeks at a time. The whole fridge used to stink. Their bathroom habits, general living habits were a shock to my brother. He tried to stick it out for 3 months but just could not take it anymore. True story.
the low IQs are acting up again!

1. congrats on our brothers who have the $ to venture out overseas while the people of the same social status are still sweeping dirt in back alleys in india

just be patient cheerleaders to wait for your turn, coming after the next 5 decades

2. it is a framed up story for Chinese students who want to room-mating with the cheerleaders who are internationally known for the disastrous toilet habits and poor personal hygienes
wow, just wow.

I can't believe this is even brought up, I'm not going to say anything about the Indians, I will just address this.

China is poor, a lot of Chinese has been poor, even the rich are first generation. The real "nobles" if you will have either fled or died during the early Communist regime.

Poor people don't really care for appearances, only people who are well of do. If you want to get down to it, the West don't wash their hands when they eat, drink tap water, just picks up an fruit without washing and eats. I know this, and guess how.

Why do we call the west barbarians? When we first met them, they don't bath, though that's because the early westerners are adventurers and can't waste water on a 2 year long trip, and are rude.

As to your brother, it's one guy, if you want to use one guy to represent an entire race, or country then well, let's just say India has 1.2 billion, not hard to drag some idiot out of the bunch.

Sometime I feel some people forget where they are from, third world is about the same everywhere. You want to know why the UK is hardly in the news when the recession have hit them harder than the US, but the US is always in the news when the effects are minimal?

Same deal here.
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What do I have to say? Are you asking a dumb question? We are talking about a developing society criticizing another developing society of bad manner. Let not forget, these tourists are from old generation, lacking the proper education to conduct themselves publicly. It's a shame for my country, but it is what it is. If I have a choice, I wouldn't want them back in my country either. Such primitive behavior need to be get rid of. And now, my Indian friend, let stop pretend Indian is some classy people. Shall we?

As to your brother, it's one guy, if you want to use one guy to represent an entire race, or country then well, let's just say India has 1.2 billion, not hard to drag some idiot out of the bunch.

Sometime I feel some people forget where they are from, third world is about the same everywhere. You want to know why the UK is hardly in the news when the recession have hit them harder than the US, but the US is always in the news when the effects are minimal?

Same deal here.

Remember this the next time you or your comrades want to post negative news regarding India.

What goes around, comes around.
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A new class of 'Ugly Indian' travelers | Marketplace.org


Bill Radke: You've probably heard the term "Ugly Americans" to describe our countrymen who travel abroad and demonstrate behavior that some see as, you know, loud, obnoxious and insensitive to the host cultures. Well, as more and more Indians travel outside their borders, they're starting to get a bad rap as well. Raymond Thibodeaux reports from New Delhi.

Raymond Thibodeaux: A recent survey from the online travel agency Expedia had some bad news for Indian travelers: 4,500 surveyed hoteliers from around the world rated Indians as some of their worst customers -- loud, fussy and cheap.

Ritu Saigal, who manages a travel agency here in New Delhi, is unabashed:

Ritu Saigal: We kind of enjoy life full-sized, you know, king-sized. I'm not apologetic about the Indian customer being thrifty. Even I like a good bargain if I get it.

In India, it's normal for middle and upper-class people to have a cook, a driver, a nanny. She says that master-servant relationship is often carried abroad -- so travelers treat waiters, flight attendants and taxi drivers as underlings.

Saigal: It's not that they're trying to be rude or mean or anything. They just don't know a different way to be. So there again our role comes in, I think. We need to educate them.

She says the West also needs to familiarize itself with the habits of Indian travelers. She says Indians often complain to her that hotels rarely offer Bollywood movies, and that foreign restaurant workers often don't know that many Indians prefer to eat with their hands, (but left or right) though?:lol:
Desperate.. are we... using a Forum link to save face...that too from 2009..

Desperate Chinese.

I guess you should tell this to your cheerleading companion who has redden his desperation and enlarged his fonts to signify his severe heart burns!
These are 1st gen, uneducated Chinese tourist which is to be expected. But compare to these typical educated Indian behavior like savage in a foreign country. Why we invite these savage Indian is beyond me!


Indian youth delegates harass women in China

The visit was supposed to be an opportunity for 100 young Indians from different parts of the country to get a glimpse of China and project the soft power of an emerging, young India. Instead it turned out to be an embarrassment for the country and disturbing for many of the women delegates

The youth team, headed by officials from the ministry of youth affairs and sports, were in Beijing on a 10-day visit at the invitation of the Chinese government and spent time in Beijing, city of Hohhot in Inner Mongolia and Shenyang in northeast China before returning to India on Saturday night.

The delegation headed out of New Delhi on the night of July 11 and took the flight out from Beijing on July 21.

Members were selected from political parties like the Congress, Samajwadi Party and BJP and universities and youth organisations from across the country. Many members – and those chastised for misbehaving -- were from North Indian states.

While travelling in Hohhot in Inner Mongolia, women were put in a separate bus after some of the men passed lewd comments about their fellow delegates, even making snide remarks about their ethnicity.

But it was also routine for a few to call out to Chinese women walking by as "chinkis" and let out the choicest vulgar adjectives about the clothes they wore.

About three days into the trip, few of them – some self-declared youth leaders of political parties from north Indian states – were made to give an assurance to Ministry secretary Nita Chowdhury that they will not misbehave.

Their immediate party bosses had to call them up from India to ask them to behave; Chowdhury threatened to cancel the tour if they didn’t fall in line.

But the problem didn’t end with the comments or separate buses; some male delegates, disgruntled that they were forced to travel separately, allegedly threatened girls from New Delhi that they would retaliate once back in India.

Earlier in Beijing, a Chinese waitress in a hotel was coaxed into feeding water melons to a youth leader from the ruling party of a north Indian state at the joyous occasion of his birthday. A cake was first demanded from the hotel. The hotel obliged by offering a water melon, which triggered a furore that the delegation had been insulted.

Many delegates threw tantrums at the lack of vegetarian options while eating, often embarrassing the Chinese minders.

Diplomats here were not willing to comment on record but said some of the youth were "penalised" for their behavior; they were not taken on a sight-seeing trip. Instructions were also given that those involved in fresh incidents would be dispatched home.

The misbehaviour raises questions about the procedure followed in selecting members for such delegations. For one, randomly selecting "youth leaders" from political parties is unlikely to ensure that a refined image of India is projected abroad.

The trip was mired in controversy from the beginning with China denying visa to a woman delegate from Arunachal Pradesh. As it turned out, that was just the beginning.

Indian youth delegates harass women in China - Hindustan Times

These are 1st gen, uneducated Chinese tourist which is to be expected. But compare to these typical educated Indian behavior like savage in a foreign country. Why we invite these savage Indian is beyond me!

Its a honest mistake. The Indian probably thought the Chinese girls were prostitutes. Chinese girls do have a certain reputation you know.

On a serious note, why was the Indian given watermelon on his b'day ? chinese don't have cake to celebrate b'days ?
Its a honest mistake. The Indian probably thought the Chinese girls were prostitutes. Chinese girls do have a certain reputation you know.

On a serious note, why was the Indian given watermelon on his b'day ? chinese don't have cake to celebrate b'days ?
If we can't expect decency from an educated Indian, I really wonder what is the typical uncivilized behavior of a low-class Indian? I cannot even imagine. Indian is known as violent, dirty, rapist.

Last I check, Indian women are mostly in prostitution industry due to such inferior treatment, male chauvinist society. So I am not surprised these savage Indian delegation who thought Chinese girls are like their Indian counterpart. Next time, learn to understand our culture or get the **** out of my country. Dirty Indian!
If we can't expect decency from an educated Indian, I really wonder what is the typical uncivilized behavior of a low-class Indian? I cannot even imagine. Indian is known as violent, dirty, rapist.

Last I check, Indian women are mostly in prostitution industry due to such inferior treatment, male chauvinist society. So I am not surprised these savage Indian delegation who thought Chinese girls are like their Indian counterpart. Next time, learn to understand our culture or get the **** out of my country. Dirty Indian!

If he was to learn your culture, he would have to start eating dead babies and pigs. That is too cruel man.

Let us please stick to Indian culture.

Chinese culture has been evident from the behavior of chinese in pdf :lol: .... enough to say, we are not surprised at your eating habits. (if it can be called that)
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