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Chinese manage China topicOnly get one-sided statements

I'm sorry,

I have only one meaning,
We are a different nation,
"They can not represent all the Chinese people,"
Ok, so what 'different nation' are you talking about?

Secondly, who cannot represent all the Chinese people?
In the past I always come to this forum
But English is not good,
So not registered.

A few days ago,
In the Far East sector,
I registered to speak,
Disputes occur because of the Qing Dynasty,

I do not understand the rules, so Hu SongShan delete ID.

But you opened China plate is why,
Is to understand the situation in China,

HAN language difficult to learn,
You can not go to China forum
So only through the Chinese here for information.

But here's the Chinese ID,
Not representative of all Chinese people,
There are many different nationalities,
Sources are not the same.
(ID HONGWU) use our nuclear weapons,
Threaten others,
They insult me​​,
Hu SongShan did not appear.

I was HAN nation,
They are accused of chauvinism,
But Manchu massacre HAN,
Qing undermine China's cultural and technical,
Is the real history,
History can not be denied,

July 7, (1937.7.7 Japanese war)
Manchu sacrifices Qing dynasty,
All Chinese forums blame they,
Hu SongShan,
Why not deleted.
(Cjdby China's largest military forum)
(Tianya China's largest Affairs Forum)
There are many,
You can GOOGLE.

However, this event does not exist here.

If you want to know China,
Should be Pakistan,
Management China topic.

You were banned due having multiple accounts which is against forums rules and you made more of them. Not to mention insulting/accusing others of being Manchus constantly. As for hongwu his comments about nukes are in the world section which I have no control over nor mod in. You were repeatedly warned of the rules yet you did not listen, You yourself admitted violating forum rules.
I'm sorry,

I have only one meaning,
We are a different nation,
"They can not represent all the Chinese people,"

Don't worry we all know that :pdf: is not the best place to judge the people of any nation.

N get use to nuclear bomb warnings here as u will see plenty of them coming from all nationalities.

And everyone here knows that neither every Indian or Pakistani or Chinese is a true representative of his country as we all have huge population in Asia n every person has his own point of view.:)
@tianyaxiaolou2, I understand the gist of your message and it is good to know that not all folks on this forum are representative of their nations and and like every country people have difference of opinion. There is a poster a while ago that made me personally worried that Chinese people might not like Canada, I think his ID is Hong wu possibly and he threatened to drop a thermonuclear strike on the west. I know in reality not all chinese people want war and this forum is a great intiative to discuss those topics in a civil manner, however aside from political topics if you want to make more addition to information on J10 and on topic with respect to PLA modernization, your input will be welcomed on those thread, thanks and take care.
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You were banned due having multiple accounts which is against forums rules and you made more of them. Not to mention insulting/accusing of being Manchus constantly. As for hongwu he comments about nukes are in the world section which I have no control over nor mod in. You were repeatedly warned of the rules yet you did not listen, You yourself admitted violating forum rules.

Do you like one-man show,
Themselves to play

Pakistani and Indian friends,
Already know the situation,
I have no words to say to you.
To be fair, having multiple user accounts on this forum gets you an instant permanent ban.

That's the most consistent forum rule.

Hu Songshan is being quite nice in letting this account stay, so be more polite from now on and they may give you another chance.
@tianyaxiaolou2, I understand the gist of your message and it is good to know that not all folks on this forum are representative of their nations and and like every country people have difference of opinion. There is a poster a while ago that made me personally worried that Chinese people might not like Canada, I think his ID is Hong wu possibly .

Look at his Avatar,
To know,
I say it,
They accused me of discrimination against minorities.

Controversy occurred in Xinjiang theme
I just want to say,
We Han ethnic,
With their own labor in exchange for high-priced gasoline,
We are not predators
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To be fair, having multiple user accounts on this forum gets you an instant permanent ban.

That's the most consistent forum rule.

Hu Songshan is being quite nice in letting this account stay, so be more polite from now on and they may give you another chance.

I do not know,
He deleted ID,
I sign a new one.

Now everyone has to know the situation,
ID is not important.

My English is not good,
Usually just take a look.
I just hope that Pakistan and Indian friends,
Understanding of China's mainstream opinion
Then may I request you to please educate the likes of that Han named Hong Wu here on PDF? I know he and his ilk are nowhere near mainstream Chinese but part of a fringe which is a cacophonous minority of India bashers and self styled opinionators here! :cuckoo:
Hu SongShan FavoringManchu,
Although I violated the version of regulation
But they also violate the version of regulation

He just delete my ID.

I declare,
I just to clarify history,
Not for racial attacks,

Germany and neighbor-friendly, but he will not deny history

So this is all about moderation ??

You seem to me a good guy from China, welcome :cheers:

your english is not so bad..but then,you can always use any kind of Chinese-English translator..and your writing style is unique,it looks like a poem..and welcome to this forum buddy..and don't get frustrated just because trolls doesn't get banned here.simply enjoy the conversation.. :enjoy:
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They accused me of discrimination against minorities.

From what I could tell, many of the other Chinese members were accusing you of making racist comments based on ancient ethnic conflicts. However, I did see that you were defending Uyghur minorities.

I don't read Chinese, so I can't tell, and maybe your comments were historically accurate, but there is often no point in bringing up ancient ethnic conflicts. They only serve to propagate prejudices and divide the Chinese nation.

By the way, your English is fine.
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