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Chinese Man Kills Himself to Protest Son's Death in Tiananmen Square

Bombay Dude

Sep 11, 2011
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A Beijing man has hanged himself to protest the government's refusal to account for his son's death in a military assault on the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations, a group that seeks justice for victims of the assault said Monday.

The group, Tiananmen Mothers, stated on its Web site that the man, Ya Weilin, had disappeared Thursday and was found Friday afternoon hanging in a newly constructed parking garage beneath his home.

The statement quoted family members as saying that Mr. Ya, 73, had written a note earlier that recounted the death of his son, Ya Aiguo, and warned that he would "fight with my death" against the government's refusal to hear his grievances.

"I can tell that he was in extreme despair when he made the decision," Ding Zilian, who heads Tiananmen Mothers, said in an interview. "His wife has just gotten out of the hospital for rheumatoid and it must be so hard for him to leave her."

She added, "His wife told me Mr. Ya had been dreaming about his lost son for a few days in a row before he left home."

The son, Ya Aiguo, then 22, was said by his mother to have been shopping with his girlfriend several blocks west of Tiananmen Square, on the city's main thoroughfare, when he was shot in the head as People's Liberation Army troops moved through the city toward the Tiananmen protesters.

The government has maintained that about 200 people died in the assault the night of June 3 and 4, including many soldiers. But most estimates of the death toll from that night's violence range from hundreds to several thousand.

Thousands of protesters were later arrested, and scores remain imprisoned today, according to the Dui Hua Foundation, a San Francisco rights group. But the Chinese government has said virtually nothing about the crackdown for 23 years, and has ignored demands that the assault be independently investigated and its victims compensated.

The Tiananmen Mothers statement said that Mr. Ya and his wife joined the group's periodic protests and signed annual petitions demanding that the government address the deaths.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ya signed our yearly petitioning letter every year with their real names, despite police intimidation," said Ms. Ding, of Tiananmen Mothers. "They received many threats from the police, but they never flinched."

Her group's statement called his death "a new sin that has been added to old unredressed grievances."

In Hong Kong, 1,000 to 2,000 demonstrators marched on Sunday in an annual protest against the assault, the first of several events scheduled to mark the anniversary.

This is low quality news. The guy probably hanged himself. But to protest 1989 incident, won't it be rather meaningful doing it on June 4th, that is only one weeks away?

But most estimates of the death toll from that night's violence range from hundreds to several thousand. Thousands of protesters were later arrested

Who are "most" here? Both the number of death and the number of arrested are beyond ridiculous.

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