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Chinese man held in Kashmir over 'Koran desecration'

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Nov 26, 2010
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Chinese man in Pakistani-administered Kashmir has been taken into protective custody after he was accused of desecrating the Koran, officials say.

The man, named only as Mr Lee, works for a Chinese consortium that is building a dam in Kashmir.

A police official told the BBC that Mr Lee was held to prevent him from being lynched by an angry mob.
Allegations of blasphemy are taken very seriously in Pakistan with a number of controversial recent prosecutions.

Kashmir's chief of police has assembled a committee of officials, politicians, local clerics and journalists to investigate the matter.

The police have not yet registered a case, saying they will wait for the committee's report.

This is the first time a foreigner has been accused of desecrating holy scriptures under Pakistan law, the BBC's Zulfiqar Ali reports.

Mob of 'hundreds'

An official in the town of Muzaffarabad, close to where the alleged incident took place, said that the accusation was linked to a dispute which had taken place between Mr Lee and a local doctor hired by the consortium.

Last week Mr Lee told the doctor, named as Dr Sajjad, to relocate from one room to another in the workers' quarters of the compound, according to Muzaffarabad administration chief Ansar Yaqoob.

When Dr Sajjad refused, Mr Lee got some local people to take Mr Sajjad's luggage out when he was not in the room, according to Mr Yaqoob.

Dr Sajjad then told other employees that a copy of the Koran and some other religious books in his luggage were "thrown out" of his room.

Neither Mr Lee nor Dr Sajjad could be reached for a comment.

Police said the local employees became angry, and were later joined by "hundreds" of residents of nearby villages.

An eyewitness said they stoned the compound, damaging some parts of the building and several vehicles.

Allegations of blasphemy and desecration of holy texts have frequently led to alleged offenders being killed by lynch mobs in Pakistan.

In 2011, two prominent politicians who spoke out against the blasphemy laws were assassinated in Pakistan.

BBC News - Chinese man held in Kashmir over 'Koran desecration'
Last week Mr Lee told the doctor, named as Dr Sajjad, to relocate from one room to another in the workers' quarters of the compound, according to Muzaffarabad administration chief Ansar Yaqoob.

When Dr Sajjad refused, Mr Lee got some local people to take Mr Sajjad's luggage out when he was not in the room, according to Mr Yaqoob.

Dr Sajjad then told other employees that a copy of the Koran and some other religious books in his luggage were "thrown out" of his room.

Seriously? How was he (or the local workers) supposed to know what was in the luggage?

Anytime luggage is used, whether on airlines, buses or cruise ships, some luggage is going to get thrown around. That's how luggage works.

It sounds like he just has a personal grudge against this guy, and is coming up with this excuse.
And it wasn't even the Chinese guy who removed the luggage.

It was the "local workers" who removed the luggage from the room after the other guy refused to move.

From the report, the Chinese guy never even touched the luggage at all. So why are the blasphemy accusations directed at him, and not the "local workers" who actually removed the luggage?
How do they know he was Chinese? could have been Korean or Mongolian.
How do they know he was Chinese? could have been Korean or Mongolian.

Probably the police gave them that information, since they know he works for a Chinese company that is building a dam.
How do they know he was Chinese? could have been Korean or Mongolian.

He was working for a Chinese consortium building a dam, so probably a Chinese citizen.

The surname Lee suggests either ethnic Chinese or ethnic Korean, since that surname is the most popular in those two regions.
Why do people get angry and emotional over such issues. It seems to be an honest mistake.
Seriously? How was he (or the local workers) supposed to know what was in the luggage?

Anytime luggage is used, whether on airlines, buses or cruise ships, some luggage is going to get thrown around. That's how luggage works.

It sounds like he just has a personal grudge against this guy, and is coming up with this excuse.

It's just Pakistanis being more Muslim than Mohammad -- anytime there is a dispute between persons in Pakistan, you can always claim that "Islam" has been insulted or Blasphemed -- It's just what the Pakistan army has made of Pakistan.
Seriously? How was he (or the local workers) supposed to know what was in the luggage?

Anytime luggage is used, whether on airlines, buses or cruise ships, some luggage is going to get thrown around. That's how luggage works.

It sounds like he just has a personal grudge against this guy, and is coming up with this excuse.

This appears to be a clear case of the local man who was booted out trying to exploit local sentiments to suit his own ends & get his own back .

Nothing works faster than religion in S Asia - add the flavor of Blasphemy & you have an unbeatable combination.
God save the poor man!! How the heck would anyone have guessed what is there in the luggage? Also even if the book was inside the suitcases and they were moved/thrown then whats the big deal? I am sure his intention was not to insult what was inside the bags.

If people are so insecure about their religion then they should print in Bold letters outside the luggage bags - "HANDLE WITH CARE QURAN INSIDE"..
God save the poor man!! How the heck would anyone have guessed what is there in the luggage? Also even if the book was inside the suitcases and they were moved/thrown then whats the big deal?

If people are so insecure about their religion then they should print in Bold letters outside the luggage bags - "HANDLE WITH CARE QURAN INSIDE"..

Better still it should have said " Quran Inside - avoid handling" -- you will see that not until the day has come when common people abuse Islam and Mohammad, whether in private or under their breath, you will continue to see more of such things
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