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What Chinese companies need to do when they are going global is to change their branding/logo to be more modern. if you look at most Chinese brands, their logos don't look modern/smart. I think these companies need a distinctive styling. I can identify Nio or Huawei logo, you need more like that which are simple yet identifiable.
What Chinese companies need to do when they are going global is to change their branding/logo to be more modern. if you look at most Chinese brands, their logos don't look modern/smart. I think these companies need a distinctive styling. I can identify Nio or Huawei logo, you need more like that which are simple yet identifiable.

Old Chinese bosses and managers have rarely got good taste. Grew up relatively poor and relatively low luxury of the things that give a person lots of style and class. At best it's all work and focus on study. This will only change with time and as newer generations begin taking over positions of influence and placing more emphasis on design and style or branding and image. All that in the past were luxuries and nice to haves. Only recently have they become important. In another few years to decade it's all going to be heavy emphasis on this sort of stuff.

At the moment though you are absolutely right. So many brands and images are just too poorly thought out and not cared about at all with only some exceptions. Even BYD despite developing and producing some world leading technologies, still have ugly logo and company image and style.

There are maybe only a handful of big names that have done well in this regard. Oppo and Xiaomi I think know how to create an image (in products, advertising, designing stores, organizing exhibits and conventions) better than Huawei despite being midgets compared to Huawei technology and capabilities.
What Chinese companies need to do when they are going global is to change their branding/logo to be more modern. if you look at most Chinese brands, their logos don't look modern/smart. I think these companies need a distinctive styling. I can identify Nio or Huawei logo, you need more like that which are simple yet identifiable.
When you see them more often, they will become good and modern. No logos and brands are modern when you first see them.
What Chinese companies need to do when they are going global is to change their branding/logo to be more modern. if you look at most Chinese brands, their logos don't look modern/smart. I think these companies need a distinctive styling. I can identify Nio or Huawei logo, you need more like that which are simple yet identifiable.

I think Chinese logos look more stylish than Japanese logos. Look at Sony, Honda, Toyota, Toshiba. Those are really bland logos. Compare to these.

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