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Chinese jets conduct caps over Ladakh

Just heard that Chinese air force violated indian air space from ladkah لداخ side. Waiting for full news story.

Ladakh: Chinese jets try to violate Indian airspace, pushed back by IAF

New Delhi: Even as Indian troops are engaged in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with their Chinese counterparts on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh, the governments on both sides are locked in hectic diplomatic parleys.

However, the Chinese government is indulging in doublespeak and dirty tricks on the issue.

Chinese fighter jets have once again tried to violate Indian airspace but have been forced to retreat by the Indian Air Force (IAF).

The indigenous fighter aircraft Tejas and Sukhoi 30 MKI fighter jets were scrambled by the IAF, preventing the Chinese planes from violating Indian airspace.

During the ongoing dispute, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has deployed J-11 and J-17 fighter jets in Hotan and Gargyusa. From time to time, they keep trying unsuccessfully to violate Indian airspace on the pretext of patrolling the border.

India has been keeping an eye on the PLA airbases at Hotan and Gargyusa since the time when the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) conducted a joint exercise with the Chinese Air Force named ‘Shaheen’.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Monday that the overall situation on the border with India is stable and controllable. Apart from this, both countries have many communication channels available to resolve issues through dialogue and consultation.

LOL holding banners saying "PLAAF Please go back" and using LCA picture on front page of the news is not really "pushed back by IAF".
LOL holding banners saying "PLAAF Please go back" and using LCA picture on front page of the news is not really "pushed back by IAF".

I had the same thought

China was just warming up. If they actually wanted to spook India, IAF would not have a chance.

Scrambled to shelter.


More breaking news coming Chinese jets invaded 150km inside Indian territory (J11 and J7s).
Something is going down, things are happening on fast track. Pakistani side is on high alert after Chinese input on few matters.

Is this confirmed?

Indian side has been absolutely silent, not a single word from them if Chinese jets came in that deep

I guess China has stealth now so its possible they did manage to penetrate 150km deep for a test run

It almost reminds me of Feb 27, India was absolutely silent and did not say a word about Mig-21 until Pakistan showed the wreckage and pilot. Even Indians were angry about absolute and complete deafening silence from their own gov't until Pakistan forced them to admit it when India couldn't hide from media anymore. Modi did not hold a press conference or acknowledge it in any way.

Basically point is that India will never confirm that Chinese jets managed to penetrate 150km inside India unless China shows proof of it and forces India to confirm it. It's too embarrassing for IAF to get shot down by Pakistan in 2019 and be caught sleeping when PLAAF comes knocking in 2020. India would never admit it. Imagine what it would do to morale of IAF.

It's possible China did it quietly just to show Indian military what they are capable of without making it public to be more intimidating.

It a common Chinese pressure tactic to intimidate and blackmail enemies by threatening to reveal deeply embarrassing secrets to the public. I could see a scenario where Chinese jets quietly penetrated deep into Indian airspace but China keeps it a secret so only PLAAF and IAF know about it. Then China blackmails India and threatens to reveal how deep Chinese jets penetrated into Indian airspace and how much territory China captured to the public media unless India backs off Ladakh and retreats. So if IAF is too embarrassed to admit it, we may never know for sure if Chinese jets did penetrate into India besides a hasty Indian retreat from Ladakh. But plausible deniability and quiet intimidation in private is part of Chinese blackmail and pressure doctrine. India has fallen for this trick many times in the past so I would not be surprised to see it again.

China is starting a fight with everyone. They are the most dangerous country in the world right now in terms of heightening tensions.

Not if your country is Pakistan
"Violated" or "tried to violate" ?

I don't think there's much difference because if they tried to violate, IAF has to intercept them, and if they do violate, IAF still has to intercept them.

This speaks more about how good PLAAF is rather than how incompetent IAF is.
Chinese airforce do not need to get closer to Border, they have SD10. Seems fake news.

PAF has already shown other than the “Rafaels”, conformed by Modi himself, IAF is like a garbage case! So, it’s a de facto no fly zone vis-a-vis India....

IAF is sleeping while PLA is awake.
Chinese are very liberal with their operational missions.
Within hours of flying over Indian airspace they confirm to pdf how far they came and what they did. Ha ha ha
At least make your posts realistic jezzzzz
Can a moderator either close this stupid thread or rename it?

The title is deliberately misleading since it clearly says "Chinese jets violate Indian air space" which later became "Chinese jets try to violate Indian air space" and in the end it si both side are just monitoring the area and remain on their own side.
Can a moderator either close this stupid thread or rename it?

The title is deliberately misleading since it clearly says "Chinese jets violate Indian air space" which later became "Chinese jets try to violate Indian air space" and in the end it si both side are just monitoring the area and remain on their own side.

Thanks to that mod, who changed the thread's title! :smitten:

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