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Chinese jets conduct caps over Ladakh

Another aspiring Lollywood script writer with a very interesting story. Good job OP, you have kept us on the edge of those rickety seats in Lahore. Can’t wait to hear what you have in the final episode. I’m hoping you have another season signed up already.
Another aspiring Lollywood script writer with a very interesting story. Good job OP, you have kept us on the edge of those rickety seats in Lahore. Can’t wait to hear what you have in the final episode. I’m hoping you have another season signed up already.

Well first of all it's not lollywood story. Your beloved indian media reported it. Then again now days Indian media is keeping there cool dont know why. My ears are waiting to hear Guss ker marain gey. The time is running out .
There is no LAC in the air, so Chinese jets could not have possibly crossed over #sarcasm
Another aspiring Lollywood script writer with a very interesting story. Good job OP, you have kept us on the edge of those rickety seats in Lahore. Can’t wait to hear what you have in the final episode. I’m hoping you have another season signed up already.

Oyye Bandar, L'hor nal panga na le. :disagree:

There is no LAC in the air, so Chinese jets could not have possibly crossed over #sarcasm

It is another 1962, except this time the focus is Kashmir. It will be a two front war and India will lose.

Pakistan will rectify its mistake of not joining in 1962.

There is no more US to hold Pakistan back. KSA, UAE have limited influence on Pakistan. Iran is more nuisance and can be dealt with easily.

India is totally alone. :cry:
@Imran Khan Pass the popcorn.:pop:
Oyye Bandar, L'hor nal panga na le. :disagree:

It is another 1962, except this time the focus is Kashmir. It will be a two front war and India will lose.

Pakistan will rectify its mistake of not joining in 1962.

There is no more US to hold Pakistan back. KSA, UAE have limited influence on Pakistan. Iran is more nuisance and can be dealt with easily.

India is totally alone. :cry:
@Imran Khan Pass the popcorn.:pop:
There are no second chances in real life but in Pakistan's case it seems there is second chance available, now it's high time to milk the whole situation in our favour, I also believe there are sane minds at work. We need to shut this barking dog once for good.
Anyhow what ever happens one thing is for sure the sleeping giant is awake and odds are in our favour. Let's just pray Modi make a one more mistake and this time around he will really enjoy the violation(being civilised here).
There are no second chances in real life but in Pakistan's case it seems there is second chance available, now it's high time to milk the whole situation in our favour, I also believe there are sane minds at work. We need to shut this barking dog once for good.
Anyhow what ever happens one thing is for sure the sleeping giant is awake and odds are in our favour. Let's just pray Modi make a one more mistake and this time around he will really enjoy the violation(being civilised here).
Season 2?
Season 2?
This is not Turkey drama serial as you counting seasons. But for now I think that's the best thing for you to do as many of your kind doing right now.

You wont be able to see and get what you desire that's for me to know and play. (Many of you wont understand the meaning so just read and let it go). I know the pokes but I'm cold as ice. Have a nice time.
In this news article they are denying that Chinese try to cross but I was told something els.
Ladakh: Chinese jets try to violate Indian airspace, pushed back by IAF

New Delhi: Even as Indian troops are engaged in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with their Chinese counterparts on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh, the governments on both sides are locked in hectic diplomatic parleys.

However, the Chinese government is indulging in doublespeak and dirty tricks on the issue.

Chinese fighter jets have once again tried to violate Indian airspace but have been forced to retreat by the Indian Air Force (IAF).

The indigenous fighter aircraft Tejas and Sukhoi 30 MKI fighter jets were scrambled by the IAF, preventing the Chinese planes from violating Indian airspace.

During the ongoing dispute, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has deployed J-11 and J-17 fighter jets in Hotan and Gargyusa. From time to time, they keep trying unsuccessfully to violate Indian airspace on the pretext of patrolling the border.

India has been keeping an eye on the PLA airbases at Hotan and Gargyusa since the time when the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) conducted a joint exercise with the Chinese Air Force named ‘Shaheen’.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Monday that the overall situation on the border with India is stable and controllable. Apart from this, both countries have many communication channels available to resolve issues through dialogue and consultation.

Rajjjjàaaaaa thoda reham karo... You can post in normal font..

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