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Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

Their boats are patrolling in lake.yes they went back.... Just to refuel.
100 meters...300 ft waooo great achievement.keep it up
Can you please read the title of the post and see the context of my response.
I believe, game is bigger than the standoff. Game is all about GB & Kashmir. Lots of international players will join the table soon I hope ( Ladkah area wont become next Libya, Sryia if more countries join) . Its all about who will dictate the next business/manufacturing route to Europe and how. Lots of Plan A/B/C are cooking and being made since last few years all along.

1. Best case is if India and China share the route, money and benefits from each other.
2. If both dont agree. i guess, Neither will get benefits and Route wont be sustainable. India along with west has enough cards at bigger level to spoil the game.
3. I guess, hidden table talks for next few months will be to agree on some common terms and stick to those for next 10 years.

rest all ( e.g troops movement, camps, Artillery movement etc. ) is just a front face. Real game and talk is on the above main topic. If both side agree in next few months. else Both sides already have their backup plan.

For larger good. Mutual sharing of benefits is best wish for the entire south Asia.

most sensible answer on this topic.

I also want to add, China is not interested in winning propaganda war like India is so their is a possibility that China may back off only if India agrees to not accept any investments from companies that are already in China. So India wins in front face while China wins on the back end game.
Pakistan is not that biggest liar and propaganda machine in the world. india and indians are. That is a fact. Here is the evidence:



india boasts but still gets bullied by 7x smaller Pakistan. Against us, indians are ALL talk and NOTHING more. Just hot air. In real life, we slap down india and humiliate them so much that it is no longer funny.
2020 Press freedom index does not potray Pakistan so truthful, in fact it is behind India in the list.
China has a simple policy, what is mine is mine, what is yours is negociable, and in a way it is only following the simple logic in world politics, i.e. only the powerful one shall dictate the term. But the same is applied to China's south asian slave state also, who are jumping up and down. But they are misinterpreting the situation hoping the master shall give them some pieces of bone. The master only serves his own interest, not of the slave. So to get something, the only way out is to come out powerful, politically, militarily and economically. Instead of calling yourself as 7x smaller state, but still superior, try to prove it by following the path of a smaller country, Japan.
2020 Press freedom index does not potray Pakistan so truthful, in fact it is behind India in the list.
China has a simple policy, what is mine is mine, what is yours is negociable, and in a way it is only following the simple logic in world politics, i.e. only the powerful one shall dictate the term. But the same is applied to China's south asian slave state also, who are jumping up and down. But they are misinterpreting the situation hoping the master shall give them some pieces of bone. The master only serves his own interest, not of the slave. So to get something, the only way out is to come out powerful, politically, militarily and economically. Instead of calling yourself as 7x smaller state, but still superior, try to prove it by following the path of a smaller country, Japan.

LOL India the name itself was imposed on you by your masters and like a good slave you accepted your new identity that was imposed by your masters.

Pakistan's role in this regard is just as the same as Japanese Korean towards US interest in their region.
Now are they American slaves?
I know that India is a loyal slave that even after their masters left they still continue to wear the name tag that was put around your nation's neck.

LOL at that flashing blurry images. kiya chutiya banaya howa hai bharti desh ko.
Finger 8 gone
Finger 7 gone
finger 6 gone
Finger 5 gone
stand off at finger 4. lol
I'll miss Finger 8. It was my favorite finger.
LOL at that flashing blurry images. kiya chutiya banaya howa hai bharti desh ko.
Finger 8 gone
Finger 7 gone
finger 6 gone
Finger 5 gone
stand off at finger 4. lol
No one gives a damn about your rant, someone who's blinded by sheer hatred...continue cheerleading for your master daddy china while you'd be nothing but an extended colony for em soon
No one gives a damn about your rant, someone who's blinded by sheer hatred...continue cheerleading for your master daddy china while you'd be nothing but an extended colony for em soon

So is Korea, Japan, ME, and Europe extended colony of America?

Btw dont forget, the name tag India around your country's neck was placed by your invader master daddy. At least Pakistan chose their own name.
Yeah, the only thing y'all got to choose is your name...how's the begging going btw!! Taking another loan to pay of past loans :omghaha:

Pak plans to seek USD 15 bn in new loans to pay external public debt


You should drown yourself in ganga from shame that a broke begging country has occupied your territory since 1947 and your super power India has not been able to get justice for all attacks by pakistan since 2003. lol
You should drown yourself in ganga from shame that a broke begging country has occupied your territory since 1947 and your super power India has not been able to get justice for all attacks by pakistan since 2003. lol
Go read up some history kid...instead of sticking to the narrative of your brainwashing
Go read up some history kid...instead of sticking to the narrative of your brainwashing

If you ever want to know your history about how your country was named then just look at this picture.
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