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Chinese, Indian Leaders Exchange Greetings On Anniversary Of Ties


Jan 31, 2010
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Chinese, Indian Leaders Exchange Greetings On Anniversary Of Ties
BEIJING, April 1 (Bernama) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao and his Indian counterpart Pratibha Patil exchanged congratulatory messages Thursday to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, Xinhua said.

Thanks to the concerted efforts from both sides, bilateral relations between China and India have steadily developed since their establishment of diplomatic relations, Hu said.

In the new century, China and India established a strategic cooperative partnership for peace and prosperity. The two nations have carried out fruitful cooperation in areas such as politics, trade and culture and coordinated closely on international and regional affairs, he said.

Hu said that as emerging developing countries, China and India are facing common tasks and challenges, and share broad common interests and responsibilities as well.

The friendly neighbourliness, close cooperation and common development of China and India, Hu said, adding that this relationship would benefit not only the two countries but also would be conducive to regional and global peace and development.

In his message, Hu stressed that China regards its relationship with India as one of its most important bilateral ties. He added that to develop a long-term and stable strategic cooperative partnership with India is an established policy of the Chinese government.

China is ready to strengthen friendship, deepen mutual trust and expand cooperation with India, the president said.

Hu said China will join hands with India to face various global challenges, safeguard the interests of the developing countries and advance the development of the China-India strategic cooperative partnership.

Patil said in her message that India's ever-growing relationship with China is of global and strategic significance. The close cooperation between the two nations will be conducive to the peace and stability of Asia and the larger world, she said.

India hopes to continue its close cooperation with China,and will strive to bring India-China relations to new heights, Patil said.

On the same day, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao also exchanged greetings with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh.

Wen said that peace, friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation has been the main strength of bilateral ties between China and India over the past six decades.

The two nations should learn from each other and support each other so as to achieve win-win results and common development, he said.

Singh said that the mature bilateral relationship between India and China is in line with the interests of both countries, and that he was confident about the future of China-India relations.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also exchanged messages with S.M. Krishna, the Indian external affairs minister.


BERNAMA - Chinese, Indian Leaders Exchange Greetings On Anniversary Of Ties
I think it makes sense for both countries to develop these ties even futher!
I think it makes sense for both countries to develop these ties even futher!

yes, we want friendship.

But, govt should not compromise with the military preparation and remain vigilant.

So, no more surprises next time.
yes, we want friendship.

But, govt should not compromise with the military preparation and remain vigilant.

So, no more surprises next time.

Very True - But I think India and China should open up more to each other. That ways it will help us neutralize the perceived threat from the western border. And with higher bi-lateral trade the threat from China will automatically come down.

A Win - Win situation for both India and China! Higher Trade and No fear of War.

EK teer do nishane!

But overall I think yes we need to urgently counter the string of pearls strategy and along with Bi-lateral trade use that as a counter strategy to make them fall in line somewhat!

Its always a good news when hands are joined together for development.This tie will only help both the countries to grow further and ultimately the citizen of both the country will lead better lives.Thats whats needed.

Futher, I believe even the Chinese Ambassador to India stressed on People to People contact and that we need to build strong ties on that level.

Lets cut China some slack too, after all they are trying to work with India as well. if I am not wrong then there are now 9 universities in China who offer a course in Hindi as a language.

Futher, I believe even the Chinese Ambassador to India stressed on People to People contact and that we need to build strong ties on that level.

Lets cut China some slack too, after all they are trying to work with India as well. if I am not wrong then there are now 9 universities in China who offer a course in Hindi as a language.


Both the countries have realised the importance of friendship or rather peaceful co-operation....countries like China and India are mature enough to understand the importance of co-operation for the purpose of developemnt.:tup:
Chinese president to forget past, take relations with India 'to new high'

Saibal Dasgupta, TNN, Apr 1, 2010, 08.03pm IST

BEIJING: Chinese president Hu Jintao on Thursday told Indian President Pratibha Patil that China looks at its relationship with India as one of its "most important bilateral ties". It is Beijing’s established policy to develop a long-term and stable strategic cooperative partnership with India.

Hu sent a message to the Indian President to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. He specifically mentioned the "new century" in the context of the growing relationship suggesting that China was ready to look ahead without being influenced by the 1962 war.

He also called for "strategic cooperative partnership for peace and prosperity". As emerging developing countries, China and India are facing common tasks and challenges, and broadly share a similar set of interests and responsibilities, he said.

China’s official media said Patil responded with similar sentiments saying India wants to take the relationship to a new high. The constantly growing relationship between India and China is of global and strategic significance. It is conducive to the peace and stability of Asia and the world at large, she said.

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao sent another message to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh saying the two countries have a lot to share and learn from each other. This is how both nations can improve cooperation and bring about greater economic development.

Singh responded with a message saying that a mature bilateral relationship between India and China would serve the interest of both countries. He expressed confidence about further growth in India-China relationship, the Chinese official media reported.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang specifically mentioned the border dispute while stressing that the two countries have reached an agreement on a set of political parameters to settle it.

"We hope and are willing to join hands with India to further enhance the strategic mutual trust to boost the mutual beneficial cooperation," he said.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also exchanged messages with S.M. Krishna, the Indian external affairs minister, who is due to visit Beijing from March 5.

In his message, Hu said close cooperation would benefit not only the two countries but also prove to be conducive to regional and global peace. China wants to join hands with India to deal with various global challenges and protect the interests of the developing countries, he said.
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