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Chinese Incursion On Indian Flag Industry: Huge Demand for Tricolours ‘Made In China’

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And how do you know that?

Have you ever tried actually researching stuff, or this comes out of plain ignorance?

Do you know that today, workers leaving jobs frequently is one of the biggest problems for businesses? That in low end factories, almost half of the work force never returns after the Chinese new year?

Please try to inform yourself more before humiliating yourself.

Have seen a lots of article .
Including safe net in high rise building to prevent suicide .
So keep that BS to yourselves .
In India you have thousands trade unions and in China ,CCP ,decides and that will happen .
Have seen a lots of article .
Including safe net in high rise building to prevent suicide .
So keep that BS to yourselves .
In India you have thousands trade unions and in China ,CCP ,decides and that will happen .

Do you decide your views regarding India, Modi, Kashmir on news articles?
He is only famous for that 2012 supa powa outside....
It is a popular joke in Chinese websites....
This is not a regional forum within one country.....

What is your eligibility to mock a great man like APJ Abdul Kalam ?
Your only qualifications is this PHD in trolling in this PDF .
That man was developed the fundamental base of ISRO and Indian Missile Program .

So before judging him ,you should ask you are you nearly qualified to do that ?

Do you decide your views regarding India, Modi, Kashmir on news articles?

Stay on topic .
Or dont bother to quote me.
Including safe net in high rise building to prevent suicide .

That safety net article was purpose written to malign China. Foxconn is a big factory with millions of workers. With such a large installation, some suicides are bound to happen. But despite that, they installed them so that their name is not muddled.

In India you have thousands trade unions and in China ,CCP ,decides and that will happen .

Yes you have trade unions. But this doesn't mean that they work for benefit.

Stay on topic .
Or dont bother to quote me.

It is the topic. You are saying that you have read some articles from westerners about Chinese labor conditions.

So then this means that you rely on the credibility of media, and what they write.

I am sure you would disagree with me when it comes to Modi, Kashmir, and India in general.

This means that you are selectively choosing to believe articles on China, but don't believe them when it comes to Modi.
That safety net article was purpose written to malign China. Foxconn is a big factory with millions of workers. With such a large installation, some suicides are bound to happen. But despite that, they installed them so that their name is not muddled.

Yes you have trade unions. But this doesn't mean that they work for benefit.

It is the topic. You are saying that you have read some articles from westerners about Chinese labor conditions.

So then this means that you rely on the credibility of media, and what they write.

I am sure you would disagree with me when it comes to Modi, Kashmir, and India in general.

This means that you are selectively choosing to believe articles on China, but don't believe them when it comes to Modi.

There are several such big factories in other parts of the world but noone seems used net for protection .
There is not such selectivness in my appraoch .As long as they are totally opaque in their dealing s we dont have to trust their words.
There are several such big factories in other parts of the world but noone seems used net for protection .
There is not such selectivness in my appraoch .As long as they are totally opaque in their dealing s we dont have to trust their words.

No there aren't. There aren't "several" such factories in the world, which employ hundreds of thousands of people.

And yes, you are selective. Any one with half honesty to see the truth can see it.

Also, as for safety nets, you are viewing things from a perspective that is both western, and biased against China. China is no heavenly angel in worker safety, or living conditions. But it's factories are a hell lot better than India's.

There is some reason why China's workers earn 5 times as much as India's.

There are several such big factories in other parts of the world but noone seems used net for protection .
There is not such selectivness in my appraoch .As long as they are totally opaque in their dealing s we dont have to trust their words.

Let's read what westerners write about India.


Some quotes:

Physical and verbal abuse is rife, while female workers who fail to meet impossible targets say they are berated, called "dogs and donkeys", and told to "go and die". Many workers who toil long hours in an attempt to support their families on poverty wages claim they are cheated out of their dues by their employers.
No there aren't. There aren't "several" such factories in the world, which employ hundreds of thousands of people.

And yes, you are selective. Any one with half honesty to see the truth can see it.

Also, as for safety nets, you are viewing things from a perspective that is both western, and biased against China. China is no heavenly angel in worker safety, or living conditions. But it's factories are a hell lot better than India's.

There is some reason why China's workers earn 5 times as much as India's.
You should understand, 10% indians who can speak English have few ideas of the living standards and working conditions of the remaining 90%....
If indians wanted to truly develop they could have learnt a lot from the Chinese model of development. Also from mistakes.

Instead of wasting energies on constantly beratting the achievements of their neighbour they should look inside themselves.

At one hand they claim so high of their so called democracy and at the other they appologise for this...saying that it is because of democracy that they are not developing.

If this was to be truth then the entire western world would be like india.

So, dear indians, please spend your energies on your own development. You should be worried about more than half a billion people living in subhuman conditions without any hope for a better future.

Do you even see that?

Is it your culture?

Or is it the bad karma of these poor souls to be born in india?
There is not such slave thing in a democratic nation .
Save CCP propoganda to yourselves .

I was talking about sweat shops in China .
Who knows what is going on there ?

get out the deluded slum for your cow's sake``:lol:

it is a phenomenon that very government should against``however your high caste fuedal lords are quite happy to keep that tradition```I have loads photos of them while was in India``do you want to have a glance`? oh``I forgot, you are from there```you probably think its not slavery
I was talking about sweat shops in China .
Who knows what is going on there ?

What "sweat shops" in China are you talking about? Care to share some info that you based your accusation on? In the meantime, do you agree the those flag factories that paid their workers $0.20 an hour, or less than half of the official minimum pay are "Sweat Shops"?

It seems India's "minimum wage law" only applies to so called "Organized Sectors" or "Formal Sectors" that only employ 10-15% of India workforce, the rest are laboring in "informal sectors" where the law does not apply?
You should understand, 10% indians who can speak English have few ideas of the living standards and working conditions of the remaining 90%....

Here goes my "two India's theory". The "first India" consists of 10% of Indians who work in "Formal Sectors" and get regular salary, and they speak English and have the Internet connection. These Indians are interested in topics like when India will be a Superpower.

In the meantime, 80-90% of Indian workforce are working in "Second Indian" of "Informal Sectors" or farms, where people are struggling to put meals on the table, or hanging their necks on the next monsoon. These Indians do not speak English and have no Internet connection. They are often excluded from official Governmental statistics, and the Minimum Salary Law does not apply to them. In most part, they Do Not have their voice on Internet.

All of our Indian friends on PDF belong to the "First India".
Here goes my "two India's theory". The "first India" consists of 10% of Indians who work in "Formal Sectors" and get regular salary, and they speak English and have the Internet connection. These Indians are interested in topics like when India will be a Superpower.

In the meantime, 80-90% of Indian workforce are working in "Second Indian" of "Informal Sectors" or farms, where people are struggling to put meals on the table, or hanging their necks on the next monsoon. These Indians do not speak English and have no Internet connection. They are often excluded from official Governmental statistics, and the Minimum Salary Law does not apply to them. In most part, they Do Not have their voice on Internet.

All of our Indian friends on PDF belong to the "First India".
@Bussard Ramjet Do you belong to the First India?

What "sweat shops" in China are you talking about? Care to share some info that you based your accusation on? In the meantime, do you agree the those flag factories that paid their workers $0.20 an hour, or less than half of the official minimum pay are "Sweat Shops"?

It seems India's "minimum wage law" only applies to so called "Organized Sectors" or "Formal Sectors" that only employ 10-15% of India workforce, the rest are laboring in "informal sectors" where the law does not apply?
India's legal system and political system is a total joke.
If indians wanted to truly develop they could have learnt a lot from the Chinese model of development. Also from mistakes.

Instead of wasting energies on constantly beratting the achievements of their neighbour they should look inside themselves.

At one hand they claim so high of their so called democracy and at the other they appologise for this...saying that it is because of democracy that they are not developing.

If this was to be truth then the entire western world would be like india.

So, dear indians, please spend your energies on your own development. You should be worried about more than half a billion people living in subhuman conditions without any hope for a better future.

Do you even see that?

Is it your culture?

Or is it the bad karma of these poor souls to be born in india?

It is related to capacity to learn from the success of others, rather than mocking, belittling, or being jealous of, them.

China has been a constant learner of Japanese, Korean and Singaporean experience in terms of production, logistics and public services. My supervisor here in TW has overseen an entire collection of academic articles on Mainland China's adaptation/learning of Korean and Singaporean public management such as urban development, landscaping, waste management and citizen hotlines/services.

India (and to lesser degree PH and VN) seem to be incapable of learning but only of bickering. Look at that Vietnamese member's thread on ARJ21, quoting blog-like hate-filled overtly-racist anti-Asian (which is, by extension, an insult to Vietnamese intellect, as well) articles. And, to add insult to the wound, he seems to be bragging on US or European success in aviation to (from his little world) belittle China's constant struggle for development and progress.

China needs to treat these countries only as dirty outsourcing centers; our center of gravity must stay east-bound, toward Japan and Korea in terms of industrial and public policy perspectives.
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It is related to capacity to learn from the success of others, rather than mocking, belittling, or being jealous of them.

China has been a constant learner of Japanese, Korean and Singaporean experience in terms of production, logistics and public services. My supervisor here in TW has overseen an entire collection on Mainland China's adaptation/learning of Korean and Singaporean public management such as urban development, landscaping, waste management and citizen hotlines/services.

India (and to lesser degree PH and VN) seem to be incapable of learning but only of bickering. Look at that Vietnamese member's thread on ARJ21, quoting blog-like hate-filled overtly-racist anti-Asian (which is, by extension, and insult to Vietnamese intellect) articles. And, to add insult to the wound, he seems to be bragging on US or European success in aviation to (from his little world) belittle China's constant struggle for development and progress.

China needs to treat these countries only as dirty outsourcing centers; our center of gravity must stay east-bound, toward Japan and Korea in terms of industrial and public policy perspectives.

My dear brother, China learnt from every one...even today China is learning. If I recall correctly premier Zhou Enlai went to Pak in the early 60s or late 50s and was impressed with industrial progress being made by the Iron brother. At that time China was dirt poor.

It is a great Virtue to learn from anyone / everyone. How else will can we progress?

The point you made is all the product of idealogy. How people look at life.

All I see is an idealogy of our southern friends which is deeply rooted in sense of superiority and entitlement. They are blind to the fact that the for progress nations have to work hard and long. Their invented mythologies are not going to change realities on the ground.

Anyhow, its their lives. As long their idealogy is limited to their own lives then none of our problem.

The Chinese people must not feel arrogant and think that they have arrived. There is long way to go to become fully developed.

Thosse countries who see win-win paradigm will benefit from China's development. Just as Pak has fully committed with China's future through CPEC. Others on OBOR are joining. Waiting for Turkey to fully join OBOR and SCO. Then the integeration of eurasia will take a more solid step.

Let us see how things unfold.
@Bussard Ramjet Do you belong to the First India?

Pretty much.
But this two India's theory is a gross simplification of stuff. At the highest end, where people are rich and educated, people don't care about India too much. At the lower end though, people do care about Nationalism. They may not know anything about what makes a superpower etc. But they take as gospel truth what is said by local media.

In my college, and in most premium colleges of India, the government is actually worried that no one cares about India a lot. Nationalism is pretty deficient.

India's legal system and political system is a total joke.

No to India's legal system.

India's legal system is top notch. It has it's limitations, but they are owing to practical problems, and not systemic.

Our judiciary is independent, active, and pretty much works for everyone.
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