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Chinese general: We are no match for USA

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heres the difference: after we won our independence from the mongols, we got our revenge by burning their capital down and slaughtering them.

you never got revenge on the Mughals.

Is anything really that important?
and what did you do to the japs after they slaughtered your men?
those were different times and these are different.
The mughals administered the country well...and they were tolerant
It is not whether China, India, Russia, x, y,z, can defend themsleves or not.

It is for the fact that it now on record that Chinese are no match for USA

This story is irrelevant for me for another reason is that china matching usa does not concern india. what matters is that if india is any match for china and if not, then in how much time we will be.

We indians should not get inflated with happiness just coz china is no match for usa. i will be happier when china will be no match for india but i dont see it happening in next 40 yrs time. so for now, let us work hard and turn our nation into a strong one.
most asian countries are defensive in nature but that does not mean one cannot attack.

Is there any Asian country that matches the offensive capabilities of the US? :no:

Perhaps Russia is the only country capable of militarily matching against the US.
Is there any Asian country that matches the offensive capabilities of the US? :no:

Perhaps Russia is the only country capable of militarily matching against the US.

just give me a clear answer on this, why any asian country needs offensive capabilities like US.
The Mughals controlled Delhi right up to 1857. The hindu Maratha confederacy expanded rapidly but then collapsed just two generations later. They were never able to conquer Delhi, nevermind taking back the original hindu heartland -- the hindus river valley.

History of Delhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please don't exhibit your utter ignorance .... by telling Indians about Indian history.

Just to enlighten you ..... there is an Akbar road and Shahjahan road in the heart of Delhi.

We call Akbar as Akbar, the Great.

Akbar actually encouraged development of Indian culture .... even started a new religion Din-e-Ilahi.

Mughals =/= Mongols.

India is not anti-Islam.

In fact, India absorbs and respects all major world religions ... incl a lot which actually were born in India.

Now, Shoo.. go away. And hide behind your chinese wall. Whatever it did to save you from Mongols or Japanese.
Is anything really that important?
and what did you do to the japs after they slaughtered your men?
those were different times and these are different.
The mughals administered the country well...and they were tolerant

unfortunately the age of revenge is over, so we can probably never get revenge on Japan.

sometimes I'm jealous of the US military power. whoever attacked them gets beaten into a pulp, and if you get attacked by them, you only have 50/50 odds of surviving.
heres the difference: after we won our independence from the mongols, we got our revenge by burning their capital down and slaughtering them.

Really? What was their capital that you burned down? How many Mongols did you slaughter?

What was the ratio to the Chin cities burned down and the Chin killed by the Mongols?

you never got revenge on the Mughals.

The Mughals had been limited to a 10 KM radium a 100 years before the British rule came to India. They were utterly destroyed.

In the end, almost all Mughal men were killed and all women were working as prostitutes in Delhi. The elder ones were reduced to being bauds.

The Mughals had it really bad in the end. ;)
In chinese text books the Mughals people are writed to be mongols,I wonder whether it's true.
yes that s correct for some one like you that s still living in that period you serious need upgrade man
What should he upgrade ? VN just rammed China ship , and Mr. vice president has to have an emergency visit to VietNam and seek for peaceful negotiation ??
In chinese text books the Mughals people are writed to be mongols,I wonder whether it's true.

No need to wonder .. anymore.

Use wikipedia (assuming it's no longer banned in China).

Another trivia ... Akbar married a rajput princess. And there's a great Bollywood film about it (Jodha-Akbar).
unfortunately the age of revenge is over, so we can probably never get revenge on Japan.

sometimes I'm jealous of the US military power. whoever attacked them gets beaten into a pulp, and if you get attacked by them, you only have 50/50 odds of surviving.

I would like India to keep on investing in Navy.

Induct an Aircraft Carrier every 3 Years.

We should reach a position like Russia where the West would think even before Pissing us!
Because that would be absurd. The 20-yr gap is an optimistic speculation. Was it based upon technology only? Or how about currently deployed technology? What about technologies that are on the cusp between development and deployment? The USAF's best, the F-22, took over a decade of development. Now comes the time of deployment and with it, research and development of tactics to exploit its best qualities. That is an intangible that at best extremely difficult to quantify and can only be experienced, even as a spectator. So how long will it take the J-20 to complete its development? How long will it take the PLAAF to refine the current air doctrines to best exploits its best qualities? The J-20 is effectively China's first unassisted fighter in development. China has no foundation of/from low radar observable platforms in order to find out how to best exploit its best qualities. The PLAAF will be like US with the F-117. And I could go on and on...

Sorry, but the 30-40 yr gap estimate is more realistic.

This is not the correct way to look at it.

There are 3 primary factors that will decide the performance's of the J-20 and that is stealth, avionics and engine technology.

Stealth - China is now not where the US was with the F-117! The main reason for this is that China has simply looked at the F-22 and managed to save itself decades of experimentation by simply copying major parts of it's design into the J-20. The other fact is that the Chinese now have
massively powerful supercomputers to design optimal stealth shaping that was not around in the 1970s with the F-117.

Avionics - China has already produced AESA radars on both destroyers and AWACs aircraft. It more than likely has produced a miniaturised AESA radar for
the J-10B fighter. The AESA that is currently being developed for the J-20 may well turn out to be better than the one that the F-22 currently has.

Engine - While the WS-15 engine for the J-20 may well lack in longetivity and maybe fuel comsumption compared to what the F-119 has in the F-22,
what really matters as far as fighter performance is concerned is the amount of thrust that it generates at "normal" and reheat thrust. With China
producing 30,000Lb thrust Ws-10 engines by 2010, they should not have too much problems with getting an engine around the 40,000lb mark by the latter
part of this decade.

When the J-20 enters service, then China most probably would be around a decade behind the US in fighter technology.
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